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Diego Sandlin shares a story about crashing into an Enterprise truck.

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The Broken Chin

Griffin shares a story about grievous injury to his chin.

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A poem

Quinn H. shares a poem about the pitfalls of writing.

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Bicycling home from school

Jocelyn Iris shares a poem about Davis.

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Biking in the bike town

Isabella Ainsworth shares a story about biking in Davis.

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Davis ?

Nina Langley shares why she likes Davis.

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I Love Davis

Noah Longshore tells a story about his hockey team.

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Benjamin Jewell tells a story about fencing.

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Cookie Sell at the Farmer’s Market

Lucy Shauman tells a story about selling cookies at the Farmer’s Market.

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Biking in Davis

Gabriel H. tells us about biking in Davis.

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Tour of Davis

Hanna Richter shares a poem about Davis.

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Saturday in the Park

Anna Belenis shares a thrilling soccer experience.

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I Love Davis

Sebastian G. shares a poem about Davis.

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Picnic Day

Alexandra D. relates a fun experience with Jamba Juice.

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The Farmers Market

Hannah Siemens shares how much she likes Davis Farmer’s Market.

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