Teach Another Language to Kids
A Second-Language Enrichment Program for Young Children in Davis, California
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, FRENCH and SPANISH classes at six locations in Davis!
There's no time like early childhood to absorb a second language, as everyone knows. But in Davis, unless your child is enrolled in a language immersion program at school, they won't be given a chance to learn a second language in school until junior high school.
That's where TALK comes in!
TALK uses a play-based, full-immersion environment that takes advantage of children's natural ability to absorb language. Classes take place daily before school, when children's minds are fresh and ready to learn. As they participate in crafts, games, role playing and music in their target language, they develop vocabulary, language structure, and unwittingly begin to speak another language. It's like a daily immersion trip to another country!
For a glimpse into day-to-day TALK classrooms, please visit our blog at talkdavis.blogspot.com.
Spanish Classes Open to K-6th Grade
ASL & French Classes Open to TK-8th Grade
TALK registration is handled by the Davis Arts Center and can be done in-person at 1919 F Street, by phone at (530) 756-4100 or online at davisartscenter.org. Online registration is not available after classes start.
Contact us at talkprogram@hotmail.com for more info.