Before St. Martin’s
Vera Fontaine relates a humorous story of what happened when she played the organ at Episcopal Church service when it met in the Varsity Theater.
Submitted by: Vera Fontaine, 11/1/07
This entry relates to past and present
Category(ies) of this entry: Music, Churches, Businesses
The Episcopal church was built on Hawthorne Lane in the early
sixties. Prior to that, services were held for a time on Sunday
mornings in the Varsity Theater. I was called upon to provide
organ music for the services. A portable organ was placed on
wheels at the head of the right aisle. There was no seat, so I
stood to play. Time came for the service to start, and for me to
play the Prelude. I started. I did not count on either the
slope of the aisle nor the fact that the rollers were not equipped with
brakes. My hand pressure on the keys caused the organ to start moving,
and move it did, gaining momentum as it proceeded down the aisle with
me valiantly trying to keep up and keep the music going at the same
time. The organ and I ended up at the stage apron, much to the
amusement of the congregation. By the next Sunday brakes had
miraculously appeared on the trolley.