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The Richards Boulevard Underpass

Dave Anderson relates a first person story about mules going under the Richards Boulevard Underpass.

Submitted by:  David N. Anderson, June 2007
This entry relates to the past
Category(ies) of this entry:  Animals, Neighborhoods, History

At sometime in the 1970’s, I was returning to Sacramento from Klamath Fall, Oregon on a late afternoon flight.  Across the aisle from me was seated an elderly gentleman.  As usual, on flights I always get into some kind of conversation with my fellow passengers.  During our conversation, he discovered that I lived in Davis.  This led to the following story related by him.

“When I was a young man, I would periodically haul a load of hay from the town of Winters to a dairy in West Sacramento.  It took me all day to do this, and I would stay over night in West Sacramento and return the next day.  The trip was usually uneventful but with one exception, my passage through Davis.  Every time that the wagon passed through the Richards Underpass the mules would spook and I would have a devil of a time controlling them.”\

The underpass is still there and being used but not by mules pulling a wagon.  We have come a long way since then but with the exception of the adjacent bike tunnel, the underpass is still unchanged.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.