Biking In Davis
Penny shares a story about biking in Davis.
Submitted by Penny; 3rd grade 11/06
This story relates to the past, present.
Categories: Bicycles, Favorite things.
Bike riding in Davis is a lot of fun. On weekends my dad would take my sister and me bike riding. We would ride on the bike lane if there was one. If not we would ride on the side walk. Climbing big hills is a lot of work. Sometimes we would go to parks and sometimes we would ride and have fun. When cars come we try to stay next to the sidewalk. On rainy days we sometimes bring umbrellas and we sometimes use our helmets to keep out head from getting wet. When I was five years old we would bike around our apartment and play follow the leader. Biking down the big hill was fun but kind of scary. Biking in Davis is fantastic!