Torrey F. tells a story about some scary shadows.
Submitted by Torrey F.; 4th grade 10/08
This entry relates to the past.
Categories: Unforgettable experiences, animals.
“It was midnight.” I exclaimed to my friends. “The moon was
full like a pie that just came out of the oven.” I peek out the window
and saw three shadows, one was 2.11 feet, another was 11 in, and the
smallest was 9 in. I looked closer and I saw… I saw I saw… A mom
raccoon and her kits! I started at them and they started at me. I
waited for them to leave, but all they did was stare. Finally, the
raccoons stopped staring and picked some fruit from the orange tree and
rinsed it in the sprinklers. They ate and left. I said, “We never saw
them again.”