Olivia shares why Davis is so special to her.
Submitted by Olivia Coffman; 6th grade 11/07
This entry relates to the past, present.
Category: Favorite places.
Davis had many special places. There is the M.U. where you can bowl
or play arcade games. Something else you might want to do is go to the
Rocknasium where you can rock climb. DISC is another place to go.
Skating is fun and if it’s your birthday you can have a party to
celebrate. Then, there’s the Mondavi Center where you can see lots of
different shows. Some similar to Cirque de Soleil. The Arboretum is
nice and peaceful. You might want to watch the ducks or take a walk
there. Davis is famous for their bike paths. You can ride your bike but
you can also sit on a bench and enjoy the parks. Language and art
classes are fun to do at the Art Center. You can also take ballet,
other dance, and gymnastics in Davis. Those are some places to go and
activities to do in Davis.