El Apagon de luz en Davis
Katherine Macaulay relates a story about a day with her family.
Submitted by Katherine Macaulay; 2nd grade 10/08
This entry relates to the past.
Categories: Unforgettable experiences, favorite people.
One day my mom was making breakfast and all of the lights went out.
sister started to cry. Then I went to my sister's house with my dad.
friend came to babysit my little sister and me. My mom needed to go to
because she had a lot of work to do, and afterward she took me to
Burger". And I ate there with my family. I ate a lot. I like the food
"In-N-Out Burger". For dinner we went to a neighbor's house and
neighbor lives next to my house. And that night the lights weren’t on
in my
house and they weren't on when we went back to the house.
Spanish Version:
Un día mi mamá estaba preparando el desayuno y todas las luces se
Y mi hermana empezó a llorar. Entonces corrí a la habitación de mi
y mi papá también. Un amigo vino a cuidar a mi hermana y a mí. Mi
necesitaba ir a su trabajo porque tenia mucho trabajo y después me
trajo a
“In "N" out Burger”. Y comí allí con mi familia. Come muchas cosas. A
mi me
gusta la comida de “In `n´ out Burger”. A mi hermana te gusta ir a “In
out Burger”. Para la cena fuimos a la casa de un vecino y el vecino
adelante de mi casa. Y en la noche las luces no eran incendi.