Farmer’s Market
Natalie share a story about the Farmer’s Market.
Submitted by Natalie S.; 6th grade 11/07
This entry relates to the past, present.
Category: Favorite place.
One of the best things about Davis is the Farmer’s Market. In the summer, I look forward to every Wednesday evening. I love the entertainment – whether it is music, a magician, or a puppet show. Also, the food is really good. It is nice to have a large variety of food so there is always something that you feel like eating. The best thing about the Farmer’s Market though, is getting together with your family and friends. I think that is the best part because you can talk and play with them even if there is nothing to do. That is what makes the Farmer’s Market so special.
When I am at the Farmer’s Market I have lots of fun. At first, my
friends and I walk around and eat stuff for almost an hour. Then we run
on the grass and play on the play-structure. One of my favorite things
to do there is samples. Another thing that we like to do is go to the
rock-climbing wall that is set up there. I like to see how high I can
go and how much time it takes me. The Farmer’s Market is so much