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My Favorite Teacher

Taylor Kitchen shares a story about a teacher.

Submitted by Taylor Kitchen; 4th grade 10/08
This entry relates to the past.
Categories: Unforgettable experiences, favorite person.
I dashed to the phone! Therefore I knew it was my mom. She was calling to tell me what my teacher was. I wanted the teacher Mrs. Raney but my said I got Mrs. Burae. I wasn’t so thrilled but she said she was super nice! She told me some people in my class and I felt better. The first day of school was wonderful, my teacher was great and my friends were in my class!! I changed my mind big time that day.
We went in a circle and told each other names and got to know each other.
The year went by fast and we did reading groups, pizza parties, and we shared stories and toys. At the end of the year we did apple valley. I told my mom that I got the best teacher that year and I would never say I didn’t want a teacher again, because I had the best teacher that year!! Mrs. Burae 3rd grade!

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