My Injuries
Kevin L. shares stories about injuries acquired from monkey bars and bicycling.
Submitted by Kevin L.; 3rd grade 10/08
This entry relates to the past.
Categories: Bicycle, unforgettable experiences, growing up in
It started when I went for a bike ride with my father and sister, when
we were biking my sister went in a different road. I followed her and
fell into a bunch of rocks. When I got up my father helped me and we
went home. I don’t know when it was but I was playing on monkey bars
when I fell off. When I got up the bell rung and I went back to line. I
didn’t go to the office because I wanted to be strong. When I was in
class my wound was bleeding so I took a bandage and put it on my wound.
Several days later my injuries healed and I as happy.