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The M.U.

Cameron relates a story about the Davis M.U.

Submitted by Cameron M.; 6th grade 11/07
This entry relates to the past.
Category: Favorite places, unforgettable experiences.

My favorite place in downtown Davis is the M.U. The last time I was there it was at a friend’s birthday party, Loren. That day The M.U. was very crowded. At his birthday party we first went bowling for abut an hour then we had pizza, soda and cake. Once we finished the cake I played time crisis 3. I’m not very good at it, but I think it’s a fun game. I was playing it with Loren. We got amazingly far considering we both aren’t very good because we kept on adding coins after coins … The part ended at 5:00 pm and my dad came a little after 5:00 but he let me stay longer as long as it was okay with Loren’s parents. It was 5:30 and we were still playing the game then we ran out of coins, but I still had a fun time at the birthday party.

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