March 30, 2004
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Present: Peg Smith, Carla Lehn, Ann Reioux, Mary Velinsky, Ann Devereux, Dan Gonzales, Guy Michelier, Jane McLaughlin, Tsui Chang, Lee Groen, Mike Cawley, Paula Tripp, Renuka Mannapperuma, Cristina Gonzalez, Student Representative: Molly Sundstrom
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Guy Michelier.
Welcome/Remarks—Guy Michelier
—Guy welcomed everyone present.
—Guy circulated an invitation to attend Family Night at Marguerite Montgomery Elementary.
—The DHS Honor Society has asked for the PTA’s support in continuing with the school beautification project begun last fall. Mary Velinsky will contact Honor Society officers to assist with planning and publicizing a future event.
—On May 19 students and parents are invited to Humanities Hall from 7 to 9 p.m. to hear a presentation on applying to private colleges. Students may also attend a lunchtime presentation on May 20. Forms for requesting letters of recommendation required by private colleges will be handed out.
—Human Relations Week is March 29 through April 2.
Acceptance of March 2, 2004 Minutes
The minutes of the March 2, 2004 meeting were accepted by Guy
Student Representative Reports—Molly Sundstrom
—Brooke Agee has been elected ASB President for 2004-2005. Luthia Lee will be Vice-President. Daniel Choi will be Senior Class President.
—The junior class is looking into a fundraiser at the Davis Dog Stand in downtown Davis. Proceeds will be used for next year’s Senior Ball.
—Human Relations Week activities include speakers on Monday and Tuesday and school-wide assemblies on Wednesday and Thursday.
—Staff appreciation events are planned for Thursday and Friday.
—Publication of the Monday morning “Potty Press” has begun. Molly circulated the most recent edition. Response has been positive and plans are underway to expand to additional restrooms.
—Student government representatives attended a leadership conference
in San Diego.
Teacher Representative Report
No report was given.
Principal’s Report—Mike Cawley
—Mike presented a new sketch for the mural for the New Gym The artist has made changes in response to recent comments. Additional comments are welcome. The final project needs the approval of the Superintendent and probably will not be started before next year.
—Mike circulated a packet outlining the DJUSD policy on releasing student directory information.
—Mike is looking into sharing among the High School and the junior highs the $6,000 cost of a one-day presentation by a well-known consultant on bullying.
—The new instructional performing arts center will be comprised of
three buildings. The 10-classroom wing will be ready this fall. The
band and choir classroom building will be finished in early winter. The
500-seat auditorium should be ready next January or February.
Assistant Principals' Report—Dan Gonzales
Dan introduced himself. He is serving as interim Assistant
Principal. He continues to teach math and coach the boy's basketville
President’s Report—Guy Michelier for Lynda Yancher
- LCD Projector Update—Guy is working with Mike Cawley and Matt Best.
- Awards Update—Ann Devereux reported. The deadline for nominations for Outstanding Parent Volunteer and Outstanding Educator is May 1. A reminder to students appeared in the Daily Announcements. Reminders will also be in the upcoming Newsletter and sent out on the PTA listserv. Gail Heckemeyer and Jane McLaughlin will be interviewing students nominated for the Senior Scholarships and making the selections. The Career Center has sent a reminder to all teachers of the April 16 deadline for Senior Scholarship nominations.
- Nominations Process—Parlimentarian Lee Groen read Article V, Section 3 of the PTA by-laws into the minutes.
The nominating committee of Paula Tripp, Carla Lehn, Jan Agee and alternates Lee Groen and Peg Smith was elected unanimously.
The nominating committee’s report will be posted on the PTA listserv and the DHS Administrative Offices door 30 days in advance of the June 1 meeting. A notice will also appear in the Davis Enterprise.
- Review of By-Laws—The by-laws have been reviewed
and there are no changes. Peg Smith will follow-up to be sure that the
current by-laws are on file with the PTA’s 3rd District.
Treasurer's Report—Carla Lehn
Carla distributed a Treasurer’s Report for March 1 through March 27,
2004. Carla noted that a check for $66.32 from the
program has been received.
Auditor's Report—Carla Lehn for Pam Day
Carla circulated the Auditor’s Report prepared by Pam Day.
A motion to accept the audit was passed unanimously.
Counselors' Report—Carol Curinga
—Next year the application process for many colleges and universities, including the UCs and CSUs will be almost entirely on-line. Jan Meisel will assist DHS students who do not have internet access with their applications.
—GPAs for grade verification will now be sent on tape. A Social Security Number must be on file for identification purposes. The same is true for CAL Grants.
—The class of 2006 will be required to take the new SAT to be introduced in 2005.
—Walk-ins will be accepted at the May 1 SAT given on the DHS campus. Walk-ins should arrive one-half hour early.
—College Fair will be held at the UCD Rec Hall on May 10. One
hundred twenty schools will be represented.
Parent Representatives’ Reports
- Curriculum & Instruction—Tsui Chang noted that she has only received the September minutes for web posting. Mike Cawley will follow-up.
- Site Council—Jane McLaughlin reported that the Council is reviewing proposals for the Spring round of funding. She noted that requests for LCD projectors have been received by the Site Council.
- Superintendent's Parent Advisory—Peg Smith reported that budget discussions are continuing. Peg noted that a lot of funding is going to updating and modernization. A five member committee has been set up to explore the “hidden costs of education” —in particular how to make fundraising for extra-curricular activities more equitable so that participation can be more inclusive.
- English Learners—Cristina Gonzalez reported that the District English Learner Advisory Committee is planning for a Parent Education Fair. An unapproved proposal would have reduced the DELAC budget by one-third. DELAC has requested that in the future it be notified of budget proposals affecting its activities. Cristina noted that there is no public transportation from the Migrant Center to downtown Davis.
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Newsletter—Mary Velinsky thanked all the Newsletter volunteers and reported that the production and mailing of the March issue went well. The deadline for submissions to the May Newsletter is April 1.
- Volunteers—Renuka Mannapperuma reported that a request for STAR proctors has been sent out over the PTA listserv.
- Listserver—Tsui Chang reported that the PTA Media Listserver is up and running. Mike Cawley will see that the dates for DHS registration/orientation are distributed to the junior highs.
- Hospitality—A St. Patrick’s Day event for teachers and staff took place.
No other committee reports were given.
Other Business
Tsui Chang gave the names of parents willing to volunteer next year
(received through the website) to the Nominating Committee.
Peg Smith reported that DJUSD students will be participating with
the UCD Symphony in the cross-generational Wenberg Concert at 2:30 p.m.
on April 25 at the Mondavi Center.
The meeting was adjourned by Guy Michelier at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.