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December 2, 2003


Parent Teacher Association Meeting

Present: Renee Liston, Carla Lehn, Cristina González, Jane McLaughlin, Melinda Zimmerman, Tsui Chang, Lynda Yancher, Renuka Mannapperuma, Mike Cawley, Pam Mari, Steve Legé, Grace McCloud, Guy Michelier, Sonia Rinkus, Gail Heckemeyer, Catherine Louie, Linda Cacciato, Alison Roe, Jean Meyer, Joanne Moylan-Aube, Ann Devereux, Student Representatives: Tanvir Kapoor, Molly Sundstrom

Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Renee Liston.

Welcome—Renee Liston

Renee welcomed everyone present.

Acceptance of November 4, 2003 Minutes

The minutes of the November 4, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee Liston.

President's Report—Renee Liston

  • Recap on November 24 Beautification Day—Student members of the Future Business Leaders of America joined students from the Honor Society, Future Farmers of America and the DHS Garden Club at a second campus beautification workday November 24 to perform general clean-up and landscape maintenance activities and plant flowers on the DHS campus. The event was covered in the Davis Enterprise. The DJUSD grounds crew members expressed their appreciation and supported the student efforts by clearing away the piles of leaves, weeds, and rubbish. Renee noted that similar workdays will be scheduled in the Spring. The students and the PTA hope to make DHS campus beautification a semi-annual event.
  • Thank yous re: Wish Lists—Renee received a student-designed thank-you note from Lynette Diem for PTA funding of a new scanner for the Graphics/Arts classes. Sally Ryen sent thanks for the PTA donation to support publication of the Hub.
  • New Letters for Announcement Sign—Renee noted that the letters for the announcement sign at the corner of West 14th and Oak Avenue are in disrepair and offered to provide PTA funds to replace them. The Associated Student Body and, in particular, Molly Sundstrom, is in charge of updating the sign and changing the letters on a regular basis. Molly reported that the ASB is in agreement that new letters need to be purchased; the sign, as it is, is an embarrassment. Mike Cawley will research the cost and let Renee know prior to the next PTA meeting.
  • Thank yous to PTA Donors over $100—Renee sent personal notes of thanks to the seven DHS families that sent donations of over $100 to the PTA in response to the Fall registration packet request.

Treasurer’s Report—Carla Lehn

Carla distributed a Treasurer’s Report for November 4 through November 30, 2003. Carla noted that state and national PTA dues totaling $3,640.50 ($3.55 per $8.00 membership) were paid.

Student Representative Reports

Senior Class—Nahid Abdali (per blackboard notes)

  • The deadline for senior t-shirts has been extended to December 5. The senior class officers are in charge of selecting the design and ordering the shirts.
  • The seniors are working with Anne Marquez of the Teen Center to plan and a present a Senior Ball Fashion Show featuring DHS student models as a fundraiser. Local tuxedo and prom dress shops have been contacted. Prom-related raffle prizes are being solicited from local businesses. The proposed date will be February 21 or March 13. Parent help will be needed.
  • Suggestions for additional fundraising to support senior activities (senior t-shirts, Bogus Ball, Senior Ball) are being solicited. Parents interested in helping with fundraising activities should contact the senior class officers.

Junior Class—Molly Sundstrom

The Junior Prom Planning committee met four times over Thanksgiving break. The Prom is Saturday, December 13 from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight in the DHS Multi-Purpose Room. The theme is “Come Away with Me” from the song by Norah Roberts. The color scheme is black and silver. The MPR will be decorated as an outdoor garden with a gazebo. Over 225 tickets have been sold. Tickets may be purchased at the door.

Sophomore Class—Tanvir Kapoor

Sophomores have met the last three Wednesday to plan the Friday, February 13 dance. Three themes are being considered: horror (Friday the 13th), traditional Valentine’s Day, and Jazz Age/Swing. An informal survey of sophomores is being taken to determine the most popular theme. Results will be discussed at a class meeting next week.

Student Government—Molly Sundstrom

A committee for community service projects has been formed. DHS students will be assisting at the Davis Art Center Secret Store December 5, 6 and 7. Students will be helping out Tuesday, December 9 at a holiday party at the University Retirement Community. A family recommended by the Short Term Emergency Action Coalition will be adopted for holiday giving.

Principal’s Report—Mike Cawley

  • A $50,000 school-to-career grant from the State of California will be used to support a number of activities including Pathway Days (facility rental, release time for teachers, speakers from NASA), field trips, Mock Trial, job shadowing, career days and feeder programs in Art and Music (Emerson) and Robotics (Holmes) as well as guest speakers at the junior highs.
  • Mike thanked Renee for the PTA’s part in organizing the campus beautification workdays and noted that the appearance of the DHS campus is noticeably improved.
  • DHS girls won Section Champion titles in Tennis, Water Polo, and Cross-Country Running. DHS boys were runners-up for the Section Champion in Cross-Country Running.

Assistant Principals’ Report—Pam Mari

Pam reported the following for Patrick Donlon:

  • Parents are asked not to call DHS asking for students to be taken out of class for appointments. Students should bring written requests from parents to the Office in the morning before school begins.
  • Safety Week begins next Tuesday, December 9. Students will receive orientation to all the safety drills. Actual drills will follow over the next few days. Procedures for fire, civil disturbance (shelter in place/lock-down), “teacher down”, and earthquake/ natural disaster (including toxic spills) will be reviewed and practiced.

Pam reported on the “New Technology High School” (new name to be selected) that is scheduled to open next Fall in the T-building on the DHS campus. The school will be funded by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the federal government. Enrollment of approximately 200 will be open to 11th graders and incoming 10th graders. The school will feature a project-based curriculum with an “entirely different delivery system” in a small learning community environment. Teacher training and support will be provided by the Gates Foundation. The Foundation is developing a list of successful projects for curriculum development based on California State Standards. Various committees and focus groups are being formed to gather input from all interested parties. The Davis School Board will name a director for the school on December 18. Potential students and their parents will be provided with information on the new school-within-a-school by February 1 prior to master schedule planning. The school is scheduled to move to its own site on the UCD campus within three years.

Counselors' Report—Jean Meyer

  • College Night for junior students and their parents will be March 11, 2004 not February 5 as stated in the Student Planner. Junior parents will receive invitations in the mail.
  • The Choices program for sophomore students begins this week.
  • Turnout at the Student Success Workshop was low due to mishandling of the mailed invitations. The invitations were sent with first-class postage but were treated as bulk mail resulting in delayed delivery.
  • The After-school Program is going well and drop-ins are welcome.
  • A decision on the UCD High-Potential Program has not yet been reached due to UCD budget concerns. If the Program is available next year January 2004 SAT scores will be accepted with applications for admission.

Teacher Representative Report—Steve Legé

  • Steve thanked the PTA Hospitality Committee for the Thanksgiving treats (pie-bake-off).
  • Steve accompanied Pam Mari to New Technology High in Napa to observe the project-based learning environment.

PTA Website Policy—Renee Liston

Renee distributed a draft of a proposed policy for booster club and parent support group hyperlinks from the PTA website. Discussion followed. The proposed policy was referred back to the DHS PTA Website Committee (Tsui Chang, Renee Liston, Jane McLaughlin, and Guy Michelier) for revision.

Parent Representatives’ Reports

  • Site Council—Jane McLaughlin reported that the Council is accepting teachers’ funding requests for project proposals that support at-risk students. Jane will provide specifics on the funding (from carry-over money) in the next Newsletter.
  • District English Language Advisory—Cristina González reported that she is familiarizing herself with the mission of the Committee. Cristina asked for information on the DHS Site Bilingual Parent Committee. Pam Mari will have Lili Floyd, DHS teacher sponsor contact Cristina.

No other parent representative reports were given.

Committee Reports

  • Membership—Guy Michelier reported that to date, DHS PTA memberships are 224 individual, 790 family and 13 staff, comprising a total of 1,027 members (assumes 2 per family membership).
  • Volunteers—Renuka Mannapperuma reported that she has been notified that the junior parents will be finding volunteer chaperones for the Junior Prom.
  • Hospitality—Lynda Yancher reported that the Thanksgiving pie bake-off on November 19 was well-received. Lynda noted that the next Hospitality event would be to provide breakfast for the December 9 staff meeting. Mike Cawley mentioned that the students were planning a pancake breakfast for the staff that morning. Lynda offered to support the students in a joint event. Mike and Lynda will pursue this idea.

No other committee reports were given.

Other Business

There was no other business.


There were no announcements.

The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.