September 2, 2003
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
September 2, 2003
Present: Renee Liston, Ralph Villanueva, Beth Katsaris, Kitty Hudson, Ann Reioux, Mary R. Velinsky, Grace McCloud, Claire Black Slotton, Alison Roe, Sally Ryen, Kathy Freeman, Lee Groen, Marc Braverman, Sue Fuller, Evelyn Hodson, Jane McLaughlin, Melinda Zimmerman, Bob Livingston, Jill Theg, Elsa Ruiz-Durán, Jim Provenza, Donna Provenza, Susan Cosio, Sonya Rinkus, Paula Tripp, Linda Cacciato, George Pateña, Janet Thompson, Monica Rowland, Jenny Hing, Carla Kennedy, Erin Sheeran, Joni Klein, Naomi Chen, Penny Ayers, Toni Malone, Gail Heckemeyer, Tsui Chang, Paula Yang, Suzanne Coutchié, Jean Lund, Heidi Loper, Mike Cawley, Ann Devereux, Carla Lehn, Lynda Yancher, and Class Representatives: Molly Sundstrom, Sarah Crumley, and Tanvir Kapoor
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Renee Liston.
Welcome and Introductions—Renee Liston
Attendees introduced themselves. Renee welcomed everyone present.
Acceptance of May 13, 2003 Minutes
The minutes of the May 13, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee
President’s Report—Renee Liston
- Remaining Board Vacancies—Renee distributed the current PTA Roster
and noted vacant positions. Parent representatives are needed for the
Curriculum & Instruction and GATE Advisory Committees. Renee asked
anyone interested in volunteering to contact her for additional
Penny Ayers volunteered to assist Guy Michelier with the Student Directory.
- September PTA Newsletter Expense/Bulk Mail Update—Renee noted that
September Newsletters were sent to all incoming sophomore families and
all DHS families that have not signed up for an on-line Newsletter. The
Newsletters were sent by first-class mail at a postage cost of
approximately $850 (more than twice the cost of bulk mail postage ) to
ensure that they would be received prior to the beginning of school.
Renee wondered if it was worth the expense and asked for comments. Two
parents spoke in favor of the early mailing, noting that receiving the
Newsletter made them feel welcome and enabled them to plan in advance
for some of the meetings and activities noted in the Newsletter.
Renee noted that Newsletters will be sent by bulk mail for the remainder of the year. The goal is for DHS families to receive the Newsletter by the 20th of the preceding month. Accordingly the deadlines for Newsletter submissions have been moved up to the first Thursday of the month.
This year the Newsletter will be printed by Kinko’s, which has a national program that offers PTAs a discount on Newsletter printing. In addition, Barb Levin, Mailings Coordinator, has asked the Newsletter Labeling Committee to fold and staple the Newsletters in order to save the PTA $2,000/year in additional expense. Renee noted that the PTA will purchase an electric stapler for any member of the Committee who submits a request.
- Survival Guide Update—Renee noted that Alison Roe has designed a new map of DHS for this year’s edition of the Survival Guide, which will be distributed to all sophomore students, as well as new 11th and 12th graders. Ralph Villanueva will confirm with Courteney Tessler that the Guides will be distributed as soon as possible. The cover of this year’s edition of the printed Guide is salmon pink. In addition, the Survival Guide is available online at the PTA website ( In response to a parent’s question, Renee noted that the map does not appear on the website for security reasons.
- PTA Meeting Schedule—Renee distributed a 2003–2004 schedule. PTA meetings will take place on the first Tuesday of the month. The final PTA meeting will be in May 2004.
- Back to School Night-Back to School Night will take place on September 15. Two members of the Davis School Board, Marty West and Don Saylor, will be on the DHS campus from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. to hand out information and answer questions about Measure N.
- Thank You Letters—Renee read thank you letters from Sherri Sandburg
Ransom, recipient of an Outstanding Educator of the Year Award for
2002–2003 and Meilee Wong, a student recipient of one of last year’s
Senior Scholarships.
Treasurer’s Report—Carla Lehn
- Carla distributed a Year Report for 2002–2003, a Proposed Budget
for 2003–2004, and a Treasurer’s Report for July 1 through September 2,
A motion to approve the proposed budget for 2003–2004 was passed unanimously.
- Carla will change the expense description “Membership Dues” to reflect that this item represents the money the local PTA pays to the state and national organizations.
- Carla noted that information on the Schoolpop Program was
distributed in the September Newsletter. The DHS PTA earns a percentage
of the purchases made by members through the Schoolpop online shopping
site. There are several well-known companies participating in the
program, so before you shop, check Schoolpop!
Student Representative Reports
- The first student dance will take place September 19. Students are developing a theme.
- Student Government is sponsoring a barbecue on September 15 prior to Back to School Night. It will begin at 6:00 p.m.
- Student Government will sponsor a “Welcome Rally” during 4th period on September 17.
- Homecoming will be October 17. Our opponent will be the Will C. Wood Bobcats. A planning meeting open to all students will be announced later this month. This year the floats will be built on the DHS campus. Each class will sponsor a float but the classes will work together.
- All classes are planning fundraisers.
- Student Government thanked the PTA for including a request for donations to help cover the cost of this year’s Student Planners in the registration packet. Planners are distributed to all students and staff. The cost (around $7,500) is the largest expense in the ASB budget and is only partially offset by advertising. To date, the PTA has received $2,275.00 in donations to be turned over to the ASB for Student Planner expenses.
- Ann Reioux commended the students on the video bulletins they have
produced and suggested that they present one at a future PTA
Principal’s Report—Mike Cawley
- Mike is developing a newsletter (“Blue Devil Tales”) for DHS staff.
- Mike thanked Sharon Hallberg and the library staff as well as the many parent volunteers who assisted in checking out over 12,000 textbooks in the first week of school.
- Mike thanked the PTA for providing treats for the teachers and staff on the first day of school.
- Mike has visited every classroom. The Assistant Principals are also making classroom visits.
- Amelia Diaz (Spanish) had a baby boy August 28. She will return to teaching in mid-October. Katie Romportl has been hired to teach French 2.
- Dress code enforcement is in the “education phase” until September 9. Students are being given “friendly reminders” concerning appropriate on-campus attire. When the dress code is enforced T-shirts will be provided to students to cover or replace offending clothing.
- Parking enforcement has begun with tickets being issued to students parking in “Staff Only” spaces.
- The first Collaboration Day will take place next Tuesday, September 9.
- Student Government will present a short program in the Gym at 7:00
p.m. on Back to School Night September 15. Parents and guardians will
then visit classrooms according to their students’ schedules.
Assistant Principals’ Report—Heidi Loper
- Heidi distributed copies of the DHS dress code. Beginning September 9 students will be given a small card (to be placed in the student file) noting any violations of the code. Consequences of first offense: call home, change of clothing, warning. Second offense: add detention. Third offense: suspension for continued defiance of school rules.
- A particular effort will be made this year to reduce single period absences. All excused absences must be cleared as soon as possible. Unexcused absences will result in after school or lunch period detentions.
- Heidi will be attending the Sophomore Parent Meeting on September 24 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting location will announced shortly.
- Heidi thanked all the parents and guardians who volunteered at
registration. The process went very smoothly. The collection of the
Acceptable Use Policy forms at registration will enable students to
start right in with library research and computer use.
Counselors’ Report—Ralph Villanueva
- Ralph thanked the PTA for helping with expenses (yearbooks, Grad Night tickets, cap and gowns) for last year’s senior students who otherwise could not afford them.
- The counselors have been working on schedule adjustments since August 19. Around 1,100 changes have been made to date. Friday September 5 is the last day to add a class. The counselors recommend that students hang in with their tough classes. The last day to drop a class is October 31.
- Ralph noted that students should have completed 170–180 credits by the beginning of the senior year.
- Tutoring will be available on campus during lunch Monday through Thursday in room S-10. An after school tutoring program will be available for students who have received Ds and Fs. Sign-ups are on a first come, first served basis. Tutoring is also available at Third & B and the Counseling Office has a list of private tutors.
- Counselors will be available during lunch period on September 24 and 25 to help seniors with UC admissions applications. The location will be announced shortly.
- A parent inquired about the process for making a complaint
concerning verbal abuse of students by a teacher. Mike Cawley asked the
parent to contact him or an Assistant Principal if the parent feels
uncomfortable discussing the matter directly with the teacher.
Teacher Representative Report—Sally Ryen
- Sally thanked the counselors and administrators for contributing to a smooth start to the school year.
- Sally noted in order to avoid layoffs many teachers have been asked to teach outside of their normal areas of expertise.
- Sally has been very encouraged by the incoming sophomore class. Students are using their planners, asking questions, dressing appropriately and acting respectfully in class.
- Teachers will meet as a group before Sally’s next report.
Parent Representatives’ Reports
- Special Education Advisory—Suzanne Coutchié
circulated an announcement for the MIND Institute Distinguished
Lecturer Series. All of the lectures are free and open to the public.
Information can also be obtained at
Suzanne will not be able to attend several future PTA meetings because she is taking a class in Berkeley on Tuesday evenings. She can be reached at her e-mail address .
Renee Liston noted that most committees have not yet met. No other
parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Membership—Tsui Chang reported for Guy Michelier. To date, DHS PTA memberships are 118 individual and 231 family, comprising a total of 580 members.
- Newsletter—The deadline for the October Newsletter is September 4.
- Hospitality—Paula Tripp reported that the Hospitality Committee provided treats for teachers and staff on the first day of school. Tsui Chang noted that to date 112 parents and guardians have volunteered to contribute to Hospitality events.
- Listservs—Jane McLaughlin encouraged parents and guardians to sign up for the PTA listserv.
No other committee reports were given.
Other Business
- Gail Heckemeyer noted that the letters on the marquee at the corner of Oak Street and West 14th Street are in disrepair. Mike Cawley will ask Michael Joyce, Student Activities Director, to look into ordering new letters.
- Ann Reioux noted that the Daily Bulletin is on-line and is an excellent resource for parents and guardians as well as students. All the listservs, including the Daily Bulletin, may be subscribed to on the PTA website (
- Renee Liston presented a 2003 Senior Class Video to Heidi Loper on
behalf of the Assistant Principals and to Ralph Villanueva on behalf of
the counselors.
There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.