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March 2, 2004


Parent Teacher Association Meeting

Present: Lynda Yancher, Peg Smith, Carla Lehn, Ann Reioux, Ralph Villanueva, Alison Roe, Mary Velinsky, Joanne Aube, Mikael Villalobos, Ann Devereux, Margaret Lirones, Heidi Loper, Guy Michelier, Steve Legé, Jane McLaughlin, Eva, Schlenber, Tsui Chang, suzanne Coutichie, Lee Groen, Adrienne KandelStudent Representatives: Molly Sunstrom, Tanvir Kapoor

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Lynda Yancher.

Welcome—Lynda Yancher

Lynda welcomed everyone present. Lynda will suceed Renee Liston as PTA President for the remainder of the year. The executive board members present introduced themselves.

Introduction of District’s New Climate Coordinator

Lynda introduced the new DJUSD part-time (50%) School Climate Coordinator, Mikael Villalobos. Mikael has been a diversity trainer for UCD and now works in UCD’s Early Academic Outreach program. His role in the DJUSD will be to identify issues, encourage dialogue, and prevent problems by emphasizing respect, inclusion, and education.

Student Representative Reports

Tanvir Kapoor thanked PTA Newsletter Editor Alison Roe for mentioning the Renaissance Awards winners in the Newsletter. He thanked parents for supporting the Sophomore dance. Around $700 was raised for the class. A luncheon for Japanese exchange students is being planned for March 12.

Students are helping plan for Human Relations week speakers. A School Issues Board will be addressing the matters of a recent student expulsion and budget cuts. Michael Joyce sent a reminder of the importance of student planners and thanked the PTA for soliciting and collecting donations for the planners last year.

Molly Sundstrom reported that the Juniors are looking at sites for next year’s Senior Ball and working on Senior shirts to be sold in the Fall. ASB elections are March 11.Class officers for Fall’04 will be elected March 24. Third quarter ends March 26. Molly is helping develop a “Potty Press” newsletter to be placed in acrylic holders on the backs of the doors to the bathroom stalls as an alternative way to get information on school events out to students.

Evan Schato reported that the Senior class has not yet come up with an acceptable design for their Senior shirts. Bogus Ball/Disco Dance will be March 12. Seniors will be holding additional fundraising events including a movie night and a car wash. Plans for the Senior Ball are under way.

Grad Night Fundraiser

Ann Reioux stated that the Grad Night Steering Committee was contacted by Applebee’s. The restaurant will be holding a fundraising breakfast on Saturday March 20. One hundred per cent of the proceeds will go to Grad Night. Ann distributed flyers with details on purchasing tickets to the breakfast.

Acceptance of February 3, 2004 Minutes

The minutes of the February 3, 2004 meeting were accepted by Lynda Yancher.

President's Report—Lynda Yancher

  • Nominations Process—Lynda introduced Lee Groen, Parlimentarian. Lee reported the process will be moved forward one month. Three volunteers are needed to serve on the nominating committee. The committee will be elected at the March 30 meeting. Names of nominees will be submitted at the May meeting. A special meeting will held in June to elect officers.
  • Review of By-Laws—Peg Smith will work with Lee to update by-laws if neccesary.
  • Outstanding Parent Volunteer/Educators Awards—Nomination forms are in the March Newsletter.
  • Girls’ State Scholarship—Heidi Loper noted the importance of an ongoing source of funding. Lynda will obtain additional information from the Career Center.

Treasurer's Report—Carla Lehn

  • Carla distributed a Treasurer’s Report for February 1 through February 29, 2004. Carla reported that this year’s Girl’s State Scholarship ($350) was paid from Special Projects. Printing costs of $1,233.07 were paid from Student Directory Expense
  • Lynda stated that a request was received from Rikki Davenport for funds to help three students attend the Close Up field trip to Washington D.C. A Ways & Means Committee will be formed to address the matter.
  • Guy Michelier read a statement summarizing the conclusions of the February 26 Special Executive Board Meeting. Fundraising for a proposed new sign for the High School will be postponed. A Spring Fundraising letter will not be sent out. The LCD projectors requested by the Social Studies Department will be funded from the current budget. Guy has researched estimated cost of the projectors.

A motion to provide of funds up to $2000 to purchase LCD projectors was unanimously approved.

Assistant Principals' Report—Heidi Loper

The CAHSEE has been reduced to two days and will be given on March 16 and 17. Bell schedule for Tuesday and Thursday of that week will be switched. Proctors are still needed. STAR and AP testing will begin in April. Patrick Donlon is working on Human Relations Week, March 29 through April 2. Dan Gonzales has been named Assistant Principal. He is serving in that capacity one period a day. Marilyn Mansfield and Faye Hulbert are filling in.

Teacher Representative Report—Steve Legé

Steve thanked the Hospitality committee for the Valentine’s Day treats and decorations. Alison Roe was thanked for including last minute input to the Newsletter.

Principal’s Report—Mike Cawley

  • Pathway Day was March 2. NASA shuttle astronaut Rex Walheim was the keynote speaker. The theme of his speech was perseverance.
  • Mike circulated the DJUSD Budget Reduction Information packet and invited responses to Tahir Ahad, Deputy Superintentendent/Business Services.

Counselors’ Report—Ralph Villanueva

Program planning is complete. Six hundred letters of recommendation have been written. College Night for Junior Students and Parents is March 11. A postcard invitation has been mailed. College Fair will be May 10 at UCD. Third quarter progress reports are being mailed.

Parent Representatives' Reports

  • Site Council—Jane McLaughlin reported that $29,000 in carryover funds from 2003 have been allocated.
  • Superintendent's Parent Advisory—Peg Smith reported that the committee is working on budget reductions and brainstorming cost cutting measures. School climate is also being discussed.
  • School Climate—Alison Roe reported for Joanne Aube. The committee is discussing Human Relations Week. Joanne can no longer serve on the committee. Her replacement is Kevin Wolf.

No other parent representative reports were given.

Committee Reports

  • Newsletter—Alison Roe expressed concern over the future of the Newsletter, especially the hard copy edition following the resignations of Renee Liston and Barb Levin. Mary Velinsky offered to research procedures and take steps to ensure the Newsletter continues to be mailed. The deadline for submissions to the April Newsletter is March 4.
  • Listserver—Tsui Chang reported that she is setting up a PTA media listserver to streamline communication between the district and the PTA volunteers responsible for disseminating information to the DHS community. They include the newsletter editor, listserver administrators, website coordinator, and calendar manager. The e-mail address, which will remain unchanged even though volunteers come and go, is
  • Hospitality—Lynda Yancher reported that an event will be planned for St. Patrick's Day.

No other committee reports were given.

Other Business

Adrienne Kandel distributed information on the proposed transmitter to be installed at the High School and asked all interested to attend the Davis City Council Meeting March 9 and the School Board Meeting March 18 to make their views known.


There were no announcements.

The meeting was adjourned by Lynda Yancher at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.