January 6, 2004
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Present: Renee Liston, Jane McLaughlin, Tsui Chang, Lynda Yancher, Mike Cawley, Steve Legé, Guy Michelier, Alison Roe, Andres Uyeda, Lee Groen, Julie Maxwell, Ann Reioux, Kelly Wilkerson, Ann Devereux, Student Representative: Molly Sundstrom
Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Renee Liston.
Welcome—Renee Liston
Renee welcomed everyone present.
Acceptance of December 2, 2003 Minutes
The minutes of the December 2, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee
Counselors' Report—Andres Uyeda
- The High Potential Program at UCD for 2004–2005 has been cancelled.
Students have the following options: Enroll in Open Campus at UCD.
(Descriptive brochure may be downloaded at
http://universityextension.ucdavis.edu/opencampus/ Enroll at local
community colleges or at CSUS through the ACE (Accelerated College
Entrance) Program. (Information at
(916) 278-7032
or e-mail tthomas@csus.edu For Spring enrollment an interview with the ACE Director must be scheduled in January. For Fall enrollment an interview must be scheduled in August.)
- Students should be thinking about planning their courses for next year. Counselors begin program planning the week of February 2.
- Some students have not yet picked up their PSAT scores. The scores may be picked up at the Counseling Office.
- Juniors with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and good attendance records may now petition for an open period in their schedules instead of Study Hall. Petitions are available at the front desk and the Counseling Office. Students must leave the DHS campus during their open period.
- Schedule corrections for next semester begin January 12. Seniors
have priority on January 12 and 13, juniors on January 14 and
sophomores on January 15. Corrections for all students may be made
January 16 through 26.
President's Report—Renee Liston
- Article in Sacramento Bee—Renee circulated a copy of the Sacramento Bee article on high school homework. Renee was interviewed for the article which featured DHS student JR Yancher.
- Thank yous re: Wish Lists—Renee received a thank-you note from Nancy Coulson for PTA funding of a new digital scale for the science labs. Mike Cawley sent a thank you for the treats provided by PTA Hospitality on the last day of school before Winter break.
- Update on New Letters for Announcement Sign—The PTA is holding off on ordering new letters as the Spring donation letter may request funding for a new electronic sign to replace the current announcement sign.
- Request to Address PTA—The grandparent of a DHS
student contacted Renee with a request to address the PTA regarding
possible changes to traffic barriers currently in place on Scripps
Drive, citing threats to student safety that may ensue. It was agreed
that traffic regulation surrounding the high school is a City of
Davis/DJUSD issue. Renee will contact the individual to discuss.
Treasurer's Report—Renee Liston for Carla Lehn
Renee distributed a Treasurer’s Report prepared by Carla for December 1 through December 31, 2003. Renee has contacted DJUSD and determined the Student Directory Expense (copying) will be $1,233. This is brings directory expenses (including $272.04 postage) slightly over budget of $1,400 but will be more than offset by directory income.
Ideas for Spring Donation Letter—Lynda Yancher
- Lynda noted that the response to last year’s Spring donation letter was outstanding—$11,500. If this year’s response is similar the amount of money projected to be available for PTA Special Projects is $16,525 (including projected profits on income items exceeding budget). An important element of the annual letter is the specification of the project(s) that will be funded by donations.
- Lynda has received two responses to her letter (sent to all DHS teachers and administrators) asking for Special Project requests: Kevin Williams requested two LCD projectors for the Social Studies Department. Powerpoint presentations by teachers have become an important tool in the classroom social studies curriculum. Cost of an LCD projector is $1500 to $1800. Current availability of LCD projectors to social studies teachers is not optimal and time spent preparing presentations is wasted if a projector cannot be obtained. Mike Cawley requested funding for a new electronic sign to replace the announcement sign at the corner of Oak Avenue and West 14th. Mike is currently researching the cost but estimates the necessary funds to be $12,000–$25,000. Mike believes the cost will be closer to the lower end of the range.
- Lynda noted that a final decision on the projects to be funded will
need to be made by the February 3 PTA meeting so that the donation
letter can be mailed next month. The letter will be sent to every DHS
parent/guardian household.
Student Representative Reports
- Sophomore Class—Molly Sundstrom for Tanvir Kapoor
Plans for the sophomore dance on February 13 will be finalized following student officer elections on Friday January 9.
- Junior Class—Molly Sundstrom
The Junior Prom was a huge success. Attendance was over 400. The MPR
was beautifully decorated and refreshments were fabulous. Molly thanked
parents for their great support and generosity. A final tally of funds
raised is pending the accounting of expense receipts, but the junior
class is expecting a great outcome.
Principal's Report—Mike Cawley
- Mike circulated a drawing by artist Temo Moreno for a proposed mural to be placed on the west side of the new gym and invited comments. The artist would work with DHS students using a sponge technique to produce the mural. A mural of the same type was created with the help of Emerson students on the EJHS campus. Some concerns with the proposed mural were expressed. A sheet was available for written comments on the rendering.
- Mike noted that Pam Mari has been appointed Principal/Director of the New Tech High School that will open on the DHS campus this fall. He will be interviewing in-house candidates to fill Pam’s former position as Assistant Principal. The position will initially be filled on an interim basis.
- Safety Week was held before the Winter break. Review and rehearsal of safety plans and procedures went well.
- The P.E. staff is sponsoring intramural sports activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Three-on three basketball tournaments are being played.
- A Pathway Day took place December 12. Several participating students visited classes at the UCD Law School and Visual and Performing Arts students met with local artists.
- Mike encouraged local business owners or managers to nominate their DHS student employees to the Davis Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber recognizes a Student of the Month who is featured in the Davis Enterprise.
- Mike noted that construction on the new Instructional Performing Arts Building is progressing on schedule despite the recent rainy weather.
- In response to a question from Renee Liston, Mike noted that
Assistant Principal Patrick Donlon is investigating the vandalizing of
student lockers over the Winter break.
Assistant Principals' Report
No report was given.
Teacher Representative Report—Steve Legé
Steve has been attending informational meetings on New Tech
PTA Website Policy—Renee Liston
Renee distributed a revised draft of a proposed policy for booster club and parent support group hyperlinks from the PTA website.
A motion to approve the policy was passed unanimously.
Parent Representatives' Reports
- Site Council—Jane McLaughlin noted that the Council did not meet in December.
- Superintendent's Parent Advisory—Kelly Wilkerson noted that the Advisory committee did not meet in December.
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Membership—Guy Michelier reported that to date, DHS PTA memberships are 224 individual, 397 family and 15 staff, comprising a total of 1,033 members.
- Newsletter—The deadline for submissions to the February newsletter is January 8.
- Hospitality—Lynda Yancher reported that Hospitality Committee contributed to the pancake breakfast prepared for teachers and staff by students. The Committee provided treats on the last day of school before Winter break and is planning a surprise breakfast for next week’s staff meeting.
No other committee reports were given.
Other Business
There was no other business.
There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.