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May 4, 2004


Parent Teacher Association Meeting

Present: Carla Lehn, Mary Velinsky, Ann Devereux, Guy Michelier, Jane McLaughlin, Tsui Chang, Lee Groen, Mike Cawley, Paula Tripp, Heidi Loper, Laurie Rollins, Steve Legé, Lynda Yancher, Gina Delaiden, Student Representative: Tanvir Kapoor

Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Lynda Yancher.

Welcome—Lynda Yancher

Lynda welcomed everyone present.

Proposed Mural Project

Mike Cawley introduced Timo Moreno, mural artist. Mr. Moreno recently completed a mural at Emerson JHS with the assistance of 700 students and 18 interns. A similar project has been proposed for the side of the new gym. Estimated cost is $10,000. If approved the project would begin Fall 2004 or Spring 2005.

Approval of March 30, 2004 Minutes

The minutes of the March 30, 2004 meeting were approved unanimously.

Student Representative Reports—Tanvir Kapoor

—There will be a Lamppost fundraiser May 6 to benefit student government. Jane McLaughlin will post an announcement on the PTA listserver.

—The Senior Ball will take place May 15 at the Sacramento Convention Center.

—The junior class is working on plans for next year’s Senior Ball.

—The Powder Puff football game will be May 26. A barbecue will support scholarships for attendance at the California Association of Student Leaders conference.

—Tanvir requested continued PTA support for the student planners. The cost is $7,000. DHS Administration contributes $1,500. The PTA collected almost $3,000 for student planners last year. Requests for donations will appear on the PTA Membership Form again this year.

Teacher Representative Report—Steve Legé

—STAR testing went well. Students were very diligent. Advanced Placement testing is coming up. This is a stressful time for students.

—The all-school assembly on drinking and driving “Every 15 Minutes” was well received and worthwhile, with a definite impact on the audience and participants.

President's Report—Lynda Yancher

  • Nominating Committee Report—Paula Tripp announced the following nominations for PTA officer positions:

    President—Peg Smith

    Executive Vice President—Gina Delaiden

    1st Vice President (Ways and Means)—Laurie Rollins

    2nd Vice President (Membership)—Guy Michelier

    Secretary—Paula Badham

    Treasurer—Carla Lehn

    Auditor—Pam Day

    Historian/Publicity—Michelle Reardon

    The election of officers will take place at the final PTA meeting on June 1.

  • SIP Funds—Jane McLaughlin distributed a proposed letter to California state legislators urging the continuation of School Improvement funds (SIP) that support many programs at DHS. The letter will be signed by Lynda Yancher, PTA President, Jane McLaughlin, Site Council Chairperson, and Gail Heckemeyer and Gail Cooluris, Site Council Parent Representatives.
  • PTA Membership Form—Tsui Chang distributed a proposed Membership Form for next year and asked for input. She will incorporate the suggestions made by those present.
  • Survival Guide—Jane McLaughlin will contact Alison Roe and obtain a copy of the present Survival Guide for Courteney Tessler. The Counseling Office will update the Guide. A parent volunteer will be needed to proofread the Guide which will be distributed to incoming 10th graders and new 11th and 12th graders.
  • Senior Awards—Gail Heckemeyer and Jane McLaughlin will interview six of the eight candidates this week. Two additional candidates are unable to attend interviews so they will be evaluated on the basis of documents/recommendations submitted by the nominating staff member(s). Lynda Yancher will present the Award Scholarships at Senior Awards Night on June 2.
  • Outstanding Parent Volunteer and Outstanding Educator Awards—Ann Devereux announced the recipients. The Outstanding Parent Volunteer for 2003–2004 is Ann Reioux. The Outstanding Educator for 2003–2004 is Wendy Mosher, Full Inclusion Program teacher. This year Honorable Mentions are being awarded to Allison Hanson, Social Studies, and Eleanor Neagley, English.

Treasurer's Report—Carla Lehn

Carla distributed a Treasurer's Report for March 28 through April 30, 2004. Carla paid the $150 bulk mail permit for the High School and both junior highs. Emerson JHS and Holmes JHS will reimburse the DHS PTA $50 each.

Counselors' Report—Courtenay Tessler

—The date of Sally Springer’s presentation on private college admissions has been changed to May 18 (7 to 9 p.m. in Humanities Hall). A private college application information packet will be distributed to juniors at a lunchtime meeting in Humanities Hall on May 20.

—Due to budget cuts UCD did not accept all eligible DHS students. State universities continue to take applications but on a first-come, first-served basis. Competition for college and university admissions was much tougher across the board and it appears this will continue.

—Youth in Focus will present the results of their research into academic equity among ethnic groups in the DJUSD to the Davis community on May 17.

Principal's Report—Mike Cawley

—STAR testing went well. However Mike is concerned that DHS may not have met the 95% participation required under "No Child Left Behind." A letter to the editor in the Davis Enterprise published prior to the beginning of testing encouraged parents to opt their students out.

—For the second time this year DHS was vandalized with several buildings on campus being spray-painted. Locks were super-glued and door handles were smeared with Vaseline. The vandalism did not appear to be gang-related.

—Mike will be donating a kidney to his son next month.

Assistant Principals' Report—Heidi Loper

—Heidi is also concerned that the STAR testing participation rate may have been low.

—Makeups for the CAHSEE will take place Tuesday, May 11 and Wednesday, May 12.

Parent Representatives' Reports

  • Curriculum & Instruction/Site Council—Tsui Chang reported that the C&I and Site Council minutes are on-line and up-to-date.

    No other parent representative reports were given.

Committee Reports

  • Hospitality—Lynda Yancher reported that special surprises will be in the teachers’ boxes this week. A lunch for teachers and staff will take place later this month.

    No other committee reports were given.

Other Business

There was no other business.


There were no announcements.

The meeting was adjourned by Lynda Yancher at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.