November 1, 2006
November 1, 2006
Laurie Rollins, Kathy Magrino, Eileen Jaffe, Mike Cawley, Joan Anton, Shelley McFarland, Bill &Yvette Carrie, Laurel Fagan, Martha Teeter, Drusilla Kunghan, Karen Schlegle, Chris Majestic, Sandra Schickele, Stacy Black, Shirley Charube, Amy Seropian, Joyce Boulanger, Shahida Shabber, and Maoti Schol, Susan Lovenberg, and Kris Inouye.
Call to order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order by President Laurie Rollins at 7pm. Introductions were made of all present.
Approval of the October minutes
The minutes were reviewed by all present and a motion was made by Kathy Magrino, seconded by Eileen Jaffe, and approved unanimously to accept the minutes as written.
Treasurers Report
See attached sheet. Shelley McFarland distributed the Income and Expenditures report showing an ending balance of $34,404.78. This month’s bills were submitted for payment. A motion was made to accept the report by Kathy Magrino, seconded by Eileen Jaffe and approved unanimously. Shelley McFarland reported a current membership of 873.
Principal Report
Mike Cawley gave and overview of the Every 15 Minutes activity that was completed for Red Ribbon week. It began with a staged auto accident in front of the school then continued, with a student being removed from a class every 15 minutes, to demonstrate a teen being killed every 15 minutes, as a result of drugs and alcohol.
Mike Cawley reported that the teachers had begun their staff mentoring program today. This started with each teacher selecting one of their at risk students to mentor, with a goal of making the school a more personal place, with a feeling of a smaller learning environment. He then reported that the new bike racks would cost between 7 and 8 thousand dollars. He has come up with a plan to have the Ag. Mechanics class make the racks to save on cost and provide the class with a project.
Teacher Report
None given
Counselors Report
Courtenay Tessler reported the letters of recommendation for private schools were being completed this week. She asked the junior and sophomore parents to please include 2 stamped, correctly addressed, self-adhesive envelopes, when their students needed the letters in following years. This will expedite the process.
Eileen Jaffe briefly reviewed the process used to collect the items that will be the goals of the DHS PTA 2006-2007 Unfundraiser. She distributed the attached sheet, and then reviewed the final results of both the small grants and the large grants with the membership present. A motion was made by Eileen Jaffe and seconded. Discussion was called for by Laurie Rollins no one had any suggestions or recommendations. Laurie then called for the vote which passed unanimously.
The business portion of the PTA meeting was adjourned at 7:30 by Laurie Rollins, so all in attendance could attend the Parent Ed night, presented by Sally Springer.
Respectfully written and submitted by Kathy Magrino