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April 4, 2007




April 4, 2007



Kathy Magrino, Stacey Black, Linda Souza, Shelley McFarland, Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Tsui Chang, Linda Parfitt, Laurie Rollins, Eileen Jaffe, Gabrielle Jimenez Tabor, Karen Schelegle, Susan Lovenburg, Ginni Davis, Joan Anton, Elizabeth Tinsley, Courtenay Tessler, Anjan P., Kara B., Tara A.


Call to Order & Approval of March Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Laurie Rollins.  Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer and Membership Report - Shelley McFarland

See attached Income and Expenditures report.  There was not much financial activity this past month. The Mid-year audit was completed by Dian Baker (see attached).


Student Reports

The sophomore class co-president reported that 7 students had just attended the California Association of Student Leaders conference. The junior class may be having a fundraiser.

The senior class representative reported that the senior ball will be May 12th at the Sheraton Grand in Sacramento. Tickets are $55 per person.  Also, the senior class gift will be a trophy case for the new gym.


Teacher Report – Gabrielle Jimenez-Tabor

Yearbooks are on sale for $65 at lunchtime.  They may also be purchased at  The price will be $70 in June.


Election of Officers for 2007-08

The proposed slate of officers was presented again.  The following were unanimously elected:

President, Kathy Magrino; Executive Vice President, Grace Salvagno; 1st Vice President, Elizabeth Tinsley; 2nd Vice President, Susan Lovenburg; Secretary, Stacey Black; Treasurer, Betsy Puett; Auditor, Leslie Brumer


Principal Report - Mike Cawley

Master scheduling for next school year began today with the music department.


Vice-Principal Report – Sheila Smith

Sheila attended the Black Student Union convention and had a positive experience.  Graduation speech guidelines are out.  Students must provide a copy of their proposed speeches by 4/26.  Auditions will be held 5/1 in P-21.


Counselor Report – Courtenay Tessler

The counselors have finished their program planning.  3rd quarter grades are in.  The counseling department notifying, by mail, parents of seniors who are in danger of not graduating.



Update on the Black Student Union (BSU) – Laurie and Kathy went to a briefing with Richard Whitmore regarding the BSU.  They were told that there will be some mediation for the students and parents are only allowed on campus with an invitation to do so.  All visitors to campus must sign in at the front desk where they will be asked to state their purpose.

School Board – The school board recently voted to update the district’s guidelines for student behavior.  The new guidelines are currently available online.

Recent School Assembly – A student is being disciplined for an ad lib during a speech at a recent assembly.  The student did not follow the text of the approved speech.  Specifics regarding this incident, and the discipline, can not be discussed publicly.  A general, brief discussion of discipline procedures followed.

Hospitality – The teacher appreciation luncheon is planned for 5/9, with a custodial dinner planned for the same evening.

Open/Closed Campus – Relating to the discussion of “truancy” last month, the school administration has reconfirmed the school’s policy.  DHS is a closed campus except at lunchtime and in cases when a student does not have a 1st or 7th period.  Students who have a free period at another time during the day should remain on campus during that free period.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm


Respectfully submitted, Stacey Black