December 6,2006
December 6, 2006
Kathy Magrino, Stacey Black, Shelley McFarland, Brandi F., Riley S., Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Tsui Chang, Dorothy Yerxa, Linda Parfitt, Laurie Rollins, Eileen Jaffe, Betty Holoman, Gabrielle Jimenez, Jennifer McNeil, Kris Inouye.
Call to Order & Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by President Laurie Rollins. Introductions were made all around. The nominating committee will form in January, with elections to be held in April. There is a New York Times writer looking to talk to parents who have been receiving mail from companies regarding student loans/education financing. Contact Laurie if you are interested in talking to him.
Approval of November Minutes
Minutes from November’s meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved.
Student Report
The senior class president reported that the Jr. Prom is sold out, but they are looking for parent help with set-up and refreshments. Also, senior t-shirt sales are coming up. The sophomore class co-president reported that his class is looking for fundraising ideas.
Teacher Report – Gabrielle Jimenez-Tabor
An English teacher has won a grant for Scottish Dance instruction which will be used in conjunction with the reading/teaching of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Intramural dodge ball is beginning. The World Language fair had a good turn out (it was on the Saturday before Thanksgiving). Information on language class issues are being presented to the school board with some suggested options for packaging the Foreign Language program in the future.
Treasurer and Membership Report - Shelley McFarland
See attached Income and Expenditures report. In addition to what’s on the report, $1100 in unfundraiser contributions was picked up from the post office today. 170 families have contributed to date. The Foreign Language and Pilot Reading program funding checks are now being given to the school.
Unfundraiser update – Eileen Jaffee
See above. 1500 letters were sent out.
Program topic discussion - Kris Inouye
The next parent education night will be on 2/7/06 on the topic of Teen Driving. Presenters will be teacher Bob Johnson, a representative from Davis Driving Academy, and a Davis Police Officer. Kris is also coordinating with Da Vinci High on a parent ed. night concerning Drugs and Alcohol; date to be announced. April’s parent ed. will be on “testing”.
Principal Report - Mike Cawley
The school blood drive was 12/1/06. The School Accountability Report has just been published, see attached. Discussion regarding the report ensued, especially as regards to the school’s interest and efforts in improving scores in Geometry. In sports, both the girls and boys cross-country teams were section champs. Winter sports are just beginning.
Counselor Report – Jennifer McNeil
The counseling office will close 12/5 for winter break. Scheduling changes for 2nd semester are underway. Progress reports should be out before winter break. There will be a Financial Aid night on 1/11/06 at 7pm. PSAT scores arrived and should be distributed from the career center on Monday, 12/11/06.
Vice-Principal Report – Sheila Smith
Jr. Prom planning is going well. Supervision by the school administration and security personnel will be provided. On scheduling for next year, departments are working on plans to link some semester classes for next year to try to limit the numbers of students whose schedules unintentionally include 2 or more English classes (or other double subject classes) in one semester, but none in the other semester.
Committee & Parent Rep Reports
List server - Dorothy Yerxa
The Class of 2010 list server sign-ups should occur in mid-January.
Web team - Tsui Chang
The team is doing well.
C&I and SPAC - Laurie Rollins
C&I is working on getting 4 new courses to the School Board.
Special Ed - Kathy Magrino
Our new representative is Kathilyn Wilcox; email at
The meeting was adjourned at 8:54pm.
Respectfully submitted by Stacey Black