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March 7,2007


DHS PTA MEETING MINUTES March 7, 2007 Attendance Stacey Black, Karen Schelegle, Victoire D’Agostino, Jeannie Pytel, Joan Anton, Tim Taylor, Gina Daleiden, Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Linda Preciado, Eileen Jaffe, Laurie Rollins, Linda Souza, Linda Parfitt, Leslie Hunter, Kathy Magrino, Carol Rosset, Robbie Murphy, John Ortiz-Hutson, John Ortiz Hutson, Jr., Riley S., Kim H., Barb Engel, Ann Crook, Tsui Chang, Dorothy Yerxa, Sandra Schickele, Susan Lovenburg. Call to Order & Introductions The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Laurie Rollins. Introductions were made all around. Vice Principal Report – Sheila Smith Approximately 70 students participated in the Early Assessment program this morning by taking the essay portion of the test. Proctors are still needed for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Sheila reported on recent meetings with members of the Davis Police Department regarding truancy. They have discussed various strategies to address truants, such as; the police will start picking up truant students and bringing them to school; home visits; tracking truancy at the school, etc. A discussion ensued regarding whether or not students are permitted to be off campus when they have an “open” period. The administration will report back on the school policy on this issue. Counselor Report – Linda Preciado While Carol is at home recovering from thyroid cancer, Elaine Cummings will be taking Carol’s case load. Program planning, including visits to the junior highs, is scheduled for this week and next week. Laurie brought forward some parent concerns regarding linked classes. As always, there will be some students who have scheduling issues, and some scheduling will have to be done by hand to resolve those issues. Student Report Riley S. reported that ASB elections were held today. Also, there will be a car show in early May. Lastly, there is a committee looking at the possibility of issuing school “Letters” for clubs and musical groups. They are working out what the eligibility requirements would be, such as; some kind of audition requirement, participation in competition or performance, meeting a required amount of time per week, etc. Details are still to be determined. Kim H. (senior class treasurer) reported that 430 Bogus Ball tickets, out of the 650 available, have been sold so far. Nominating Committee – Leslie Hunter Leslie Hunter presented the nominating committee’s DHS PTA Slate of Officers for next year: President – Kathy Magrino, Executive Vice President – Grace Salvagno, 1st Vice President – Elizabeth Tinsley, 2nd Vice President – Susan Lovenburg, Secretary – Stacey Black, and Auditor – Leslie Brumer. Linda Parfitt made a nomination from the floor. She nominated Betsy Puett for Treasurer. The Slate was accepted. The election will be held at the April meeting. Approval of February Minutes Minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and approved. Teacher Report – Amy Schulte Amy Schulte presented a slide show on the school’s agricultural program. There are 8 courses offered in the department. Also, the FFA banquet will be May 16th from 6-8pm. A parent asked why agricultural courses are offered at Harper Junior High, but not Holmes or Emerson. Amy explained that the land was available at the Harper site, and the department did not want to adversely impact the existing programs at Holmes and Emerson. They would consider implementing the courses at the other campuses in the future. Treasurer Report Laurie Rollins had asked Shelley MacFarland to review our current budget to look for available funds. Based on that review, Eileen Jaffe moved: That the following requests from the Priority List be funded – 1. $480 for graphing calculators for the math department. 3. $1,193.15 for Proposal 3 for the Library for 1 TV, 2 DVD players and 2 VCR players to benefit all teachers and students. 4. $399.85 for DVDs for the English Department (DVDs are Literary Analysis) And, that we allocate $125.00 for State PTA convention fees. The motioned was seconded and unanimously approved. The Davis K-12 Program Measure (Parcel Tax) Davis Board of Education members Gina Daleiden and Tim Taylor provided a handout and information regarding the existing parcel tax components. The parcel tax which requires a 2/3 majority to pass, has been passed every four years since 1984. Board members are asking for input as to what should or should not be included in a new parcel tax. On March 29th, the Board will discuss the input it has received. There will probably then be a telephone poll to determine voter support for the amount of money and type of programs to be included in the new parcel tax. The tax will be on the ballot in November. Discussion followed. Principal Report - Mike Cawley The CAHSEE will be administered on campus on Tuesday, 3/20 and Wednesday, 3/21. The school’s schedule will be altered for the week to accommodate the testing. Thursday, 3/15, is an Articulation day. School will be out at 12:48pm. Mike handed out information on the “Parent Project”, a 10 week parenting course that will begin on 3/27. The project is being sponsored by the Davis Police Department and DJUSD, and will cost $50 per person. Announcements Susan Lovenburg announced the next two Parent Education programs. On April 4th at 7:30pm there will be a presentation on testing entitled “Too Much Testing?: A Dialogue Between Parents and Educators”. A Question and Answer session will follow. On April 23rd from 7-9:30pm we will have a community-wide discussion on “Answering the Questions of Substance Use.” There will be an introductory session and then breakout sessions with a variety of presenters. Barb Engel announced that tickets are on sale for Applebee’s Senior Breakfast in support of Grad Night. Tickets are $8 each, or $5 for children under 12. There was a short discussion about the DHS 50th anniversary celebration which will take place at the May meeting. We hope to provide deserts and entertainment. Linda Parfitt made a recommendation of the book Generation Me. The Madrigals 40th anniversary is coming up. There will be a concert at the Mondavi on Memorial Day weekend. The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. Respectfully submitted, Stacey Black