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Davis Farmers' Market

Bror W. shares some of his experiences at the Farmer’s Market.

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Unas alas en Davis

Isabella M. shares how much she loves butterflies.

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El Apagon de luz en Davis

Katherine Macaulay relates a story about a day with her family.

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The Blackout

Ruthie M. shares her experience in a Davis blackout.

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Davis In Autumn

Krystal L. shares a story about Davis spirit.

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Sobre Aquamonsters

Brittany Steenbergen shares a story about a swimming contest.

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All About Davis

Emilia Sloane shares a poem about Davis.

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That Best Friend Down the Street

Deanna C. shares a story about her best friend.

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Davis Poem

Camilla Jensen shares a poem about Davis.

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Another Davis Poem

Camilla Jensen shares a poem about Davis.

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Mrs. Davis

Camilla Jensen shares a story about one of her favorite teachers.

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Lucas Solomon tells how much he loves Walnuts.

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The Bike Bridge

Alyssa Vallero shares a poem about Davis.

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Jonathan Kalinen shares a story about casting for Pinocchio.

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Buying a House

Maya V. shares a story about waking up some toddlers.

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