September 10, 2002
Present: Renee Liston, Melinda Zimmerman, Mariko Yamada, Susan Linz, Heidi Loper, Sonya Rinkus, Mike Cawley, Lynda Yancher, Maria Brana, Ann Reioux, Guy Michelier, (---) Bistue, Eliana Bistue, Kimberly Cortijo, Maureen Guerrieri, Grant Guerrieri, Kelly Tindel, Kim Andrup, Lee Groen, Carla Lehn, Margot Yu, Ann Devereux, Pam Day, Renuka Mannapperuma, Gina Sharar, Hallie Morrow, Gail Houck, Prem Lannier, Miguel Martinez, Mary Herbert, Sally Ryan, Penny Ayers, Ellen Jacobs, Mike Joyce, Catherine Louie, Elsa Ruiz-Duran, Ann Bistolfo, Alison Roe, Peg Smith, Jane McLaughlin, Pam Lehnert, Tsui Chang, Kathy von Rummelhoff
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Renee Liston.
- Vote on New Secretary
- A motion to approve Ann Devereux as DHS PTA Secretary for the
2002-2003 school year was passed unanimously.
- Parent Openings on Advisory Committees
- Renee Liston distributed a handout describing parent openings on
advisory committees and announced that parent volunteers were being
sought to participate in focus groups preparing a comprehensive
self-study report on DHS. Pam Mari briefly described the groups, which
consist of parents, students, faculty and staff and examine
leadership/vision, curriculum/instruction, assessment/accountability,
and other issues. Interested parents were asked to contact Pam Mari,
Heidi Loper or Faye Hulbert for additional information.
- Treasurer's Report-Mary Herbert
- Mary Herbert distributed a treasurer's report showing current
income of $16,059.00, no current expenses, and a balance on hand of
$20,088.85. Mary distributed the DHS PTA proposed 2002-2003 budget. She
noted that due to the number of on-line subscribers actual newsletter
expense might be less than projected. She explained that additional
income generated during the year would go toward special projects. Mary
noted that the budget might be amended throughout the year.
A motion to accept the budget was passed unanimously.
- Approval of May 7, 2002 Minutes
- Pam Mari thanked the DHS PTA for its allocations to special
projects as described in the minutes of the May 7 meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes of the May meeting was passed unanimously.
- Principal's Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley reported that the current total enrollment of DHS is
1,937 students including sixty 8th and 9th graders and fifty
Independent Study Program students. There are 1,827 full time students
enrolled at DHS. Mariko Yamada requested statistics reflecting the
number of DHS students concurrently enrolled at a community college or
UCD. Mike will provide an update at the next DHS PTA meeting.
Mike reported that he is in the final stages of hiring a third vice-principal for the high school.
- 2002-2003 PTA Meeting Schedule
- Renee Liston distributed the 2002-2003 DHS PTA meeting schedule.
Meetings will be on the 2nd Tuesday of the month through May
- Survival Guide: DHS for Beginners
- The Survival Guide: DHS for Beginners has been updated. Copies of
the revised Guide, produced by Alison Roe, were distributed to all
sophomores. Additional copies are being printed for distribution to
junior and senior parents who have requested them. The Guide is also
available online. Renee Liston has extra copies as well.
Committee Reports :
- Membership and Volunteers-Gina Sharar and Renuka Mannapperuma questioned the need for these committees. They commented that the majority of the work of these committees is now being done by IT Support (Tsui Chang and Guy Michelier) as part of data management.
- Newsletter-Alison Roe reported that sign-ups for the online newsletter continue to increase. She requested that all submissions to the newsletter be by e-mail unless a special arrangement has been made. Submissions should be received by Alison by 3:00 p.m. on the due dates.
- Scholarship Committee-Mike Cawley reported that the scholarship support position at DHS will be filled soon. The only remaining issue is whether this will be a full or part-time position.
- Student Directory-Susan Linz reported that directory sales are the largest money maker for the PTA. She would like to see the directory input form include the student phone number. Inclusion of e-mail addresses in the directories continues to be an issue. Guy Michelier stated that the concerns over adding e-mail addresses are the frequency of e-mail address changes and space limitations in the directory.
- Hospitality-Kathy von Rummelhoff reported that an Ice Cream Social for teachers and staff is being planned to express the PTA's appreciation for their work with students and parents. It will take place on September 18. There was no Newcomers event this year, as this has been poorly attended in the past. Michael Joyce noted that the peer helpers sponsored a lunch for DHS students who are new to Davis schools. A parent commented that she has signed up to volunteer many times and has never been contacted to help. Kathy explained that there is often an overabundance of volunteers and the volunteer coordinators make an effort to call new people for each event.
- Computer Support-Guy Michelier noted that Sue Fuller is the person in charge of the DHS web site.
- Teacher Representative Report-Sally Ryen
- Sally Ryen reported that teachers are pleased with the following:
- Technology, especially the copier process
- Improved accountability for keeping track of students while they are on campus
- Improved enforcement of rules regarding tardies, food in classrooms, etc.
- New security and safety measures, including photo ID cards for faculty and staff
- The feeling of connectedness among teachers (including new teachers) and staff
- Administrative stability
- Early scheduling of Back-to-School Night
Sally reported that teachers have concerns about the following:
- Lack of student dress code for both girls and boys (Pam Mari stated that the DJUSD is pursuing legal advice on this issue.)
- Computers in the library media center are not accessible (Pam commented that DJUSD restructured the domains and every student needs a new logon in order to access the card catalog. Students must turn in a Use Approval form signed by their parents before they can obtain a new logon.)
- Lack of standardized procedures and consequences for handling tardies and absences
- Limited parking (Mike Cawley stated that the new gym parking lot should be completed by early October.)
- TV/VCRs have not been installed in every classroom (Pam commented that the equipment has been delivered and is being installed.)
- Scheduling of collaboration time (Mike Cawley reported that a
meeting to obtain community input has been scheduled for September 12
at 7:00 in the library.)
In response to the agenda item noting a parent's concern about student safety and a lack of supervision on campus Sally commented that she feels that there is an adequate number of supervisors on duty. Mike Cawley noted that there are five campus supervisors in addition to Heidi Loper and himself on duty during lunch. The parent who raised the concern was not present.
- Student Representative Report
- Guerreri, Sophomore Class President, expressed the opinion that
there was adequate supervision on campus. He reported that the
Back-to-Night School Night BBQ netted between two and three hundred
dollars. A remembrance assembly has been planned for September 11 in
the new gym. Student government has prepared a slide show and 2,000
small US flags will be distributed. This will take place during 4th
period and will be the first time the entire DHS student body will
assemble in the new gym. The first football game (against Woodland
High) and dance will take place Friday September 13. The students are
producing a monthly newscast bulletin on community television.
New Business :
- Recap of Back-to-School Night-Pam Mari reported that this was the most successful Back-to School night in recent memory. Nearly every classroom was filled in each time segment. DHS teachers, especially the new teachers, were very positive about the parent turnout. Some parents present commented on the lack of campus maps. Pam stated that next year maps will be handed out at the welcome assembly and more maps will be available for the student helpers to hand out.
- Site Council Election Results-Sara O'Keefe is still tallying the results from the site council election. Teen Issue Topics-Renee Liston reported that Deb Kimokeo, Teen Issue Advisor, will be presenting a quarterly parent education discussion. Renee distributed a list of proposed topics. Parents were asked to select four preferred topics by returning the list to Renee or voting on the PTA web site. It was agreed that the best time for the discussions would be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, immediately preceding the DHS PTA meetings. Renee will follow up with Deb. Counselors' Report-No Counselors' Report was given. However, Heidi Loper reported that the number of beginning of school schedule changes was dramatically reduced by the new procedure of distributing schedules in the Spring and requesting that changes be made at that time. This was the most successful school opening in at least seven years and the teachers were very pleased.
- Special Projects Wish List-Jane McLaughlin
explained the procedure for forming the List. The two major fundraisers
(besides the student directory sales) are the direct donation requests
on the PTA membership form and a February letter to parents. In the
Fall the PTA asks for a wish list from the DHS faculty and staff.
Requests of $200 or less are designated special projects; the Wish List
consists of larger ticket items. The teachers and staff are polled
again in the Spring to establish a priority for the Wish List.
Announcements :
- Mary Herbert announced a meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m. for parents of Drama students participating in the Dessert Theatre presentations.
- Michael Joyce announced a homecoming planning meeting on September 24 at 3:30 p.m. He would like a parent lead person from each class year to be present.
- Sally Ryen asked if the bicycle helmet law for minors was being enforced by the City of Davis police department. All children under the age of 18 are required by law to wear a secured helmet.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:02.
Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.