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October 8, 2002


Present: Renee Liston, Mariko Yamada, Heidi Loper, Mike Cawley, Ann Reioux, Guy Michelier, Kimberly Cortijo, Margot Yu, Ann Devereux, Renuka Mannapperuma, Gina Sharar, Gail Houck, Mary Herbert, Sally Ryen, Ann Bistolfo, Alison Roe, Peg Smith, Jane McLaughlin, Nahid Abdali, Sue Fuller, Dorothy Yerxa, Heidi L---, Patrick Donlon, Catherine Louie, Tsui Chang

Due to the parent education forum "Reducing Alcohol Risks for Davis Teens and Young Adults" presented from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. the PTA meeting was called to order at 8:00 by Renee Liston.

Vote on appointing Mariko Yamada to Human Relations Committee position
Renee Liston reviewed the history of Human Relations Committees in the DJUSD. A renewed interest in these committees has developed as an outgrowth of the Davis community's concern over the issue of bullying in Davis schools. Mariko Yamada has volunteered to fill the position of parent liaison for the formation of the Human Relations Committee at DHS. A motion to approve the appointment of Mariko Yamada as parent representative to the Human Relations Committee was passed unanimously.
Introduction of Patrick Donlon, new DHS Assistant Principal
Renee Liston introduced Patrick Donlon, new DHS Assistant Principal. Patrick was formerly part-time Assistant Principal at Holmes Junior High. His focus as Assistant Principal at DHS will be students in the Class of 2005 beginning in the (current) sophomore year and continuing through their senior year. Pam Mari is the Assistant Principal providing support for the current junior class and Heidi Loper is the Assistant Principal providing support for the current senior class.
Additional parent opening on the Curriculum and Instruction Committee
Jane McLaughlin would like to share the opening on the Curriculum & Instruction Committee as she is also serving on the DHS Site Committee. The C&I, made up of parents, teachers, administration and support staff, functions as a decision-making/clearing house that examines issues such as interdisciplinary courses, block scheduling, and others. The committee meets the third Thursday of the month from 2:45 to 5:00 p.m. Margot Yu expressed an interest in learning more about the position and possibly sharing it with Jane. Other interested parents may contact Renee Liston or Jane McLaughlin.
Treasurer's Report-Mary Herbert
Mary Herbert distributed a treasurer's report showing current income of $18,878.00, current expenses of $1,334.20 and a balance on hand of $21,573.65. Mary noted that both Directory and Membership income have exceeded budget projections.
Approval of September 10, 2002 Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the September meeting was passed unanimously.
Principal's Report-Mike Cawley
Mike Cawley reported the following:
  • Careers Pathways Day (September 24) was very successful with approximately 350 DHS students participating. Professionals from the various pathways spoke and conducted activities. Kitty Hudson is the district coordinator for this program and is planning to hold a Career Pathway Day every two months. Mike is impressed with the program and encourages DHS students to attend.
  • Student progress reports have been mailed.
  • This week is Homecoming Week and student activities are being planned.
  • Mike complimented Sally Ryen on the latest issue of the student publication, "The Hub."
  • Some recent attendance notifications by the automated system were in error. There also continue to be problems with tardies being reported as absences. Mike is looking into a better way to clear these as well as a weekly absence report that would be mailed to parents. Sally Ryen noted that it is very easy for a student to clear an absence if the student was actually present in class.
Collaboration Meeting Schedule Update-Mike Cawley
Mike confirmed the new collaboration day schedule will begin November 12. Collaboration days will take place once a month on the second Tuesday (this corresponds to the staff meeting days noted in the Student Planner). On collaboration days first period will begin at 9:55 a.m. and seventh period will end at 3:10 p.m.

Several parents asked why school would be dismissed early on collaboration days. Heidi Loper explained that early dismissal was necessary to avoid exceeding the number of minutes comprising the instructional year in the teachers' contract with DJUSD. She also noted that collaboration days had to be scheduled on a "non-block" day in order for the students to receive the state mandated minimum instructional minutes.

Mike stated that a letter will be sent informing parents of the new collaboration day schedule.

Parking Update
Mike Cawley Mike reported that the 120 space parking lot under construction next to the new gym is scheduled to be completed in early November. At present, it is planned that twenty of the spaces will be reserved for staff.

DHS parking requirements are being surveyed and the administration will be meeting with City of Davis officials to discuss related issues including preferential parking permits and drop-off/pick up zones on both 14th and Oak Streets.

Concurrent Enrollment
In response to last month's request by Mariko Yamada to provide figures for DHS students concurrently enrolled at community college or UCD Mike stated that the numbers are not immediately available. Although the counseling staff has to approve the requests for concurrent enrollment, they do not keep a record of approved requests. DHS is notified when the students successfully complete the classes. Mike asked Heidi Loper to provide this information to Mariko. Heidi said that she will ask the counselors to keep records so that more accurate figures will be available in the future.

Committee Reports:

  • Membership and Volunteers - Tsui Chang reported. Current PTA membership enrollment is 150 individuals, 307 families, and 11 faculty and staff.

    Renee Liston noted that PTA board members must be current with their dues and she will be checking to confirm their status. Ways and Means Gina Sharar reported for Lynda Yancher. Gina stated that faculty requests for PTA small project funding are coming in. Mike Cawley noted that he would like the PTA to consider the need for additional outdoor seating (benches and picnic tables) when making decisions on funding for larger projects in the spring.

    Direct parent contributions for specific items requested by departments was discussed. At the next collaboration meeting Sally Ryen will announce that these requests may be made through the PTA newsletter. Sally agreed to act as a clearinghouse for these requests and Alison Roe, Newsletter Editor, offered to write the articles as needed.

  • Volunteers - Renuka Mannapperuma stated that there was no volunteer report this month.
  • Newsletter - Alison Roe continues to receive requests for the online newsletter. Alison asked for information to enable her to include an article in the November newsletter introducing Patrick Donlon and describing the duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Principal position. Mike Cawley stated that he will provide information on the new collaboration day schedule to Alison. The deadline for November newsletter articles is October 10 at 3 p.m.
  • Student Directory - Tsui Chang reported for Guy Michelier. Susan Linz has entered most of the information. The directory should be completed and mailed to parents by the target date of Thanksgiving.
  • Publicity - Ann Bistolfo noted that the article on the PTA-sponsored parent education forum "Reducing Alcohol Risks for Davis Teens and Young Adults" was prominently featured in the Davis Enterprise and an Enterprise reporter was present at the forum.
  • Scholarship Committee - No report was given.
  • Hospitality - No report was given. Renee Liston stated that she attended the Ice Cream Social and that it went very well.
  • Website - Sue Fuller passed around a sheet requesting confirmation for the phone numbers and e-mail addresses listed on the DHS PTA web site.
  • Data Management - Tsui Chang suggested that the PTA volunteer form simply ask if people are willing to volunteer and request a phone number/e-mail address if they are rather than asking for volunteers for specific events. Tsui also suggested that the request for dance chaperones be eliminated. Ann Reioux noted that she preferred that the form ask people if they are willing to chaperone because she has gotten better response when this is the case. It was decided that the chaperone request will be similar to the volunteer request (i.e. Volunteer to chaperone?-yes/no, Preferred mode of communication?-e-mail/phone), and not list specific dances. Tsui asked that the request for a copy of the DHS Survival Guide be eliminated as the Guide is mailed to 10th grade parents and 11th and 12th grade parents can be notified of its availability in the PTA newsletter. The Survival Guide is also available on the PTA website. Tsui requested an additional check box asking if people who were listed in the Student Directory in the previous year would like to make changes in the information for present year's Directory. If no changes are necessary this will save production time for the new Directories.
  • Listservser - No report was given.
Teacher Representative Report-Sally Ryen
Sally Ryen reported that the problems related to the switch from Macintosh computers to PCs are still being worked out with the DJUSD. Sally stated that about half the students have turned in their Use Approval forms. Mike Cawley noted that a better system for the return of these forms needs to be developed for next year. Sally reported that the new TV/VCR units have not yet been installed in all classrooms.

Sally noted the current prevalence of illness among DHS students and teachers. She encouraged parents of sick children to keep them home.

Student Representative Report
Nahid Abdali reported that this is Homecoming week. The theme for Homecoming is "The Battle of the Blues." There will be a night rally at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Homecoming T-shirts are being sold. Students are needed to help finish constructing the class floats. There will be early dismissal at 12:48 p.m. Friday for the parade. The Homecoming games are Friday night: junior varsity plays at 5:00 p.m. and the varsity game starts at 7:30 p.m. Parent volunteers are needed to watch the floats until half time. The Homecoming Dance follows the games from 9:00 to 11:30 p.m.

Parent Representative Reports :

  • C&I and Site Council - Jane McLaughlin reported that the C&I minutes have been sent to Sue Fuller for posting on the PTA website. Jane reported that Site Council meeting minutes will also be posted. Mike Cawley noted that DHS did not receive API funds for 2001 STAR test results because only 89% of the students took the test. ( A minimum of 90% participation is required to qualify for the funds.)Mike believes that at least 90% of students took the test in 2002 making DHS eligible for the funds if they are awarded this year. Renee Liston congratulated Jane on her election to Site Council. Gail Cooluris was elected alternate.
  • Superintendent's Parent Advisory - Peg Smith reported that the last scheduled meeting was cancelled. Peg noted that PTA concerns may be presented to the Parent Advisory Committee. Parents are encouraged to attend the meetings; however, questions must be submitted through the appointed Parent Representatives. Questions and comments may be submitted to Peg.
  • GATE Advisory - Cathy Louie reported that the DJUSD GATE program was the only northern California program to be allowed a five year renewal of its GATE master plan.
  • Human Relations - This committee has not met. However, Mariko Yamada reported that 42 DHS students and five DHS faculty and staff participating in the Teens for Tolerance program will be attending training at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. Mariko suggested that DHS consider appointing a parent representative for administration issues.
Old Business
No old business was reported.

New Business

  • Assistant Principals' Report - Heidi Loper had nothing to report. Patrick Donlon will report at the November meeting.
  • Counselors' Report - No Counselors' Report was given.
  • Teen Issue Topics - Renee Liston reported that she is hoping to arrange parent education forums for the top six topics selected by parent vote.
There were no new announcements.

The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.