December 10, 2002
Present: Mariko Yamada, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Lynda Yancher, Ann Devereux, Mary Herbert, Sally Ryen, Jane McLaughlin, Nahid Abdali, Karim Fard, Pam Mari, Tsui Chang, Ann Reioux
Meeting called to order at 7:35 by Lynda Yancher.
- Approval of November 12, 2002 Minutes
- A motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting was
passed unanimously.
- Treasurer's Report-Mary Herbert
- Mary Herbert distributed a treasurer’s report showing current
income of $19,969.00 and current expenses of $9,856.02. Mary noted that
the special projects expense of $70.00 for pertussis prevention
(classroom tissue) was actually $76.90 and that payment was made in the
larger amount.
- Student Representative Report-Nahid Abdali
- Nahid reported that the Junior Prom will take place December 14 in
the MPR from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight.
- Principal's Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley handed out copies of an article by Rosalind Wiseman
from Principal Leadership (a journal for high school administrators)
entitled “The Hidden World of Bullying.” The article, which explores
the relationship between bullying and school culture, has been
distributed to DHS faculty, administrators, and staff.
Mike noted that fall sports have been wrapping up and winter sports programs have begun. The DHS campus has also been busy with dramatic and musical performances.
- The new Oak Avenue parking lot is still not open pending the resolution of landscaping issues. It should be open before the City of Davis preferential parking district surrounding DHS is instituted in February.
- Plans for the preferential parking district will be finalized at the DJUSD Board Meeting on December 19. Sally Ryen stated that there will be a map of the preferential parking boundaries in the next issue of the student publication, The Hub.
- Winter break begins on Thursday, December 19. Wednesday, December 18 will not follow a block day schedule, but students will still be released at 2:30 p.m.
- Assistant Principal's Report-Pam Mari
- Pam urged parents who hear rumors about disturbing incidents at DHS
to contact DHS administration (the Assistant Principals) to verify the
content. Recent upsetting rumors that have come to her attention have
been completely false. She noted that the identities of parents who
report information they have learned from students are kept
Pam reported the following:
- Each DHS department now has a technology representative and a comprehensive review of technology use at the high school is being undertaken. The goal is to ensure the stability and utility of the current technological environment. A punch list to identify needed training and equipment will be completed by the end of January.
- Faculty and staff are evaluating resources and procedures to improve the ESL program at DHS.
- There will be four days of “Secret Santa” holiday activities for faculty and staff, ending with a special breakfast on Wednesday, December 18. Pam asked if the PTA could contribute to the breakfast. Lynda Yancher and Mary Herbert agreed to PTA support for the event.
- Counselors' Report
- No report was given.
- Teacher Representative Report-Sally Ryen
- Some major obstacles have been addressed and negotiations between
the Davis Teachers Association (DTA) and the DJUSD are going forward in
a more favorable direction following a bargaining training workshop.
The on-site visit of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation renewal team will take place in March. Students and parents will be interviewed for their input along with teachers, staff, and administration.
- Wish List "Thank Yous"
- Lynda Yancher and Mary Herbert read thank you notes received from the DHS Art Department, the Graphics class, the Hub staff and Mike Cawley for wish list items donated by the PTA.
Parent Representative Reports
- Curriculum & Instruction/ Site Council - Jane
McLaughlin reported that the WASC report is being updated. The PTA
funded math and science tutoring program is being evaluated. At present
there is one tutor serving 2–3 students a day. Teachers from the Math
department met with parents concerned with the adoption of the College
Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) textbooks for Geometry and Algebra
2/Trignometry classes.
- GATE Advisory - Mariko Yamada reported that the
results of the universal GATE testing pilot will be available in
- Human Relations - Mariko Yamada reported that
there have been three community forums concerning bullying. A
representative from the United States Department of Justice community
relations service office was present at the most recent meeting. Mariko
reported that there were several students present at the most recent
meeting of the District Coordinating Council of school Human Relations
Committees. They introduced a proposal for a big brother/big sister
program that will “buddy up” older and younger students beginning with
junior and senior school students. The DHS Human Relations Committee
will meet Wednesday, December 11 at 2:45 p.m. in the Staff Room. All
DHS clubs have been invited to send a representative.
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Membership - No report was given.
- Ways and Means - No report was given.
- Volunteers - No report was given.
- Newsletter - The December and January newsletters
will be combined. There is no December deadline for submissions.
- Student Directory - Guy Michelier reported that
the directories were mailed before Thanksgiving. Guy proposed that
there be a student contest for the cover design of future directories.
He will develop guidelines and work with DHS administration to announce
the contest this spring.
- Publicity - No report was given.
- Scholarship Committee - No report was given.
- Hospitality - Lynda Yancher reported that a
“Holiday Surprise” for DHS faculty, staff and administration is being
planned for December 13.
- Computer Support - No report was given.
- Listservers - Ann Reioux reported that Gail
Heckemeyer will be the administrator for the Class of 2006
- Old Business
- No old business was reported.
- Announcements
- There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned by Lynda Yancher at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.