February 11, 2003
DAVIS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Parent Teacher Association Meeting February 11, 2003
Present: Renee Liston, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Lynda Yancher, Ann Devereux, Sally Ryen, Jane McLaughlin, Mary Herbert, Carol Curinga, Gail Houck, Pam Mari, Tsui Chang, Ann Bistolfo, Sussan Barrow, Gail Heckemeyer, Kathy von Rummelhoff, Catherine Louie, Mariko Yamada, Melinda Zimmerman, Lee Groen,, Peg Smith, Mary Payyappilly, Beth Katsaris, Don Saylor
Meeting called to order at 7:35 by Renee Liston.
- Addition of Agenda Item
- Renee Liston proposed the addition to the agenda of a discussion of
the DHS response to bigoted behavior at a recent DHS basketball game as
described in letters to the editor of the Davis Enterprise.
A motion to approve the additional agenda item was passed unanimously.
- Approval of January 14, 2003 Minutes
- A motion to approve the minutes of the January meeting
wasapproved unanimously.
- Treasurer's Report-Mary Herbert
- Mary Herbert distributed a treasurer’s report showing income to
date of $20,008.00 and expenses of $11,815.60. Mary reported a one-time
expense of $62.00 for the software Acrobat 5 for PDF files to improve
the readability of the PTA newsletter on the PTA website. She stated
that printing of additional copies of the DHS Survival Guide was
charged to Administrative Expense. Peg Smith offered that in the past
the expenses related to the Survival Guide were charged to Parent
Education. Mary will move this item accordingly.
Mary noted that she still has student directories available for sale at $6.00. Sally Ryen stated that several students have expressed an interest in buying directories. She offered to announce the availability of the directories in the HUB and to coordinate sales. Mary will deliver the additional directories to the HUB room.
- Student Representative Report
- No report was given. Renee Liston said that she would notify
Michael Joyce, Student Activities Director, about the lack of student
representation at the PTA meetings. (To that end, Mr. Joyce was
notified and has agreed to make sure the student representatives attend
the PTA meetings.)
Principal's Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley announced that the CAHSEE (California State High School Exam) will be given on March 4, 5 and 6 for the first time to all 661 sophomores and to about 60 juniors who have not passed all parts of the exam. The dates of the exam are determined by the State of California. The exam will be given in the new and old gyms and the MPR. Volunteers will be needed to serve as proctors. By state law students are required to pass all parts of the exam to graduate from high school.
- The Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) accreditation evaluation visit will take place March 16 through 19. The WASC team will meet with DHS parents on Sunday, March 16. Fay Hulbert is coordinating the WASC report.
- DHS has received grant money for an after school program developed in coordination with UCD for juniors who have not passed the CAHSEE. Matt Best will be facilitating the program.
- Mike is getting quotes for a new copier for the library. In addition, Guy Michelier is investigating the possibility of purchasing a copier from the State of California surplus equipment office. Forms and paperwork have been submitted to the DJUSD.
- The two outdoor tables donated to DHS by the PTA have been ordered. One of the tables meets the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for ease of access. (Update: Mike reports that the tables should arrive by the middle of March.)
- Beginning with next year’s sophomores, a closer look will be given
to the independent study P.E. program. This program is actually geared
toward pre-Olympic type sports involvement. Students taking independent
study P.E. will have to meet the 10th grade P.E. requirements including
the required state standards. Mike will report on these standards in a
future PTA newsletter. Mike noted that P.E. will still be available as
a summer school class.
- Discussion of "Basketball Game Incident"
- Mariko Yamada, PTA Human Relations Committee liaison, distributed
copies of three recent letters to the editor of the Davis Enterprise.
In a letter dated January 21 Ian Blair, a Fairfield basketball player,
complained of racial slurs and profanity directed at the Fairfield High
players by DHS student fans. A response dated January 23 by DHS student
Scott Dicke denied that racial insults were used against the Fairfield
team and stated that the Fairfield fans were as guilty of using
profanities as the DHS crowd. In a January 29 letter to the editor
Mariko questioned the lack of a formal, public response by DHS
administration to the allegations of racism.
Mike Cawley stated that the incident had been brought to his attention by the principal of Fairfield High who had received a complaint from the parent of the player at whom the DHS fans’ comments had been aimed. The player was allegedly called the “n–word” and the style of his hair (corn rows) was a target for the fans’ insults. Mike noted that a group of DHS students who attend boys’ basketball games traditionally sit in a certain area of the gym and chant at the opposing team. The insults were determined to have come from this group. DHS administrators Mike Cawley, Patrick Donlon, and Brian Ziser interviewed the DHS students believed to be involved but were unable to establish the identity of the individual student responsible for the most offensive comments. The importance of positive fan behavior—rooting for DHS, not against the opponent—was stressed in a discussion with this group of students.
During the most recent three basketball games Mike Cawley and Dave Whitmire have positioned themselves in front of the group. Due to the acoustics in the new gym it is sometimes easier to hear what is being yelled from the opposite side of the court and DHS administrators have been positioned there as well. As a result of this monitoring three students have been ejected for inappropriate comments or behavior during the games. The ejections are permanent for all future basketball games this season. Mike reported that DHS fan behavior is now tremendously improved.
Mariko noted that neither DHS nor the DJUSD has responded publicly to the allegations in the Enterprise and that as a result the Davis community is for the most part uninformed of the actions that have been taken by the high school to deal with the situation.
Pam Mari, Assistant Principal, stated that Davis Superintendent of Schools David Murphy has directed Davis schools administrators not to respond to letters to the editor because it is impossible to verify information presented in such a format.
Mariko suggested that due to the serious nature of the allegations a blanket policy of no response might be revisited. Mariko noted that Human Relations Week is scheduled for March 10 through 14. A committee of students, teachers, administrators and community members is planning a variety of activities focusing on tolerance issues. She noted that the programs planned for Wednesday March 12 during periods 4 and 5 (block schedule—10:31 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.) would be especially powerful and encouraged everyone to attend.
DHS parent Beth Katsaris asked if DHS administrators are required to be present at all DHS games. Mike Cawley responded that administrators have only been required to be in attendance at football games. Beth suggested that since this is the first year DHS has played in the Monticello Empire League this policy should be reconsidered. Beth mentioned the Stanford Positive Alliance for Sports offers a highly regarded program on sportsmanship.
Don Saylor, Davis School Board Member, noted that there is a need for parents to take responsibility for modeling the values of acceptable fan behavior and also endorsed programs on positive sportsmanship. Don suggested that a public effort by the PTA to bring the issue before the DHS community was needed.
Assistant Principal's Report-Pam Mari
- Pam Mari noted that DHS student teams advanced in both the Academic Decathlon and Mock Trial. The DHS team came in second in the Science Bowl, missing the last question in the last *Next week peer advocate groups will present “Matters of the Heart,” a series of events focusing on expressing feelings and resolving conflicts in non-violent ways. There will be a voluntary assembly on Wednesday February 12 featuring speakers from UCD.
- Pam distributed the proposed CAHSEE testing schedule. She noted that it is an untimed test. Additional spring semester testing includes two weeks of STAR testing in April and the Golden State Exams. Additional information on the upcoming tests will be in the PTA newsletter and on its website.
- A “Youth for Recovery” program, sponsored by CommuniCare Health
Centers, was announced. Up to five students may be enrolled in a DJUSD
substance abuse treatment program on the DHS campus. Participation is
mostly court-ordered. The program includes staff training on
recognizing signs of abuse. Patrick Donlon, Assistant Principal, will
be working with CommuniCare staff to implement the program.
Counselors' Report-Carol Curinga
- Carol Curinga, Head Counselor, stated that DHS counseling staff will be attending monthly PTA meetings on a rotating basis.
- Carol reported that attendance at the February 6 College Night program was standing-room only. Feedback has been extremely positive.
- Applications for the High Potential Program were due today from juniors who are planning to attend UCD in their senior year.
- Counselors will be distributing DHS Course Catalogs and schedule planning materials to sophomores in their English 10 classes beginning February 20. Catalogs and planning materials will be distributed to juniors in their U.S. History classes beginning February 25.
- Beginning with next year’s sophomores the VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) requirement “F” for the UC system will be defined as two college prep fine art courses that are related. Class of 2005 students may still take two unrelated fine arts courses and meet the admission requirement.
- Carol noted that the Golden State Exams are not required for
college admissions.
Teacher Representatives Report-Sally Ryen
- Sally Ryen noted that next Monday’s holiday will be the last holiday for more than a month and that with the upcoming tests students may be feeling a lot of pressure.
- Pertussis cases on the DHS campus appear to have subsided.
- Review and Approval of 2003-04 PTA Membership Form-Renee Liston
- Renee distributed the proposed PTA Membership Form for 2003–04. The
request for parent chaperones has been eliminated because DHS staff is
now chaperoning dances. An item indicating a voluntary $5 contribution
towards the cost of student planners has been added. Sally Ryen asked
if student government was still funding the planners. Lynda Yancher
will contact Michael Joyce, Student Activities Director, to find
Parent Representative Reports
- Superintendent's Advisory Committee—Peg Smith
reported that the committee is considering how to handle the increasing
student population in Davis schools. The impact will be the greatest on
DHS. The focus is on what is in the best interest of the students. The
committee is also concerned with the issue of protecting students’
privacy v. getting information out through the PTA and class
- Curriculum & Instruction—Jane McLaughlin
reported that a new course, Honors English 10, has been approved. Two
new theater courses in Set Construction and Sound and Lighting have
been proposed. Carol Curinga has suggested removing class rank from
student transcripts. (Heidi Loper has since revised this report to note
that only one course, ROP Stagecraft Production will be offered,
contingent on sufficient student sign-ups.)
- Site Council—Gail Heckemeyer reported that the
availability of funds is still uncertain. Gail noted that teachers
should focus their proposals on underachieving students with results to
be reflected in improved attendance and test scores.
- GATE Advisory—Catherine Louie reported that the
annual budget for the Davis GATE program has been reduced by 10.8% due
to state budget cuts. In addition the 5-year GATE budget proposal plan
has been put on hold to be reconsidered in June. The GATE budget plan
will continue on its current 2-year plan.
- Human Relations—Mariko Yamada thanked all present
for participating in the discussion of the basketball incident. She
noted again that Human Relations Week is planned for March 10 through
14. The chairman of the DHS Human Relations Committee is teacher Matt
No other parent representative reports were given.
Renee Liston requested that anyone who gives a report at the PTA meeting be prepared to hand the Secretary a copy of the report if available.
Committee Reports
- Newsletter—The deadline for submissions for the
March newsletter is February 13.
- Publicity—Ann Bistolfo reported that the Davis
Enterprise featured an announcement of the Parent Education
Presentation "Pressure to Perform" that preceded tonight’s PTA
- Hospitality—Kathy von Rummelhoff reported that a
Valentine Day treat event for DHS teachers and staff, "Decadent
Chocolate and Delectable Desserts," will take place on February
- Ways & Means-Spring Donation Letter—Lynda
Yancher reported that the donation request letter will be sent within
the next week.
- Computer Support—Tsui Chang noted that the DHS and
PTA websites can complement each other and suggested a closer
collaboration between the sites. Tsui reported that the simple sites
provided to DHS by Davis Community Network are being used to post the
agenda and/or minutes of the PTA, Curriculum and Instruction Committee
and School Site Council. The former two already have volunteers
responsible for posting. Tsui asked if a member of the School Site
Council would either e-mail the agenda and minutes to the PTA Web Team
or get the simple training to post them on a Simple Site. Sally Ryen
agreed to e-mail the minutes.
- Listservers—Jane McLaughlin distributed the "Netiquette Tips" that are sent to class listserver subscribers. Jane stated that Ann Reioux, Class of 2004 Listserv Administrator, reports that the 2004 listserver has been used to organize and plan support Class of 2004 activities. Mary Velinsky, Class of 2003 Listserver Administrator reports that the listserver provides a valuable vehicle for contacting senior parents. Ann Devereux Class of 2005 Listserver Administrator reported that the sophomore listserver has been used to answer subscribers' questions about DHS and distribute information about DHS and class activities. All agree that the listservers are a very useful vehicle for the communication of information relating to DHS and class activities to interested parents.
- Old Business
- No old business was reported.
- Announcements
- Renee Liston asked for volunteers to stay and consider a
fundraising request she recently received.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.