May 13, 2003
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Present: Renee Liston, Mike Cawley, Lynda Yancher, Ann Devereux, Sally Ryen, Mary Herbert, Jane McLaughlin, Carla Lehn, Gail Heckemeyer, Gail Houck, Pam Mari, Andrés Uyeda, Sue Fuller, Suzanne Coutchié, Paula Tripp, Peg Smith, Charles Aldous, Naomi Chen, Beth Katsaris, Mariko Yamada, Nancy M. Stone, Lee Groen, Ann Reioux, Collen Jordan, Jean Lund, Junior Class Representative, Senior Class Representative
Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Renee Liston.
Welcomes and Introductions-Renee Liston
- Renee welcomed and introduced new Board appointees for 2003–04. Paula Tripp will be one of the Hospitality Chairs for next year and Suzanne Coutchié will continue as Special Education Parent Representative.
- Charles Aldous, Jean Lund, Nancy M. Stone and Naomi Chen, parents
of incoming 10th graders, were welcomed.
Acceptance of April 8, 2003 Minutes
The minutes of the April 8, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee
Treasurer's Report-Mary Herbert
- Mary distributed a treasurer’s report showing income to date of $30,684.00 and expenses of $20,882.83.
- Income from the spring donation letter is $10,611.00. Mary is still receiving donations.
- The cost of the new copier for the DHS library was $4,826.25. In
addition, approximately $6,000.00 in Special Projects funds is
available to spend this year.
President's Report-Renee Liston
- Renee Liston noted that the Post Office is no longer allowing the PTA to sort the newsletter by color in order to avoid a re-route to West Sacramento for bulk processing. Renee asked that the June newsletter be sent by first-class mail in order to avoid delays in communicating important end of year information to parents. Renee estimated the additional cost to be approximately $200. Renee noted that the Mailing Committee will be meeting over the summer to discuss ways to improve the delivery time of the newsletter under the new Post Office requirements. Peg Smith has been contacted by Kinko’s regarding a program offered to PTAs for newsletter printing services. She will follow up and report back to Renee.
A motion to approve the expenditure of approximately $200 in additional funds for first-class mailing of the June newsletter was approved unanimously.
- Renee read a note from Sharon Halberg, DHS librarian, thanking the PTA and all who donated to the spring Direct Donation campaign for the new Konica copier.
- Renee noted that the stapler function on the copier donated to the Career Center has broken down. The cost of repair is around $290. Pam Mari commented that there is a chronic problem with staplers breaking on all copiers at DHS. Mariko Yamada suggested that rather than invest in what will most likely be a temporary fix the PTA might purchase a number of electric staplers. Renee will contact the Career Center and ask the staff if they would like the PTA to purchase two electric staplers for their use.
- Renee reported that DHS received $25 from the March Racquet & Fitness Club fundraiser.
- Renee distributed the 2003–04 PTA Meeting Schedule. Meetings will
take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the DHS
Distribution of End of Year Funds
- Pam Mari distributed information on the Spinitar PosterPrinter System. Cost of the system would be $4,920.00. The ASB will not contribute towards the purchase at this time. Ann Devereux noted that parents were told that spring Direct Donation funds would be used to purchase a new copier for the DHS library and remaining funds would go towards purchasing additional outdoor seating for the DHS campus. Mary Herbert stated that notes in support of this use of the funds accompanied several donations. It was suggested that DHS follow the original plan of using the PosterPrinter system at the DJUSD Offices to determine an actual estimated usage and submit a request next year.
A motion to approve the expenditure of approximately $6,000.00 in additional Special Projects funds for ADA-approved tables and benches was approved unanimously.
- Mike Cawley described a Student of the Month Luncheon program he
would like to institute next year. DHS departments would nominate a
total of thirty-five to forty students each month and the students and
their parents would be invited to an on-campus lunch. Students would
also receive a certificate. Mike estimated the cost to be $4 $5 per
person. He will be contacting local business organizations to assess
interest in sponsoring the luncheons. PTA members present expressed an
interest in co-sponsoring the program. Mike will provide updates on
program details.
Schoolpop Update-Carla Lehn
Carla Lehn reported that 8 people have signed up to participate in
the Schoolpop Internet purchasing program. A report of funds raised
will be available in about 60 days. Carla will provide information on
the program for the orientation packet being stuffed June 17.
Student Representative Reports
- The Senior Ball will take place on May 17. Bid sales will end on Wednesday May 14. The price is currently $85 and bids may be purchased at the Financial Office window.
- Renee Liston asked the senior class representative to encourage
seniors to submit pictures (including Senior Ball pictures) for the
Senior Class Video by May 30.
Counselors' Report-Andrés Uyeda
- DHS counselors are working with Emerson and Holmes JHS to recruit 10th graders for Transition Academy.
- UCD’s Dual Admissions Program and Eligibility in the Local Context letters have been sent to potential qualifying juniors to request authorization for release of student information to UCD.
- Around 200 letters have been sent to seniors who received D and F grades on their 4th quarter progress reports. Counselors will work with students and teachers to finalize graduation status.
- Seniors have been signing the YAHOO list in the main office to indicate where they will be attending school next year.
- The Master Schedule has been delayed and schedules will not be available until registration on August 19. If students cannot pick up their schedules on the 19th they will have to wait until August 27.
- Counselors will not be in their offices over the summer. Any voice-mails left will be deleted after 10 days and e-mails will not be regularly checked.
- Students who do not complete summer courses as planned need to notify the Counseling Office in August if this will necessitate a change in their fall schedules.
- There may be a delay in counselors’ response times to messages at the beginning of the school year.
- Sacramento City College Advanced Education Guidelines have changed. Students must meet with a counselor before applying.
- Summer is a great time to visit and evaluate colleges and universities.
- It was noted by several parents present that students (including
incoming 10th graders) had been notified that registration would take
place on August 21. Pam Mari will follow up on notifying parents and
students of the change.
Principal’s Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley reported that STAR and Advanced Placement testing are wrapping up and Golden State exams are beginning. The second round of CAHSEE testing will be at the end of June. Results from the March CAHSEE are expected at any time.
- The guest speakers and student performers at the Human Relations assembly on May 1 were well received despite the program running 30 minutes into the lunch period. A Native American ceremony accompanied the memorial tree planting for Thong Hy Huynh.
- Graduation ceremonies will take place on June 13 and diplomas will be awarded in alphabetical order.
- Senior Awards Night will be June 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Quad.
- Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new DHS Performing Arts Center will be Thursday, May 15 at 4:00 p.m. at the Nova quad by the tennis courts. There will be ten classrooms, music practice rooms and an auditorium with 500 more seats than the new gym. Expected completion is 2004.
- A School-to-Career Grant of $75,000 has been received and will ensure the continuation of the Pathways program.
- The Spirit Program will take place May 20. One hundred students (25
Caucasian, 25 Asian, 25 Black and 25 Hispanic) will participate in a
one-day program on communicating and problem solving with Booker Neal
from the US Department of Justice. Participants will nominated by
teachers. Letters will be sent to parents explaining the program and
requesting permission.
Assistant Principals' Report-Pam Mari for Patrick Donlon
- All connections are in place this year for teachers to do same day attendance reporting.
- DHS has a record of when and how autocaller calls are answered in the students’ homes.
- The Lighthouse system enables students to get information on absences up to two days prior.
- Teachers sign a weekly absence report.
- A cumulative records report may be used to identify absence patterns.
- Parents receive a letter asking them to contact a counselor when a student accumulates 35 periods of unexplained absence. After 70 absences an Assistant Principal will become involved in working with the student. After 105 absences a SART (School Attendance Review Team) comprised of representatives from DHS, the Davis Police and the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office will become involved.
- The Assistant Principals and counseling staff have access to all student records including attendance, grades, and class schedules. Work permit information will soon be added. (Students must have a good attendance record and a GPA of at least 2.0 to be eligible for work permits.)
- The change in registration date was made to allow additional time
for schedule changes before the first day of school. Seniors will make
schedule changes on 8/19, juniors on 8/20 and sophomores on 8/21.
Outstanding Educators and Outstanding Parent Volunteer Awards-Renee Liston
Renee announced that the 2002–03 Outstanding Educators of the Year
Awards will go to Sherri Sandburg Ransom and Robert Ross. The 2002–03
Outstanding Parent Volunteer of the Year is Mary Herbert. Renee read
excerpts from the nominating letters. It was suggested that future
awards be made in time to announce the recipients at the spring Open
Senior Scholarships Update-Colleen Jordan
Colleen thanked Renee Liston and Gail Houck for assisting in student interviews. Six students have been nominated. Four or five awards of $250 will be given to students who may not otherwise be recognized. Recipients will be announced at the Senior Awards ceremony on June 4.
A motion to add $150 to the senior scholarship fund and make
awards to all six students was approved with one abstention.
Teacher Representative Report-Sally Ryen
- Sally Ryen distributed copies of the latest edition of the HUB.
- Staff continues to experience problems with parking after first period.
- Sharon Halberg, DHS librarian, is asking for parent volunteers to
help with end of year library tasks. A request will appear in the June
Parent Representatives' Reports
- Facilities Committee-Peg Smith reported that priorities for spending state modernization funds are the Humanities building and the old gym. In addition, the M1/M2 Multipurpose Room/Kitchen complex is being evaluated. The DJUSD would like to centralize kitchen services. Money is being sought to convert the MPR into a student commons.
- Boundaries Committee-Peg Smith reported that special programs including GATE and Spanish Immersion are impacting boundaries decisions and vice versa. Students may be grandfathered into their present schools but there will be no guaranteed placement for siblings.
- Small Schools Committee-Peg Smith reported that a feasibility study has indicated that a satellite instructional center funded by UCD and the Los Rios Community College District is possible. The DJUSD program calls for a small magnet setting for high school students. A Gates Foundation Technology Grant will allow the program to be initiated on the DHS campus and move off site when a facility becomes available.
- Site Council-Gail Heckemeyer reported that the Council will vote May 22 on teachers’ requests for funding.
- GATE Advisory-Mariko Yamada reported that the configuration of the GATE program under the new junior high boundaries continues to be a priority issue.
- Human Relations-Mariko Yamada reported that a Plan for Action to Improve School Climate will be introduced May 22, to be followed by two community meetings and adoption by the School Board June 19. Due to other commitments, Mariko will not serve as the PTA Human Relations representative in the next school year and hopes to recruit a parent of a younger student to take over the position.
- Special Education Advisory-Suzanne Coutchié announced that the MIND Institute Summer Conference on neural disorders will take place August 7 and 8 at CSUS. Information can be obtained at
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Hospitality-Lynda Yancher reported that the PTA will sponsor a teacher/staff luncheon on May 16. Hospitality will be providing refreshments for Senior Awards Night on June 4.
No other committee reports were given.
Election of 2003–04 Officers-Lee Groen and Renee Liston
- Lee Groen read Article V of the PTA by-laws into the record.
- The following DHS PTA Officers were elected unanimously by voice
President: Renee Liston
1st Vice President, Ways & Means: Lynda Yancher
2nd Vice President, Membership: Guy Michelier
Secretary: Ann Devereux
Treasurer: Carla Lehn
Auditor: Pam Day
Historian/Publicity: Mary Velinsky
Old Business
No old business was reported.
Lynda Yancher thanked Renee Liston for the great job she has done as PTA president.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.