January 14, 2003
Present: Renee Liston, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Lynda Yancher, Ann Devereux, Sally Ryen, Jane McLaughlin, Sonya Rinkus, Gail Houck, Heidi Loper, Tsui Chang, Ann Reioux, Melinda Zimmerman, Renuka Mannappperuma, Ann Bistolfo, Elsa Ruiz-Duran, Lee Groen, Alison Roe, Peg Smith, Sue Fuller
Meeting called to order at 7:35 by Renee Liston.
- Approval of December 10, 2002 Minutes
- A motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting was
passed unanimously.
- Treasurer's Report - Renee Liston for Mary Herbert
- Renee reported for Mary Herbert. A treasurer’s report showing
current income of $20,008.00 and current expenses of $9,856.02 was
- Student Representative Report
- No report was given.
Principal's Report - Mike Cawley
- The new Oak Avenue parking lot is open with 80–85% utilization. Staff and guest parking spaces will be marked once the weather improves.
- Mike stated that the new City of Davis preferential parking district may still create problems when it is instituted in February. Mike has been talking to Unitrans and has arranged for Unitrans personnel to visit the DHS campus and provide information on the T Line that presently stops at DHS at 7:30 a.m. A new T Line is scheduled to stop at DHS at 8:30 a.m. Unitrans tickets and coupons will be sold on the DHS campus. Mike noted that according to a Unitrans survey 70% of the DHS student body lives within 2 miles of the DHS campus. Other options that are being explored are State of California grants for free bus passes for low income students, and, if necessary, parking by permit only.
- Finals week begins January 21. Sue Fuller volunteered to post the Final Schedule on the PTA website. Mike will ask Sharon Talesfore to post the Final Schedule on the DHS website Zone calendar.
- Mike noted that despite recent articles in the Davis Enterprise, the issue of reporting student names to military recruiters has not been resolved. It may be discriminatory to report the names to colleges but not the Armed Forces. The relation of the education code to the “No Child Left Behind” Act.
- The DJUSD has not finalized a new policy on the use of cell phones at school. The present policy is that students are not to use cell phones on campus during instructional time (including time between classes). Upon the first infraction the cell phone is confiscated and held until the end of the day. Upon a second infraction the cell phone must be picked up by a parent or guardian, and if a third infraction occurs the cell phone is held until the end of the school year.
- The Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) visit will
begin March 16. The collaboration day originally scheduled for March 11
will be moved to March 18 so that the WASC team can meet with DHS staff
during collaboration time.
Assistant Principal's Report - Heidi Loper
- A meeting for sophomore parents will take place January 16. DHS counselors will answer questions regarding junior year schedules and testing. A financial aid workshop for junior and senior parents will take place the same evening. A College Night for juniors is planned for February 6.
- The 2003–2004 course catalog will be available by February 19. Recent input from parents regarding "reader friendliness" will be included. Course descriptions are also being standardized. Alison Roe offered to reformat the catalog to improve readability.
- Heidi noted that there are many useful handouts available to students on the table outside of the Counseling Office. She invited parents to look them over and take any that they feel may be valuable to their students.
- Patrick Donlon sent an announcement that the Drama Department will
be presenting “Once Upon a Mattress” in February and March.
- Counselors' Report
- No report was given. Renee Liston noted that no counselors have
been attending PTA meetings. Heidi Loper will ask Head Counselor Carol
Curinga if counseling staff members can attend the meetings on a
rotating basis.
- Teacher Representative Report Report - Renee Liston for Sally Ryen
- Renee read a written report from Sally Ryen:
- Sally thanked the PTA for the December holiday spread. It was enjoyed by the entire staff.
- On January 8 DHS staff attended a mandatory DJUSD workshop on sexual harrassment. Those who were absent will have to make up the session. It was very helpful in outlining the education code and staff roles and responsibilities.
- Sally encouraged people to attend the ACME Theater Company’s production of “The Water Children” at the Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium through next weekend. Dave Burmester, director of ACME, had a heart attack and surgery over the winter break, but is recovering.
- Sally noted that the DHS library is in desperate need of a reliable
photocopier and asked if the PTA could help out.
- Wish List
- A motion to approve the expenditure of $100 to purchase math
supplies as requested by Steve Harvey was passed unanimously.
The issue of readability of the PTA newsletter on the PTA website was discussed. Guy Michelier offered to research and purchase PDF distiller software that will be compatible with the Macintosh version of Pagemaker 6.5 used to produce the newsletter.
A motion to approve the expenditure of up to $300 to purchase PDF distiller software was passed unanimously.
Parent Representative Reports
- Curriculum & Instruction/ Site Council —Jane
McLaughlin reported that the Curriculum & Instruction Committee and
Site council did not meet in December.
- GATE Advisory—No report was given.
- Human Relations—No report.
- Superintendent's Advisory Committee—Peg Smith
stated that she missed the last meeting but will be attending future
- Leadership Team—There was no parent report. Heidi
Loper reported that the team is consolidating focus group reports for
the WASC review.
- Special Education—Ann Reioux offered to contact
the Bridges organization for a possible parent contact.
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Membership—Tsui Chang reported PTA membership is
currently 175 individual and 352 family for a total of 879, in addition
to a record 17 faculty and staff.
- Ways and Means— See below.
- Volunteers— Renuka Mannappperuma reported one new
library volunteer.
- Newsletter—The deadline for submissions for the
February newsletter is January 16.
- Computer Support— Tsui Chang reported that Davis
Community Network has provided simple sites for use by the PTA,
enabling the formation of a web team.
- Listservers—Jane McLaughlin restated the policy that only announcements for school and DJUSD sponsored or authorized events are to be distributed on the PTA listserver or in the PTA newsletter.
- Spring Direct Donation Letter (Ways & Means) - Renee Liston and Lynda Yancher
- Renee and Lynda announced a goal of $8500 for the spring donation
letter. They noted that the proceeds may be used for a single item or a
variety of items and opened the floor to suggestions. The library’s
need for a copier was cited by several of those present.
A letter to Renee from Sunny Falling-rain, Library Technician, written on behalf of Sharon Hallberg, Librarian, was distributed. The letter noted the problems that are being experienced with the present copier and described the features that would be needed on a new copier. The cost of an appropriate copier is estimated to be $6,285.00. Mike Cawley is still looking into the possibility of including the maintenance contract on a new copier with the other copiers on campus.
Funding for student planners was discussed. Last year $5000 from spring donations was used for student planners. It was pointed out that at Emerson JHS parents are asked to donate specifically for student planners at the beginning of the school year and the response has always been excellent. It was agreed that next year the registration materials that go to all families will suggest a specific donation for student planners.
A motion to include a statement in the spring donation letter that donations will be used to purchase a new copier for the DHS library was passed unanimously. Any additional money raised will be spent on outdoor tables and benches for the DHS campus.
- Old Business
- No old business was reported.
- Announcements
- There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.