April 8, 2003
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Present: Renee Liston, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Lynda Yancher, Ann Devereux, Sally Ryen, Mary Herbert, Jane McLaughlin, Carla Lehn, Gail Heckemeyer, Gail Houck, Pam Mari, Ann Bistolfo, Mariko Yamada, Melinda Zimmerman, Lee Groen, Ann Reioux, Karen Schmitendorf, Jean Meyer, Junior Class Representative
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Renee Liston.
Acceptance of March 11, 2003 Minutes
The minutes of the March 11, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee
Treasurer’s Report-Mary Herbert
- Mary distributed a treasurer’s report showing income to date of $27,240.00 and expenses of $15,865.02.
- Income from the spring donation letter is $10,141.00 through April 7.
- Friendship Days and Newsletter mailing expenses were paid last
President’s Report-Renee Liston
- Renee reported that the nomination forms for Outstanding Educator and Parent Volunteer Awards are due May 1. Teacher nominations for PTA Scholarships for DHS graduating seniors are due April 11. Sally Ryen asked if she could nominate a second student since only 7 nominations have been made so far. It was agreed that Sally could recommend an additional student.
- Renee noted that parent donations collected in response to the orientation packet solicitation may be used to pay for the 2003–
- Renee read an e-mail from Deb Kimokeo, DJUSD Crisis Counselor, thanking the DHS PTA for its donation to cover the cost of grief
- Renee read a note from Faye Hulbert thanking the DHS PTA for sponsoring the reception for the WASC accreditation team.
- Renee has placed notices in both the Emerson and Holmes Junior High newsletters inviting incoming sophomore parents to attend the May 13 DHS PTA meeting.
- Renee reported that Maureen Guerreri, DHS PTA Auditor, has completed the annual audit. The audit was accepted by Renee and Mary Herbert, PTA Treasurer.
- A photocopier donated by a DJUSD parent has been installed in the
DHS Career Center. The proceeds from the spring donation letter will be
used to purchase a coin-operated copy machine needed by the DHS
Library. Three bids were received. Linda Ashton, DHS Financial Officer,
has recommended the purchase of a Konica copier for approximately
$4,900.000 including tax. A maintenance program provided by Caltronics
will cost $28 per month and include all service calls, toner, developer
and drums. DHS will provide the paper. Copies will cost students 5¢ per
page. Estimated income from copies is $100 per month. The copier will
be delivered approximately 2 weeks after it is ordered.
A motion to purchase the Konica copier for the DHS Library was passed unanimously.
Spring Donation Letter Update
Pam Mari put forward an additional request by the Associated Student Body for the remaining spring donation letter proceeds. The use of a Spinator large-format poster/banner and laminating machine is currently available through the DJUSD reprographics department. Pam proposed using some of the parent-donated funds to purchase paper for DHS projects using the machine. Mike Cawley and Sally Ryen raised the question of response time if DHS was relying on DJUSD staff to produce the desired projects. It was suggested that a machine be purchased for DHS. Approximate cost would be $4,000.00. The machine could be installed in the Audio-Visual Room on campus.
It was noted that parents were told in the spring donation letter that any funds remaining after the purchase of a new copier for the Library would be used for additional outdoor tables and benches for the DHS campus. Pam was asked if the ASB would be willing to contribute to the purchase of a Spinator machine. She will follow up with student government. Lynda Yancher noted that all funding decisions must be made at the next PTA meeting May 13 (final meeting of the year).
Presentation of the 2003–04 Slate-Ann Reioux
- Ann announced the following nominations for DHS PTA Officer
President: Renee Liston
1st Vice President, Ways & Means: Lynda Yancher
2nd Vice President, Membership: Guy Michelier
Secretary: Ann Devereux
Historian/Publicity: Mary Velinsky
- There are three possible candidates for Treasurer or Auditor who
have requested additional information about the responsibilities
associated with the position. Mary Herbert has offered to speak with
Schoolpop Update-Carla Lehn
Carla distributed information on the Schoolpop on-line shopping
program. A School/Group ID number has been assigned for the DHS PTA.
Participants may shop on-line through the Schoolpop site at over 300
merchants and a percentage of the sales total will be donated to the
PTA. Information on the Schoolpop program will be sent out on the PTA
Listserv and a flyer describing the program will be included with the
PTA information in the August orientation packet.
Student Representative Reports
- Student government has planned an “egg hunt” for the week before spring break. “Eggs” hidden around campus may be turned into C-4 for candy.
- Senior shirts are available in two designs for $13 each. Spring “appreciation” baskets filled with candy will be placed in teachers’ boxes April 9.
- The ASB Treasurer reports a balance of $7,708.38 in the ASB account.
- Sophomores thanked parents for their help with the Hawaiian Nights Dance March 14. Unfortunately the dance was not well attended and the class lost money. Ann Devereux pointed out that the sophomore dance is not preceded by an athletic event that would draw students to the DHS campus and that the traditional “Sadie Hawkins” theme discourages some students from attending. Pam Mari will look into the possibility of switching the date of the sophomore dance with the Bogus Ball (February) next year. She noted that the sophomore class officers are preparing tips on making the dance more successful for future sophomore classes.
- The junior class PTA Representative reported that the Class of 2004 made approximately $6,000 from the Junior Prom and currently has $6,486.74 in its account. She thanked parents for their help and noted that students’ comments on the prom were very favorable.
- Lynda Yancher reported for the senior class president. The Senior
Ball will be held May 17 at the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento. The theme
is "Classic Black & White." Tickets will go on sale beginning April
21 at $65. Pre-event photographs will be taken at DHS. Photos will also
be taken at the hotel during the Ball. A car wash is planned on May 3
at the Anderson Road Albertson’s to raise additional funds for the
Ball. A Bogus Ball “reprise” is also being considered. For more
information, contact Ricky Davenport, Senior Class Advisor.
Principal’s Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley reported that DJUSD is exploring the concept of a small, satellite, possibly “themed” high school (250 students) in cooperation with UCD and the Los Rios Community College District. The classes, which would be part of DHS, will be located at a new Davis Community Center at Hutchison and Highway 113 and would relieve some of the population pressure at the DHS campus. The original goal of a fall 2004 start-up may need to be changed since current plans are for the Community Center to be completed in 2007 or 2008. Alternative sites are being considered.
- Mike reported that the final WASC action plan is being fine-tuned. The WASC team considered the original plan proposed by DHS to be too ambitious.
- Bookmarks promoting an improved school climate are being distributed to all students. Mike thanked Courtenay Tessler for developing this project.
- There will be a school-wide assembly to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Thong Hy Huynh during 5th period on May 1. Awards will be presented to students who submitted the winning entries in the Human Relations essay contest. Multi-cultural dance and musical performances are being planned.
- STAR testing for sophomores and juniors will begin April 22 and take place over 7 days during 3rd period. (Study halls and special assemblies are being planned for seniors, who do not take the STAR tests.) The state of California awards special funding to schools that achieve a 90% participation rate. Governor’s scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to students who score in the top 10% of their class or the top 5% of California students taking the test. Jean Meyer noted that the DHS Counseling Office keeps a record of the PINs assigned by the state to DHS scholarship recipients.
- Mike noted that Emerson and Holmes junior high schools have been
having problems filling 9th grade girls’ volleyball and boys’ and
girls’ basketball teams and asked for opinions on moving the 9th grade
programs to DHS.
Assistant Principals’ Report-Pam Mari
- Pam reported that due to state budget cuts and this year’s lower enrollment figures next year’s Master Schedule must accommodate a 2.0 FTE reduction, resulting in 20 fewer semester classes. Any classes that do not fill will not be scheduled. Plans still call for student schedules to be distributed in June before the school year ends.
- New Associated Student Body officers have been elected.
- The class listservs have been a very successful source of parent
support for CAHSEE and STAR testing proctoring as well as evaluating
new English department texts.
Counselors' Report-Jean Meyer
- Jean stated that the counselors have also found the class listservs to be very helpful in communicating with parents. She has been recommending the listservs to parents who are new to DHS.
- All English 10 classes have completed the “Choices” program.
- Jean reported that the City of Davis is still accepting applications for the Southern California College Safari during spring break.
- Juniors can sign up for summer classes at UCD, Woodland Community College and CSUS.
- Acceptance letters for the UCD high potential program will be sent late this week or early next week. Due to the number of applications this is the first time the program has had to be selective in admissions.
- Jean noted that there are now 216 courses at DHS. Twenty-four new classes have been offered in the last 5 years. Cycles may be established for classes that are not offered every semester.
- Jean reminded students and parents that the counselors are not in their offices at DHS during the summer and any messages left on their voicemails are only kept for 10 days.
- Seniors who are receiving 3rd quarter grades of “F”s and “D”s, who do not have enough credits to graduate in June and/or have not yet cleared “Incompletes” are being sent letters. Counselors will be working with them to get back on track and arrange educational alternatives if necessary.
- Scholarship help is available for senior activities, including the Senior Ball, Grad Night, yearbooks, and cap and gowns. Students should contact their counselors for assistance.
- Seniors are hearing from colleges. Counselors are helping with appeals.
- Jean noted that "senior-itis" can intensify at this time of year. Ambivalence is normal and can sometimes lead to sabotage-type behaviors. Counselors are available to help students and parents during this period. Counselors can also help parents reach teaching staff if necessary.
- The counseling staff is also available to talk with students on any upsetting issues including the current world news situation.
- Jean noted that under some circumstances students may make class
changes following the 3rd quarter. This is a last resort measure taken
only after alternatives are explored.
Teacher Representative Report-Sally Ryen
- Sally noted that pressure on teachers for passing grades has begun to mount especially from seniors.
- The war in Iraq has been polarizing groups of students on campus.
- Tomorrow, April 9, a Day of Silence will be observed. Anyone who
feels unheard can choose to be silent. They may identify themselves by
wearing armbands. The teaching staff has been notified. Day of Silence
has traditionally been well-supported and non-disruptive at DHS.
Parent Representatives’ Reports
- Curriculum & Instruction-Jane McLaughlin reported that C&I is considering a proposal to eliminate the Transition Academy for juniors and place the students in mainstream English classes. The number of 4th period (homeroom) interruptions was discussed as well as the role and composition of the Leadership Team and the possible need for its restructuring. Carol Curinga, Head Counselor, reported to C&I that many colleges prefer a percentile ranking of students over an individual class ranking. A percentile ranking may put students at Davis and other high-performing schools at a disadvantage.
- Site Council-Gail Heckemeyer reported that the Council is about half way through reviewing teachers’ requests. Notifications will be made by mid-May.
- GATE Advisory-Mariko Yamada reported that the configuration of the GATE program under the new junior high boundaries is being discussed.
- Human Relations-Mariko Yamada reported that a
community-based, city-wide student Human Relations essay/art contest is
underway. Sponsored by Davis Asians for Racial Equality, Blacks for
Effective Community Action and the Davis Enterprise, the contest ends
April 24. Mariko reported that the site Human relations Committee will
be addressing parent complaints regarding DHS Human Relations Day
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Newsletter-The deadline for submissions for the
May newsletter is April 10.
No other committee reports were given.
Old Business
No old business was reported.
There were no announcements.
The meeting was adjourned by Lynda Yancher at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.