March 11, 2003
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Present: Renee Liston, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Ross Yancher, Ann Devereux, Sally Ryen, Jane McLaughlin, Carla Lehn, Marty West, Keltie Jones, Gail Houck, Heidi Loper, Tsui Chang, Ann Bistolfo, Mariko Yamada, Melinda Zimmerman, Lee Groen, Ann Reioux, Renuka Mannapperuma, Courtenay Tessler, Aldo Marra
Meeting called to order at 7:40 by Renee Liston.
Renewal of Measure S-Marty West and Keltie Jones
Marty West and Keltie Jones, Board of Education members, discussed
the upcoming renewal of the Measure “S” parcel tax that supports and
enhances educational programs in Davis schools. The tax (first passed
in 1984 and renewed every four years since) currently funds, in our
district, approximately 30 teachers, two counselors, numerous classroom
aides and other professionals, and supplemental classroom supplies and
materials. The current tax is $114.34 per year per parcel (home) and
$57.17 per apartment. A proposed four-year renewal of $148 per year per
parcel and $74 per apartment is currently being developed. The final
figures will be on the November 4, 2003 ballot. Marty and Keltie
distributed a Measure “S” fact sheet and sign-up sheet for volunteers
to work on the campaign. For additional information or input contact
Marty West at 758-0697 or Keltie Jones at 753-7539.
Acceptance of February 11, 2003 Minutes
The minutes of the February 11, 2003 meeting were accepted by Renee
Treasurer's Report-Renee Liston for Mary Herbert
- Renee distributed a treasurer’s report showing income to date of $26,789.00 and expenses of $14,895.47.
- To date, income from the spring donation letter is $6,741.00. “Thank you”s will appear in the April Newsletter.
- Membership expenses have exceeded budget because of an unanticipated increase in membership and have been offset by membership income. Bank service charges and directory expenses were paid last month.
- Renee reported that Deb Kimokeo, DJUSD Crisis Counselor, has
requested special project funds of $100 to $150 for books and other
materials on grieving to be lent to students and parents who need
A motion to approve the expenditure of up to $150 in special project funds on grief materials was passed unanimously.
- Guy Michelier asked that the Associated Student Body officers
report on their plans to fund next year’s student planners. It was
noted that last year the PTA donated $5,000 of the $7,000 total cost
for the planners with the ASB and advertisements covering the remaining
expense. Renee Liston reported that she has been in communication with
Michael Joyce regarding this issue. The ASB appreciates that PTA is
including a line item on its 2003–04 membership form for a donation of
$5 per student to partially cover the cost of the student planners. Mr.
Joyce has been informed that in the future the PTA will not be
separately donating toward the student planners. (Renee has since found
out that the bill for the student planners is not due until September,
so collecting the funds in August to cover this expense will be
PTA Fundraising Proposals
- Aldo Marra, DHS parent, proposed that the PTA sponsor a sale of a
security lock he has invented. The locks would retail for $19.95 and
the PTA would receive $7.00 for each lock sold.
Upon discussion, it was agreed that the PTA would not directly sponsor a lock sale. It was suggested that Mr. Marra could seek an arrangement with local retailers to donate some of the proceeds of the sale of the locks to the DHS PTA. Renee Liston will inform Mr. Marra of the PTA’s decision.
- Carla Lehn, DHS parent, described the “Schoolpop” program for
online purchases. It is similar to the Escrip program. Individuals
select an organization to receive a rebate equal to a percentage of
their online purchases.
It was agreed that Carla will enroll the DHS PTA as an approved organization and present additional information on the Schoolpop program at next month’s meeting. The program will be described in the PTA Newsletter and on the PTA website.
- Ross Yancher, DHS parent and manager of the Racquet and Fitness
Club in Davis, described a special fundraiser for DJUSD PTAs that is
part of a Spring Open House Special on March 15. Special memberships
for young adults will be available for $100, $10 of which will be
donated to a designated PTA. In addition, $25 for every regular
membership purchased and a percentage of class enrollment fees will be
President's Report-Renee Liston
Renee reported that a large box of paper cups has been donated by
the Proctor & Gamble Company. The cups will be used for
PTA-sponsored functions. Contact Renee for the cups.
Election of Nominating Committee-Lee Groen, Parliamentarian
Lee announced that there are four volunteers for the Nominating Committee for next year’s PTA officers: Melinda Zimmerman, Ann Reioux, Ann Devereux, and Mike Cawley (or his designated representative). Volunteer alternates are Gail Cooluris and Lee Groen. Lee read Article V, Section 3 of the PTA by-laws into the minutes. The Nominating Committee will present the 2003–04 slate at the April 8 PTA meeting, and it will be voted on at the final meeting of the year, May 13.
A motion to accept the Nominating Committee was passed unanimously.
Outstanding Educator and Parent Volunteer Awards (Process)-Renee Liston
Renee reported that the nomination forms for the Outstanding
Educator and Parent Volunteer Awards are in the PTA Newsletter and on
the PTA website. In addition, nomination forms for the Outstanding
Parent Volunteer have been distributed to the DHS faculty. The deadline
for submitting nominations to the PTA Board is May 1. Renee noted that
the Outstanding Parent Volunteer must be a parent whose last child is
in his or her senior year and that the Outstanding Educator Award is
given to a new recipient each year (four awards at $200 each were given
last year to the winning Outstanding Educators).
PTA Scholarships for Class of 2003 (Process)-Colleen Jordan
The PTA Scholarships for DHS graduating seniors (four at $250 each)
are not awarded for academic performance, but are given to students who
best embody the spirit of DHS based on the recommendations of teachers
and staff.. Students are interviewed by Colleen and other PTA
volunteers. Colleen asked anyone interested in serving on the interview
committee to contact her.
Student Representative Report
Renee read a written report from the Senior Class President. The senior class cleared $3300 from the Bogus Ball/Disco Dance. The Senior Ball will take place on May 17 at the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento. Bids will be approximately $25/person or $50/ couple. A planning meeting for the Ball will take place Wednesday, March 12.
No other reports were given. Renee said that she would notify
Michael Joyce, Student Activities Director, about the continued
non-attendance of the class representatives at PTA meetings.
Principal's Report-Mike Cawley
- Mike Cawley reported that last week, to conclude the Youth in Government program, several students shadowed Davis city council members and acted as council members during a three hour mock meeting. In addition, the students had lunch with former Davis mayor, state Assemblywoman Lois Wolk.
- Mike reported that the CAHSEE (California State High School Exit Exam) was given on March 4, 5 and 6 for the first time to all 661 sophomores and to about 60 juniors who have not passed all parts of the exam. Mike thanked the parents, teachers, and administrators, especially Pam Mari, for the great organizational job. Mike noted that STAR testing will take place next month (April).
- The Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) accreditation evaluation visit will take place March 16 through 19. The WASC team will meet with DHS parents on Sunday, March 16 in the DHS library between 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.
- Mike reported on school climate. Recent off-campus racial incidents have involved DHS students. Students organized two forums, held in the Humanities Building and attended by approximately 150 participants. Several students shared their experiences with racism in Davis schools. On a positive note, one of the participants in the “basketball incident” apologized for his behavior. Future small group discussions are planned. The Human Relations Committee will be advising DHS on ways to improve the school climate. Mike is preparing a statement reiterating DHS policy on treating all students with dignity and outlining the consequences for disregarding it. The statement will be read in all homerooms.
- Mike has received quotes for a new copier for the library: $4,132
plus $58/month (Canon), $4500 plus $28/month
(Konica/Caltronics–recommended by Linda Ashton), $6,285 (Xerox).
Assistant Principals' Report-Heidi Loper
- The English Department asked that junior class parents be reminded to turn in the permission slips (distributed with the student program planners) for the Healthy Kids Survey. DJUSD will have to mail a reminder if a 70% return rate is not achieved.
- Heidi noted that a state auditor who was present during the CAHSEE testing commented that she had never seen a better administration of the exam. Heidi commended the students’ conduct during the test, especially following the exam when they were required to work quietly on other assignments while waiting for other students to finish.
- STAR testing will be scheduled during third period English classes for 10th and 11th graders. Students who do not have English third period may be tested in a separate larger location. The STAR testing schedules announced in the PTA Newsletter are subject to change. Proctors may be needed.
- Advanced Placement Tests and Golden State Examinations will follow the STAR testing. Heidi noted that the stress levels of both students and faculty can be expected to increase during the long period of testing.
- Human Relations Day will take place tomorrow, March 12. A number of
speakers and other presentations are planned. (Mariko Yamada, PTA Human
Relations representative, distributed a schedule of events.)
Counselors' Report-Courtenay Tessler
- Courtenay Tessler reported that three weeks of program planning have been completed.
- Courtenay noted that there has been an increase in the number of DHS seniors who have applied to private colleges. DHS counselors wrote 540 recommendation letters for private colleges in November, ninety more than last year (with one less counselor). There has been an increase in applications for UCs and state colleges as well. UC Davis is reporting up to 4,000 more applicants and Cal Poly is reporting 24,000 applicants for a projected 3,300 admissions.
- Courtenay observed that many students are signing up for five or six Advanced Placement classes. This is not recommended by the counseling staff because of the amount of pressure it places on the students.
- Sophomore program planning presentations at the junior highs were very well received. Courtenay thanked DHS 9th Grade Listserv Administrator Gail Heckemeyer for coordinating a followup question and answer exchange between the parents of incoming sophomores and the DHS counseling staff.
- Courtenay stated that the counseling staff was concerned about the
negative comments made about counselors by some students at the Human
Relations forums. She explained that class adds and drops are done in
real time by the computer system and that while a student may be told
that a class is filled if a student subsequently drops the class the
opening may then be taken by another student at a later time. There is
no waiting list capability list on the system.
Teachers' Representative Report-Sally Ryen
Sally Ryen thanked the PTA Hospitality Committee for the Valentines
Day Treat Table enjoyed by faculty and staff.
Parent Representatives' Reports
- Superintendent's Advisory-Peg Smith reported that the construction plans for the new Performing Arts building are on schedule. The timeline for DHS modernization will be affected by state funding decisions.
- Human Relations-Mariko Yamada noted that the
student comments during the Human Relations forums indicated that there
is cause for concern at DHS. Mariko complimented the student newspaper,
the Hub, on its coverage of the forums.
Superintendent David Murphy will be given a copy of the document “Responding to Hate at School” prepared by the Yolo County Teaching Project. It outlines protocols for schools and includes sample letters for responding to hate incidents. Superintendent Murphy sent a letter to all parents and staff concerning recent racial incidents and outlining district policy on student behavior regarding the treatment of others in the school community.
Mariko announced a citywide essay contest sponsored by the Davis Enterprise and Davis Asians for Racial Equality to observe the 20th anniversary of the death of Thong Hy Huynh. There will be a monetary prize for each grade level, K through 12. DHS will also sponsor a Human Relations essay contest for DHS students in May.
Teachers were asked to select a preferred Human Relations Day presentation for their 4th period classes. Most teachers were given their first choice. Teachers who did not make a selection will be assigned a presentation for their class to attend.
No other parent representative reports were given.
Committee Reports
- Computer Support-Tsui Chang reported for Sue
Fuller. The new DHS website is online. There is a link to the PTA
website Tsui noted that there are also numerous links to the DHS
website on the PTA website.
The PTA meeting agenda is now being posted by Renee Liston using the Simple Site provided by DCN.
The PTA Newsletter should be used for news and announcements because it is the communication tool that reaches all DHS parents/guardians. Please observe the deadlines for submitting these to the Newsletter Editor. The listservers may also be used for communications but not all parents/guardians are subscribers and the listservers should not be used as a substitute for the Newsletter.
No other committee reports were given.
Old Business
No old business was reported.
DHS Spring Open House is March 26. There will be maps available.
Attendees may want to bring flashlights.
The meeting was adjourned by Renee Liston at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Ann Devereux, DHS PTA Secretary.