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June 4, 2008





IN ATTENDANCE:  Kathy Magrino, Stacey Black, Elizabeth Tinsley, Grace Salvagno, Cathy Farman, Susan Nicoll, Janet Berry, Jenny Kobold, Tsui Chang, Martha Gegan, Dorothy Yerxa, Linda Parfitt, Jenna Strack, Katherine Monachello, Jessica Weber, Joan Anton, Shirley Concolino, Sue Irwin, Mike Cawley, Leslie Brumer, Joan Crawford.  Special Guest:  Rochelle Swanson, Blue & White Foundation.


CALL TO ORDER:     Following a brief Dessert Social, Kathy Magrino called the meeting to order at 7:47 p.m.  President Magrino broke with tradition and bestowed an Honorary Service Award to parent volunteer Joan Anton for her long-time service as Hospitality Chairwoman.  Staying with tradition, parent rep Dorothy Yerxa was recognized with an Honorary Service Award for the many hours volunteered even though she no longer has a student at the high school.   The Golden Acorn award, most honored from PTA throughout the state, was bestowed upon Tsui Chang for giving service above and beyond. 


MINUTES:    Minutes of the May 7, 2008 meeting, prepared by Elizabeth Tinsley, were distributed and reviewed.  A motion by Linda Parfitt to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Joan Crawford, passed by unanimous vote.




APPROVAL OF BY-LAWS  -   Joan Crawford hoped to present revised By-Laws for discussion and approval, however, planned materials were not timely made available to her, therefore the topic was shelved for this meeting.


STUDENT REPORT -  Riley reported briefly:  the senior class is working to finalize arrangements for the senior class gift to the campus; the senior class partnered with organizers for a wonderful Award’s Night;  the Junior class has completed all projects for this year, are beginning to plan for next year; lastly, Riley reported results of class elections for next year, including Spencer Brown as Sophomore president, Jessica Weber for the Junior class, and Riley has been elected as Senior class president.


PRESENTATION   -   Rochelle Swanson, secretary of The Blue and White Foundation, explained the organization was founded in 2002 by parents to support strictly the high school campus, including improvement of facilities, academics, maintain graduate info files, etc.  California’s education budget has changed their goal somewhat over the years. Since 2004, the Foundation’s priority has to build a new stadium.  The current stadium has never undergone remodel or improvement.  Spencer Elliott is a DHS English teacher and current track coach who commented on the necessity of renovating our facility.  The decomposed granite track is outdated, practically obsolete; it gets overabundant use and is not good for athletes’ knees.  Our program has 161 student athletes and no one gets cut from the team.  We are unable to accommodate a rugby team because there is no field time available.  

     A half million dollars has been raised by the Foundation to date, but $1M is needed for first phase of the project.  If our stadium were updated, Davis could host track meets, jamborees, and other revenue-generating events.  Design and approval goes through the Office of the State Architect; total needed for an ultimate facility would be $7M; that would be an entire master planned, multi-venue stadium with new bathrooms.  Perhaps naming rights could be offered as a funding incentive.  The new DJUSD Superintendent wishes this to become a reality and hopes all can join together to get community support and raise money. 

     The hope is this issue won’t fall off our radar.  Ms. Swanson encouraged all to visit the Foundation’s website ( and she promised to contact PTA again in the Fall with a hard update.


TREASURER’S REPORT   -  Stacey Black reported PTA still has money in its budget and is making disbursements against that balance through today:  releases will be made for newsletter expense, a little more hospitality money, senior Award Night may have some further cost to us, IPAB rental bill is anticipated from the District.  PTA has a little under $4K to expend; $14,653.59 is current balance.  Some Student Aid monies remain; we will fund cap and gown scholarships; print more Survival Guides.  Linda Parfitt made a motion to allow the Treasurer to write checks and release funds to pay for the items listed; second by Susan Nicoll.  Motion passed by majority vote, no abstentions.

      One last item related to tutoring: our payment to the District this year totals $1,331, but PTA budget line item for tutoring is only $1,200.  It was this Board’s intent to fund tutoring at the same level as last year, at $1,500.  Budgeting at $1,200 this year was an oversight and requires correction.  Dorothy Yerxa posed a motion to increase the Tutoring line item from $1,200 to $1,500 for this year, second by Cathy Farmer.  Motion passed unanimously.


SCHOOLS FOUNDATION – Janet Berry gave an update on the Dollar A Day campaign; monies raised were disbursed to the Board on May 21, 2008. 


LEGISLATIVE UPDATE    -   Linda Parfitt indicated the State is trying to mitigate cuts to education and noted Davis received funding at $1.2M more than anticipated, but we have a long way to go before the Governor signs it.  Ms. Parfitt passed along a research paper for parcel tax readying.  In a state-wide survey, the economy is  the #1 issue with education being the third priority. 


HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE    –   Jenny Kobold reflected that Mel Lewis is disappointed with participation and progress of the HR committees on our district campuses.  He hopes for a more effective web site on the District system and calls for active leaders for our school climate committees. 


PARENT EDUCATION      -    Cathy Farman informed the group that Sally Springer will return on November 12, 2008 to discuss the college admissions process   It is hoped one of DHS’ counselors will address how DHS helps or doesn’t in the application process.  Ms. Springer has a detailed book that parents can purchase, but her presentation will be a more general question-and-answer.  This forum will be developed further over the summer.



Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm, whereupon old and new PTA Board officers would meet to pass along officers’ binders.



Grace Salvagno, Secretary