January 9,2008
IN ATTENDANCE: Kathy Magrino, Joan Crawford, Grace Salvagno, Stacey Black, Elizabeth Tinsley, Leslie Brumer, Tammy Dockter, Linda Parfitt, Mychele Platen, Dorothy Yerza, Jenna Strack, Jean Marler, Lesli Chuck, Jennifer McNeil, Amy Schulte, Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Gina Daleiden, Susan Hulsizer, Susan Nicoll, Jennifer Anderson, K. Senders, Marlene Sisemore, Robbie Thayer, Maureen Brodie, Phyllis Gramson-Paul, Laurie True, Susan Wolbarst, Anne Jones, Cathy Tkach, Peggy Appezzato, Soo-Young Chang, Jane Shafer-Kramer, Cathy Farman, Mike Hart, Angie Hart
CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS – The meeting was called to order by President Kathy Magrino at 7:30 p.m., with self-introductions all around.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The Minutes of December 5, 2007 meeting were reviewed. There being no call for corrections, after proper motion, Minutes were approved and officially adopted.
Tyler C. reported briefly upon Break-The-Record night and a planned spirit rally for Feb. 1; also reported planning is underway for dance on March 7 taking the place of the former “Bogus Ball.”
TEACHER REPORT / AG PRESENTATION – Teacher Rep Amy Schulte made available a written report containing review and announcements of various campus activities. Of note, she included a flyer for Parent Project Senior, an upcoming joint program by Davis Police and DJUSD.
Ms. Schulte then introduced student Caitlan G., who enthusiastically explained the programs of our campus Ag Department and the Davis FFA. A slide show gave the group a peak at activities designed to give students skills in the areas of flora, farming, raising animals, and leadership. She made available a copy of the FFA Monthly Moo, its newsletter showcasing past and future group activities and comprehensive college and scholarship information for students moving forward with their ag educations. Caitlin is personally grateful for the confidence and public speaking skills she’s developed in the program.
The topic is whether to close the high school campus during the lunch hour. All parents were invited to give their respectful opinions. One parent gave a historical statement of the “Sophomore Walk;” the shopping center is recipient of all the student business and are grateful for it. Gina Daleiden spoke of prior discussions in 1983 that were sparked by physical injury to a student. Cathy Farman noted student population was far fewer “back then”, and there are many more cars and drivers leaving campus now. Principal Cawley advised our MPR cannot handle 1,000 dining students; formerly there were two lunch hours. Kitchen facilities are insufficient. Laura True indicates her group is interested in seeing campus close at lunch, particularly for sophomores. Student complaints include campus lunch is dingy, drab and uncool. Other comments included: a belief that a student’s environment can lead to bad choices; one parent group has a list of goals and will be meeting with the Superintendent; seemingly there is no penalty for being late from lunch, as many teachers just mark them as tardy. Are campuses required to provide food for a percentage of students? – not required, per Linda Parfitt, other than free and reduced lunch program. Phyllis Bramson-Paul would like closed campus; she works in Nutrition Services of the Dept. of Education and indicated the trend is to close campuses due to concern over dropout rates, drug use, pregnancy, auto accidents, other violations of law. Sometimes only seniors may leave campus. Food is brought in, not cooked at sites; many high schools buy mobile carts. More input was had regarding vending machines with “debit” cards, possibility of Bond money for kitchens and eating areas, but matching funds is a roadblock. One parent residing on Scripps Drive described the daily littering; suggests more enforcement is needed. Another parent described the “pass” system she experienced in Oregon. Mike Cawley noted support for food faire trickled off. Parents believe students are too immature to go off campus. Students are speeding to get back, violate driving laws. Parents can’t monitor and don’t know where our kids are during the school day. Robbie Thayer, auto shop teacher, believes open campus is clearly a problem; attendance in periods 4 through 6 is problematic; also offered his observations about student behavior, indicating students often feel badly about themselves if they’re not in the right “clique.” Another parent believes open campus is fine; lot to be said for allowing students to expand their social lives; parents are letting go as their children age. One father offered that parents should enforce their role as parent; administration should also report students and/or impose a penalty. He prefers open campus so students can enjoy their freedom.
Several parents worried aloud how this issue ties into the truancy issue. Supervision is a key factor; Vacaville closed its campuses. Parents asked how PTA would take this input and do something productive with it. The group discussed polling our campus population, a student poll – utilizing the Listservers for discussion and polling; especially the un-moderated server to get frank input, perhaps with “pro” and “con” columns and inquiry of public and private resources on the issue. Principal Cawley will poll the teachers.
Mr.Cawley reported the CAHSEE exit exam will take place on February 5 and 6, with modification of block day schedules. Proctors are needed for these testing dates.
Jennifer McNeil reminded the group of the January FAFSA financial aid night. Final exams are coming up. Once the new semester begins, students have two seeks to add/drop classes. A Parent Night will be announced for program planning.
Stacey Black distributed monthly report; monies were received from The Unfundraiser. We paid various small grants and are nearing completion. Some rules have changed and she will meet with District to figure out how to comply with new requirements. Treasurer also reported our recent IRS filing was deemed incorrect or incomplete, mostly due to difficult tax code forms, additional reporting requirements in the area of pensions. Treasurer believes it prudent for the PTA to obtain professional assistance to answer the IRS inquiry, and there is administrative budget of $1,000 available. Mychele Platen made a motion to allocate up to $250.00 for assistance of a CPA on this issue; seconded; discussion; vote was unanimous/approved.
Parent Education – Cathy Farman announced that on February 6, 2008 there will be a presentation after the PTA meeting on the “Why, What, How and Where of Stressed-out Teens,” by Mr. Wallace from DHS; Karen Anderson local family counselor and psychiatrist Stuart Teele. The presentation will be videotaped and broadcast.
April 2 – topic will be alcohol abuse by adolescents; currently forming list of speakers. This program is a counterpart to the drug forum held last year. There are unique factors in our community – how can we tackle the problem and reduce abuse by our kids.
SSC – Site council report by Sarah Davis; the group is looking at achievement and how to allocate funds to improve student learning. Last year, $50K was used to reduce class size of algebra/geometry classes. Hope is that scores will show improvement. The school board will be asked to fund reduced class sizes in the future; PTA will join in that request. Other focuses are EL students and achievement gap - recommendation is for EL study group/EL learning center and want the District to support that center, reduce EL/sheltered language classes to 20. A motion was made that PTA support Site Council’s goals and requests to the District; seconded by Cathy Farman. After discussion and vote, the motion carried. Kathy Magrino shall attend as representative of the PTA.
Listserver – Dorothy Yerxa advised new class list forms in February and that Melissa McDaniel will start taking new subscriptions on January 16, 2008.
Nominating Committee – Joan Crawford read the requirements of the committee, including 3 members and 2 alternates. Interested persons are invited to join the committee to formalize a slate of officers for election to the PTA board for next year.
HOMEWORK POLICY – INFORMATION ITEM ONLY – Ruth Santo explained the parent group is interested in looking at homework policy created by parents five years ago. It appears certain issues are not being adhered to and request is made to look at the policy once again. DHS declined to accept the policy back then. The group will be talking to the School Board and will give more information in March. The student homework policy is available on the DJUSD website in pdf format (5 pages)
ADJOURN – The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 pm