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Association Meeting Agenda

October 3, 2007 DHS Library 7:30 pm


7:30   Call to Order and Introductions- Kathy Magrino


7:35   Approval of September minutes- Stacy Black


7:38   Treasurers Report-Betsy Puett


7:40   Students report- ASB presidents


7:50   Principal Report- Mike Cawley


8:00   VP Report- Sheila Smith


8:10   Teacher Report Gabrielle Jimenez- Tabor


8:15   Counselor Report


8:25   People First Language- Joan Crawford


8:35   Committee Reports & Parent Rep Reports

               Parent Ed.-Cathy Farman

               Membership- Susan Nicol

               Unfundraiser-Elizabeth Tinsley

               Legislative Updates-Linda Parfit

               Special Education committee-Joan Crawford

               HRC- Grace Salvagno


8:55   Old Business- Prop Q update


9:00   Adjourn