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October 3, 2007




October 3, 2007



Stacey Black, Betsy Puett, Elizabeth Tinsley, Susan Nicoll, Leslie Brumer, Cathy Farman, Grace Salvagno, Joan Crawford, Riley S., Cathy Sacks, Brenda Mohr, Jenna S., Mohamed B., Jenny Kobold, Leslie Hunter, Dorothy Yerxa, Susan Lovenburg, Kathy Magrino, Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Tsui Chang, Maryam Haghbin, Valerie Park, Sarah Worley, Linda Parfitt.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Kathy Magrino at 7:30 pm.


Approval of September Minutes

Minutes from the September 5th meeting were reviewed. Cathy Farman moved approval of the minutes as presented, the motion was seconded and unanimously passed.


Treasurer Report – Betsy Puett

Betsy reported that donations to date are $12,027.  Directory income is $3,776, and there have been $152.28 in directory expenses.


Student Reports – ASB Presidents

All class presidents reported that homecoming float building is ongoing.  Each class is also in need of snack donations for next week.


Principal Report - Mike Cawley

Mike gave an overhead presentation on DHS academic data (see attached).

The principal also reported on a case of arson in front of the school’s auto shop.  A pickup and some lockers were involved.  He has posted a $500 reward for information.

There were some parent questions and discussion regarding the “achievement gap”.


Vice-Principal Report – Sheila Smith

Sheila reported that PSAT sign-ups are next week, with CAHSEE and SATs coming up soon after.  She gave an overhead presentation on attendance and truancy (as defined by Ed Code 48260).  She presented the qualifications of legally excused absences, and showed examples of reports that the vice principals and counselors use to review student attendance at school.  Some discussion followed.


Counselor Report

The counselor was absent due to illness. The annual school profile was passed out.


People First Language – Joan Crawford

Joan distributed a handout of a proposed resolution for “Peoples First Language” for the school.  “Peoples First Language” refers primarily to appropriate language use when referring to students with disabilities.  This resolution will be discussed and voted upon at next month’s meeting.


Committee & Parent Rep Reports

Parent Ed. – Cathy Farman:

Cathy reported on the results of the survey of topics for parent education nights. 

1. Stress management for kids- scheduled for February

2. Drug and alcohol abuse – April

There will also be a parent education night on November 7th at 7:30pm on college admissions.

Grace Salvagno moved to approve these three topics.  The motion was approved and unanimously passed.

Membership- Susan Nicoll:

Susan reported that there were 835 PTA members as of 9/20(there are an additional 60-65 individuals that require follow-up).  751 directories have been purchased.

Unfundraiser – Elizabeth Tinsley:

The new grant submission deadline is 10/17 with the letter scheduled to go out to parents on 11/17.


Legislative Updates – Linda Parfitt:

Linda reported that k-8 math text adoptions are available at  The state superintendent will be hosting a “Closing the Achievement Gap” summit at the Sacramento convention center on 11/13 and 11/14.

Special Education Committee – Joan Crawford:

Joan reported that the district is concerned about the government’s potential attempt to limit MediCal payments to school districts for special education students.  The district’s Special Education Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for next Monday at 4pm.

Human Relations Committee – Grace Salvagno:

Grace attended Davis High’s student committee meeting.  She reported that the students are interested in getting information about this committee, and its purpose, out to other students at the school.  Students need to know that this is a forum where they can get information and air grievances.  The committee’s next meeting is 10/17 at 2:45pm.  They will be discussing the focus for next year’s HRC week, and budget sharing with student government.


Old Business – Prop Q update

A Proposition Q flier was passed out.



Susan Lovenburg announced the date of some upcoming school board candidate forums.

Lesli Chuck passed out a survey from the Davis Schools Foundation requesting parent input on what programs the foundation ought to support with its $75,000.  The foundation’s next fundraiser will be a celebrity waiter dinner in May.

Lesli also announced a Jazz Festival in downtown Davis on 10/6 which will feature the Davis High Jazz Band, among others.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Stacey Black
