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December 5, 2007



Association Meeting Agenda

December 5, 2007 DSHS Library 7:30 pm


7:30pm   Call to Order and introductions- Kathy Magrino


7:35pm   Approval of November minutes- Grace Salvagmo


7:40pm   Student reports and update on student activities


8:00pm   Principal report and continuing discussion of student activities


810pm   Vice principal report


8:20pm   Counselor report


8:30pm   Presentation by Kelly Wilkerson on unfundraiser scholarship donations from last year


8:45pm   Unfundraiser update- Elizabeth Tinsley


8:50pm   Treasurers report-Stacey Black


8:55pm   Committee reports

                  SSC- Marlene Seizmore

                  School climate/HRC Jenny Kobold

                  Legislative report Linda Parfit

                  Davis Schools Foundation


9:00pm   Adjourn