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March 5,2008


                              DHS PTA – March 5, 2008 - MINUTES OF MEETING










Student report


Counselor report


School Climate report and survey results from 2007-Ramon Cusi and Jenny Kobold –

            Mr. Cusi explained the three surveys – parent survey, student, and then teacher survey.  Passed condensed results page.  Was an extensive survey - 30 to 50 questions to answer via “strongly disagree to totally agree” for each  category.  75 parents responded from the high school.  School Climate is planning its april assembly, attempting to incorporate the findings of this survery; diversity of community and culture at our site.  For entire student HRC week, last day assembly in that week.  School Climate needs younger students to take over the leadership roles in HRC, as current officers are seniors who will be leaving campus this year.  More in-depth discussion of the survey findings to be conducted at May pta meeting.    Ramon and Jenny will write a short article for publication in the newsletter to let parents know what the majority of students are feeling about their campus.  Statistically significant.


Principal report- -Mike Cawley

   Mr. Cawley presented a data sheet of student attendance, reflecting improvement and results from admin effort to increase attendance and reduce truancy; has an impact on revenue.  Sheet compares attendance thus far this year as compared to last.


Vice Principal report-Sheila Smith

                     Master schedule explanation

   Mr. Cawley distributed a “Master Schedule 2006-2007” in Shela Smith’s absence – goal is that students get the classes they need for college and prep for goals after high school.  Try to find “best place” for classes so that max students can enroll.   Master board in the room reflects “models”, how many have enrolled in a specific class.  Allow the most kids to get the schedule they want   last year, 89% of students got the schedule they wanted.  Is a manual system of loading classes. 


ROP classes have different funding, from County.  They decide if class will happen.

Katy Rustad – Supt. Parent Aad for spec ed. 

christina adamson is now a member  1 slsot for hs parent with an inclusion student; 1 preschool and 1 undesignated.  Katy might be a member, but is unclarified now.  Parents complain its hard to get their children identified for special services.  Lots of complaints about survey.  Review by districts first; next year dept of ed. Will review the districts.  New program specialist was at mtg, he got connected to parent vol. who will put up  the spec. ed website.  Davis schools foundation is paying 50% of ________ salary.


Parent education –Cathy Farman

                       Parents Who Host Lose the Most

 On night of our april mtg, we’ll have parent education, Terese Petersen from davis police  tell teen scene; dr. Michael wilkes from ucd will present on impact ofalchohol on brain and body, will discuss scenario of use that leads to addiction.  2 sgts. Will talk about civil and criminal liability for providing alcohol to teens.

   Needs approval and adopt campaign in april “parents who host lose the Most”

Hope to get people talking, work with Dist and 2dary schools to hand out material in back to school packets next year to hit all households.  Includes “pledge” card, voluntary agreement with school admins.  Trying to collect real stories from parents. Magrino moves to approve the campaign  nominal cost to pta, go out in packet   joint ltr with kimokeo, discourage alcohol parties after sr. prom or renting hotel rooms.  Ltr just to sr. parents and a signed contract if sr. buys ticket to the ball.

Motion by Berry (davis foundation)  Dorothy second.unanimous. 


ANNOUNCEMENT  susan Lovenberg - legal symposium ucd – free speech   9 am to 4:30 – you can show up,no tix needed


Magrino announce is working on commission for achievement gap on May 10 to A Community Conversation, - dialog to identify issues on all sides. 

 Need facilitator and 2 recorders. 


Treasurer’s report-Stacey Black

Low activity last month, just a few receipts from Unfundraiser.  Could possibly fund another grant, but the ke will reconvene and discuss.

Outflow – paid postage.  No bills from the District for photocopying.  Balance shown is very low, but not truet.  Funded a small grant for the Shop cabinet, around 900   paidd one bulk mail bill; holmes shares with us. $175; holmes will pay 75.   parent ed costs 76    adboe site license grant will be more; the purchase quoted amt is 100 more than previous; don’t know total amount, including sales tax.  We need another 100.  Motion:  by Linda parfitt to increase large grant not to exceed $200, second by magrino.  Unanimous..


Senior Recognition night

  Magrino – school asks that pta would help support sr. recognition night – to fund floral arrangements by floral classs,  engrave placques  perpetual placques stay here.  Top 10% get tassel, pta purchase tssel, if they can affort. We ask parents to reimburse.  Snacks for the scholarship ke.  Comes total - $700.  move 500 line item to sr. recog night, tehn unfundraiser came under by 200 in expenses.  Liz moves, cathy seconds.  Career ctr send the bill to us;  career ctr then make effort to collect the funds.


This I Believe Davis Schools Foundation-Janet Berry

Janet Berry – IPAB event in April partnering with ucd to bring program here called, “”This I Believe”  -  piloted this yr in some classrooms.  No cost to djusd;  ucd has provided teacher training; not added to curric, just writng prompts, etc but it will be way to have continuous program at al grade levels, beginning like 3rd grade all the way up.  It’s also listening and sharing.  Write and share in classroom.  April 23 introducing this to community; Spring essay night with chancellor and supt.  Prominent comm. Members will read their essays. Bright note in the current budget atmosphere.  Get word out listserv  newletters   free

   Motion – Dorothy endorse the program; second by cathy – unanimous.




Presentation of slate of officers 2008-2009-

Joan Crawford nominations pt Kathy magrino  exec vp liz tinsley; 1st vp Shirley concolino; 2d vp chatty farmna,  secty no nominations   sue Irwin  tres Stacey black; auditor leslie brumer.   Noms from the floor for secty – have a possibility for secty.



Open House update- Cathy Farman

   Beth katsaris ow hard to find your way around school.  Parent ed facilitate oppty for new parents to tour campus – highlights of campus.   Beth and Courtney tessler work it on open house, which is being markted toward 10th grader  parents.  Davis Survivial guide 10:30 walk around   on Monday. Offering at specified times   april 10 open house


Legislative update- Linda Parfit

  Proposed budget, $16B    4.7B cut to ed ,   1935 law sales tax, internet or mail order sales.  FTB recommendation to collect sales tax.  8.5B identified by FTB 

Ed Coaliion includes pta. 


Adjourn   9:30