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September 5, 2007




September 5, 2007



Kathy Magrino, Betsy Puett, Stacey Black, Elizabeth Tinsley, Grace Salvagno, Susan K. Nicoll, Libby Long, Beth Katsaris, Melinda Mossar, Vera Lion, Maryam Haghbin, Brenda Mohr, Sandra Gaynor, Alette Farell, Lesli Chuck, Leslie Hunter, Jean Meyer, Leslie Brumer, Cathy Sacks, Tom McHale, Sarah Worley, Tonia Lu, Diane Archer, Yayun Zhang, Keith McIntyre, Joan Antón, Linda M. Parfitt, Cathy Farman, Susan Lovenburg, Terri Strack, Jane Schafer Kramer, Joan Crawford, Riley S., Mohammed B., Jenna S., Alan Steeples.


Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order by President Kathy Magrino at 7:30 pm.  Introductions were made all around.  Kathy noted that the deadline for the next newsletter is 9/12/07.

Tom McHale announced that the high school is looking for parents for site council.


Approval of May 2007 Minutes

Minutes from the May 2007 meeting were reviewed; no corrections noted.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Grace Salvagno, and seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

The secretary, Stacey Black, read two thank you notes from last year’s PTA award recipients.


Election of 2nd V.P. and appointments

Stacey Black moved to elect Cathy Farman 2nd V.P.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.  Susan Nicoll was appointed to chair the membership committee.  Linda Parfitt was appointed as legislative representative.   Tsui Chang was appointed as website coordinator, pending membership.


Adoption of 2007 budget

The proposed budget (attached) for 2007-2008 was presented and discussed.  Cathy Farman moved to adopt the proposed budget.  The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously. 


Vice-Principal Report – Ramon Cusi

The new vice principal, Ramon Cusi, introduced himself and gave some information on his background.  His initial responsibilities at the school relate to ESL students and technology.  He also briefly presented the school dress code, and some truancy reduction plans by the school and police department.  Some questions and discussion ensued.  He also mentioned that dates relevant to seniors (e.g. Jostens, Caps and Gowns) will be posted on the website.


Student Reports

The class presidents gave short presentations on upcoming class activities.  All are beginning to gear up for homecoming and are looking for help and flatbed trucks for their floats.


Principal Report - Mike Cawley

Mike Cawley reported that current enrollment at DSHS is 1,720 students.  Total attendance including DaVinci, DSIS, and junior high students is about 2,515.  He thanked parents for their help at registration.  He also presented the attached chart showing CAHSEE test results for last years 10th graders, and the 2006-07 Accountability Progress Report for Davis Senior High.


Counselor Report – Jean Meyer

Jean Meyer reported that the school year is off to a great start.  Due to increased funding, there are now seven counselors, which works out to 280 or fewer students per fulltime counselor.  Jean also reported that 91% of students got their first choice of schedules, including free periods.  Other notes:  classes can be added through next Monday; CSU and UC counselor workshops for counselors are coming up soon; new student opportunities have been provided online; there will be a meeting on college planning for parents of juniors on 3/18/07.


Committee Reports

Unfundraiser update:  Elizabeth Tinsley presented the unfundraiser timeline, proposed letter to staff, and grant application (attached).  A motion to approve the forms was made by Linda Parfitt.  The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.


Newcomers welcome:  The newcomer’s welcome is tomorrow night in the MPR at 7pm.  All DSHS students and families new to the Davis community were invited.  Ten families are expected to attend.


Parent Education:  The parent education committee has met.  The first Parent ed night is on “Admission Matters” on 11/7/07.  Other dates for programs are 2/6/08 and 4/2/08.  Cathy Farman passed out a survey soliciting input on potential Parent ed topics (attached).


Measure Q

School board member Gina Daleiden presented information (attached) on the upcoming Measure Q parcel tax.  She reviewed the new components.  Leslie Hunter made a motion that the DHS PTA support Measure Q.  The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.


Other business

There were some brief questions and discussions regarding “Parent Connect”.

A parent suggested future, fuller discussion of district truancy issues.

Linda Parfitt announced that State Superintendent Jack O’Connell will be hosting a forum on “Closing the achievement gap” on 11/13-11/14/07.

Linda Parfitt moved to accept the PTA audit; it was seconded, and unanimously approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Stacey Black
