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April 2,2008


DHS PTA  -  April 2, 2008  - MINUTES OF MEETING
IN ATTENDANCE:  Kathy Magrino, Stacey Black, Elizabeth Tinsley, Joan Crawford, Cathy Farman, Grace Salvagno, Sheila Smith, Courtenay Tessler, Jane Schafer-Kramer, Jenny Kobold, Tom ___ Lesli Chuck, Katherine Manachello, Jenna Strack, Evelyn Ndiaye Sy, Linda Parfitt, Joan Anton, Cathy Sacks, Janet Berry
CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS  -  The meeting was called to order by President Kathy Magrino at 7:00 p.m., followed by self-introductions all around
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -   Secretary Grace Salvagno distributed the Minutes of Meeting, March 6, 2008.  After review, Elizabeth Tinsley moved for approval as presented, Second by Joan Crawford; upon vote, motion carried.
Stacey Black distributed financial reports for the months of February and March, noting the PTA is in good shape.  Checks have been written for approved Unfundraiser grants, leaving a category balance of $1,593.63   Next grant in line is a $1200 projector for the English department, however, perhaps funding for it should be put on hold because we do not know how many English classes we will have next year due to budget cuts.  There is no need to buy an extra projector.  Next on the grant list was the drafting program, but they managed their purchase via other means. Treasurer noted the District gets a better price than PTA through its purchase order system. Grace Salvagno moved to hold the $1200 Unfundraiser item in abeyance until next year; and Jane Shafer Kramer so seconded.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.
  Teacher running the after school tutoring program needs approval for $90 for snacks; Treasurer notes newcomer funds could pay this, as newcomer food was donated.  Elizabeth Tinsley moved for reallocation of newcomer reception funds to reimburse teacher $90 for snacks, and motion was seconded.  Passed by unanimous vote.
  Lastly, Treasurer asked for ratification of all payments listed and release payments for survival guide. Jane Shafer-Kramer moved to ratify all payments listed on treasurer report, release funds for newsletter, survival guide and parent education, Joan Crawford seconded.  Motion carried.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT  -  Sheila Smith gave the report for Mr. Cawley.  There has been a STAR testing schedule change.  Administration is working on positive referrals for students – call students and let them know they’re appreciated.   New bell schedule is being drafted for review - ROP time question.  Also, what does a 6-period day look like; maybe 7th period enrichment.  They have also developed a timeline if 9th graders join the DHS campus; staffing, facilities, master scheduling. The seek input from everyone as we change. There’s talk of creating a “smaller” campus for them, perhaps split lunch times, grades 9 to 12, and 10 to 12.  Plans are being developed for whichever schematic is adopted.
Courtenay Tessler distributed draft plan for Open House and indicated 8th and 9th graders have been invited.   The goal is to make it a fun evening with lots of demonstrations, club presentations, and dodge ball in the new gym   The Robotics team show its work. We want all to come see and get to know the DHS campus and community.
New officers were elected.  Student leaders have recently returned from a conference. Work has commenced on the new mural.  “Mr. Blue Devil” is a male competition to display attributes and  talents; will include a questionnaire and choreographed dance.  If a senior wins, will get a free bid to Senior Ball.  Currently selling tickets, which are available to juniors and seniors.  Nine boys taking part thus far; takes place April18 after school in the IPAB, no admission cost.  The Powder Puff game and car show are also being planned, both on May 21.  Students are hoping to find at least 20 really cool cars for the lunchtime event, which will include food vendors.  “A Night Under the Sea” is the them for the Senior Ball.  The DJ has been arranged.  Planners are looking for  parents to help sell tickets on April 16th in the Finance Office.
Joan Crawford read the slate of nominated officers.  There followed a brief discussion of committee chairs that may be unfilled.  Nominations were then requested from the floor.  Linda Parfitt moved to approve the slate of officers, which was seconded by Jane Schafer-Kramer.   Motion passed upon unanimous vote.  No abstentions.
Joan Anton advised that in early April a wrong date for the Teacher Luncheon was disseminated; the correct date of May 14 was thereafter published on the PTA website.
Lesli Chuck and Janet Berry gave a brief update on donations received to date by the Davis Schools Foundation - $250K has been raised to date.  May 15 is the deadline. Money raised goes toward funding teachers, up to 2.8M.  For anyone having questions or wishing to donate after the parent education session, Janet and Lesli will be available.
Jane Schafer-Kramer brought up the subject of the proposed State budget cuts in education and  promoted a parent letter-writing campaign, urging parents to write to the Governor and legislators.
Linda Parfitt reminded all that we must watch the issues daily, until the last minute when the Governor signs the final budget.  There’s usually budget trailer language that comes after that, which can impact the budget.  The last one signed is the only one that counts.  Multiple plans by the District are laudable. 


President Magrino adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m., inviting everyone to join the Parent Education program convened in the main library area.