May 2017
Wednesday, May 3
Hike (1A). Sugar Pine Reservoir - Hike location will change.
Part of the Sugar Pine Trail slid into the reservoir this winter, and some snow is still on the ground. Sheila will reschedule this hike for June, 2017. She will offer another location for Wednesday, May 3.
Tuesday, May 9
Hike (2A). Mt. Tamalpais Ridge Trail
This lovely hike contours around Mt. Tam through lush forest and open grassland, then ascends Cataract Creek to vistas overlooking the Bay and distant SF. The loop is about 7 miles with about 800’ elevation gain. Bring lunch, water, and other essentials. Meet at 8:15 am at the Davis Park and Ride behind Ikedas Fruit Stand off I-80 at Mace Blvd. in Davis. No dogs. Rain cancels. Leader: Jim Cramer, 530-756-3973 or
Wednesday, May 10
Hike (1A). Olmstead Loop, small ponds and meadows (ASRA Canyon Keeper’s Hike)
We’ll make a 4 - 5 miles loop among the rolling oak woodlands, meadows and small ponds on the north side of the paved road. Trail may be muddy in spots if recent rains. Bring lunch, water, essentials, and pass or $ for parking fee. Meet at Burger King, on Lincoln way at Foresthill Exit off I-80 near Auburn at 9:30 am or at parking lot behind fire station in Cool at 10:00 am. No dogs. Rain cancels. Leader: Sheila Toner, 530-886-0673.
Saturday, May 13
Hike (1A). Las Trampas Regional Park, Danville (Yolano Group)
From south of Danville we’ll hike up into the Las Trampas range to Las Trampas Peak. The hike passes through a variety of habitats from riparian to open oak-grassland. This hike is about 5+ miles with 800’ cumulative elevation gain. Bring lunch, water, and essentials. Meet at 8:30 am at the Davis Park and Ride behind Ikedas Fruit Stand off I-80 at Mace Blvd in Davis. No dogs. Rain cancels. Leader: Jim Cramer, 530-756-3973 or