September 7, 2005
Present: Paula Badham, Gina Daleidan, Nika Pancham-Perkins, Lisa Halko Leigh, Dorothy Yerxa, Laurie Rollins, Tsui Chang, Mary Northup, Ping Yu, Pingping Lu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Yan Wang, Carol Rosset, Tim Taylor, Sarah Zhu, Brett Stone, Linda Parfitt, Doug Houchf, Paul Zindel, Veronica Stanton, Mike Cawley, Cindy Young, Amy Schultz, Susan Cotterel, Barb Engel, Shelley Bronzan, Sheila Smith, Carol Curinga, Lesli Chuck, Kathy Magrino, Susan Lovenburg.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Gina Daleidan. Gina welcomed everyone. Each person introduced themselves.
The new President of the PTA introduced herself. Her name is Nika Pancham-Perkins.
The minutes of the May 4th and May 31st meetings were approved unanimously.
Laurie Rollins then read off all the names of the proposed PTA board for this year.
Gina’s Report—Last year we had an unfundraiser, in which we sent letters to solicit donations. We brought in over $14,000. Gina would like a subcommittee this year to handle this fundraiser. Also, we had a matching grant. We will need help in determining where we get the grant and where we will spend it this year. A sign up sheet was sent around for volunteers.
Brett Stone reports that homecoming is early this year and a lot of help is needed immediately. He was advised to use to request specific help.
Treasurer’s Report—Marnelle Gleason—She handed out copies of the Balance Sheet as of September 7, 2005, the Profit and Loss through September 7, 2005, the Treasurer’s Report July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 and the Proposed Budget for July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The net income through September 7, 2005 is $16,298. The proposed budget is $37,775. A motion was made to accept the Proposed Budget and was passed unanimously.
Principal's Report—Mike Cawley—The school remodeling has been completed. Davis High School’s Academic Performing Index is 845. We are the highest in the greater Sacramento area. Our library checked out 12,443 books to 294 classes. He commended them for work well done. We had 18 semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarships. One of our students, Heather W., was C.I.F. athlete of the year. Kevin Williams received the California Preserve History Teacher of the Year.
Counselor's Report—Carol Curinga—800 schedule changes were processed before school started. Tomorrow is the last day to make a change. October 28th is the last day to drop a class. Counselors are going to the English 10 classes next week to talk with Sophomore students. The PSAT is October 15th. Postcards are being mailed out to students. They need help with the test. Those helping must be fingerprinted, so school employees are desirable. There will be a college workshop for Seniors on Sept. 21. The counselors have split the responsibilities for preparing newsletter articles and answering class listserver questions.
Vice Principal's Report – Sheila Smith – Planners have been distributed to students. Parents and students are needed to participate in a 10th grade curriculum and instruction self-study. The Vice Principals will be in all 10th grade English classes to make presentations on DHS processes and procedures.
Teacher's Report – Amy Schultze – Teachers are excited to be back and school and remind parents that they value their support.
Student Report – Asha P. – Students are excited to be back and school.
Dorothy Yerxa reported that DHS PTA administers several listservers which facilitate communication. As of now, the PTA Listserver has 1,111 subscribers, the Hospitality listserver has 252 subscribers, the Library Listserver has 110 subscribers, the Proctor listserver has 81 volunteers, the Daily Bulletin Listserver has 788 subscribers and each Class Listserver has about 300 members which is about half of the DHS families. Dorothy reports that these numbers are good for this time of year.
Question and Answer session: Back to School Night is Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7:00 pm. There is a barbeque from 5:30-6:30 pm. Students do not usually attend BTSN, but they are certainly welcome to attend. There will be some students on hand to direct parents to their classes.
Registration went smoothly and Sheila Smith thanked all those parents who helped.
Collaboration day is on Wednesday and begins next week, Sept. 14. The DHS bell schedule is available on the PTA website.
Laurie Rollins asked how student representatives are assigned to attend the PTA meetings. It was not clear. Brett Stone will check.
Protocols for the various email listservers were discussed:
• The Daily Bulletin (announcements for students) is compiled and posted by school staff. The Daily Bulletin Listserver is administered by DHS PTA as a service to DHS families. Submissions should be sent to DHS Secretary Robin Cole at
• The PTA maintains the DHSPTA Listserver to facilitate school-to-familes communication of an urgent and time sensitive nature, especially for school-wide announcements and newsletter distribution. Announcements and requests for assistance from staff can be sent to the Media Listserver at Media volunteers responsible for the newsletter, the listserver, the PTA website, and the PTA web calendar will receive the messages simultaneously and will help disseminate information through the appropriate channels.
• The PTA maintains separate class listservers and each has its own listserver administrator (a parent volunteer with a child in that respective class).
• To sign up for any of the listservers visit the school website at The website is maintained by the DHS PTA Web Team made up primarily of parent volunteers.
Laurie Rollins asked whether counselors would distribute the Survival Guide to 10th grade families. Carol Curinga indicated that she did not know if the guide had been updated. Laurie said she understood that it had and copies had been made. She would check with Peg Smith and get back to Carol.
On Sept. 16 there will be a lunch meeting for students new to Davis. There will be a new parent welcome on October 26th at the home of school board member, Joan Sallee.
Committee Reports
Directory: Andra Northup is chairing work on the student directory. The data will be given to the PTA by Oct. 10. The goal is to have the directory available by November 1. Two home addresses will be provided for students when needed. DaVinci students will not be separate in the directory. Orders can be accepted until Oct. 1.
Parent Education: Shelley Bronzan is coordinating parent education. She circulated a survey to ascertain what topics interest parents. She is also surveying counselors and what speakers are available.
Old Business: Laurie Rollins reviewed the slate of nominees for the Executive Board. The position of Parliamentarian is open. Nominations from the floor were requested. Kathy Magrino agreed to put her name forward for Parliamentarian. Mary Northup moved that the slate of nominees be accepted as the 2005-06 Executive Board of the DHS PTA. Gina Daleiden seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There was no new business.
Announcements: The Davis Schools Foundation raised $32,000 in their spring campaign last year. They will host two fundraisers this fall, the Carouselebration on September 4 from 4:30-8:00 pm and the Best of the Barrel at Nugget on Friday, October 7 from 5:00-8:00 pm.
The Blue and White Foundation supports DHS sports teams and will be fundraising for stadium renovations.
Parents were encouraged to attend Back to School Night.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary