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October 5, 2005


Present: Kathy Magrino, Tsui Chang, Marnelle Gleason, Dorothy Yerxa, Diane Gubatayao, Sheila Allen, Jennifer Elmore, Barb Engel, Penny Smith, Mike Cawley, Sheila Smith, Linda Souza, Andra Northup, Susan Lovenburg, Gina Daleidan, Laurie Rollins, Shelley Bronzan, Gina Werfel, Susan Cosio, Victoria Bowne, Tim Taylor, Linda Parfitt, John Ortiz-Hutson, Nika Pancham-Perkins.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Nika Pancham-Perkins. Tanvir Kapoor was added to the agenda to make the Student’s Report.

The corrected minutes of the September 7th meeting were approved unanimously.

President’s Report – Nika Pancham-Perkins – Nika made a short presentation at Back-to-School Night welcoming parents and inviting them to participate in the PTA.

Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – Marnelle presented the 2004-05 audit report, completed by Ann Reioux. There are two outstanding checks #1353 and #1415 which Marnelle will investigate and issue stop payments as necessary. The Audit Report was unanimously adopted.

There was discussion as to whether or not the budget line for Tutoring Expense should be increased. This money is used to pay math and science tutors at a rate of $8/hour. Counselors refer students to this service as needed. Mike Cawley noted that the $1,000 budgeted was probably not sufficient.

A motion to increase the Tutoring Expense budget to $1500 was voted on unanimously.

The PTA has budgeted $750 for Friendship Day held at 3rd and B. Students are referred to this program by teachers and spend the day interacting with others they might not otherwise meet. Marnelle will pay this money to the school and also requested approval to pay $1000 as budgeted for Student Aid. Counselors use this money to assist seniors who require financial assistance.

A motion to approve payment of $750 for Friendship Day and $1000 for Student Aid to the school was unanimously approved.

Marnelle reported that there are 284 individual memberships and 360 family memberships to the PTA for a total of 1004 individuals joining.

Principal’s Report – Mike Cawley – Mike thanked the PTA for the Collaboration Breakfast provided to teachers on October 5. Barb Engel prepared the breakfast on behalf of the Hospitality Committee, but a chair for the committee is still needed. There are 250 volunteers on the committee with no one to coordinate their efforts.

The first AVID (Advance by Individual Determination) class has begun serving students whose families are underrepresented in college. The students receive tutoring as needed and help with note taking, college applications, etc. The program is staffed by four UCD interns.

Homecoming was a success with an enjoyable parade and a football win.

Vandalism costs DHS $40,000-$50,000 a year. To counter this, the school has installed surveillance cameras around the campus at a cost of $40,000. These will operate only during hours school is NOT in session.

Counselor’s Report – Jennifer Elmore – The first progress report was mailed home and counselors have begun meeting with students who need to improve grades. To assist these students, counselors are making referrals to after school study programs and student success workshops.

Counselors continue to assist seniors with college admissions through workshops and evening presentations and writing letters of recommendation. Jennifer circulated copies of the DHS school profile which is included with letters to private colleges.

Jennifer also reported on attendance at a CSU Conference which highlighted their 23 campuses. Specifically, Jennifer mentioned CSU Stanislaus, CSU San Bernardino, CSU Channel Islands and CSU Maritime (Vallejo) as having strong programs of interest to some DHS students.

Jennifer was asked by a parent how to contact a teacher who does not regularly check voice mail or email. Jennifer invited the parent to send the communication to her and she would see the teacher received a printed copy in their mailbox.

Oct. 11 will be the first college information meeting for parents of juniors.

Jennifer was also asked why progress report grades are not available for all classes. She replied that teachers are only required to file progress reports for students who are receiving a D or less in the course. Some teachers file progress reports for all students.

Vice-Principal’s Report – Sheila Smith – Sheila reported that DaVinci students received their planners. The Vice Principals have visited classrooms to discuss school rules and policies with students. Study groups are being set up for staff development. A first warning letter is being mailed to families whose students are regularly tardy or absent. Sheila was asked whether DHS has a reputation for poor attendance. She replied that in her opinion it is better than most schools.

Mike Cawley reported that DHS teacher Kevin Williams will receive the 2005 Preserve History Teacher of the Year Award on October 12 at 3:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. As part of the award, Kevin will receive $1,000.

A parent asked whether it is possible for her to request that her child not be allowed to leave school at lunch time. Sheila and Mike responded that it is not. Sheila indicated that the consequence of repeated tardies after lunch is that the student may not leave campus for a determined number of days and this usually acts as a deterrent to tardies.

Teacher’s Report – Penny Smith for Amy Schultze – Penny presented a report from Amy Schulze which included the following: • School to Career Pathway Day is October 18 • Sharon Hallberg in the library thanks the PTA for the subscription to Newsbank Online • The Social Studies Dept. is looking for parents interested in helping to evaluate the K-12 social science curriculum and textbooks. Contact Don Winters at • Copies of Monthly Moo, the FFA September newsletter, were circulated.

Student’s Report – Tanvir Kapoor – Tanvir Kapoor, ASB President, will represent sophomore, junior and senior students at PTA meetings. Students collected $4,000-$5,000 for Hurricane Katrina relief. Homecoming was a success due, in large part, to parent volunteers. is a new service, answering about 10 queries a day from students covering a wide variety of topics and concerns. Junior Prom and Youth in Government are coming up soon.

Committee and Parent Representative Reports

Gina attended Curriculum and Instruction in which dept. chairs and school administrators discuss curriculum related issues. Those students in danger of not passing the Exit Exam are being referred to after school study programs. Sheila Smith is working to create a clear process for parents to opt their children out of studying literature with content they disapprove. Clarifying current policy, Sheila noted that teachers must obtain parent permission to show students R rated videos.

There was a discussion of how counselors identify students who may be affected by test anxiety. If the student is not designated 504 or have an IEP, no accommodation in the testing can be made. However, counselors act as proctors for the testing and look for signs of anxiety. They can then follow up with the student and suggest strategies for overcoming test anxiety.

Laurie Rollins reported that DJUSD was one of three schools to receive a JAVITS grant to study the GATE program.

Susan Lovenburg reported that Site Council voted to reallocate $15,000 earmarked for the Vice Principal position to funding the financial secretary for this year.

Old Business

The PTA is still looking for a corporate sponsor for our Unfundraiser. Laurie Rollins will contact Debbie Davis for ideas.

Chap Clark will address teen issues at a free speaking engagement on Friday, October 28 at 7:00 pm at the University Covenant Church.

New Business

Laurie Rollins reported that DHS will receive a portion of Davis Turkey Trot registration fees if at least 180 people designate the school on their registration forms.

A motion was approved that DHS support the Davis Turkey Trot.

Marnelle Gleason asked how peer advocates should approach the PTA for Red Ribbon week funding. Requests should go to the PTA President.

Diane Gubatayo expressed interest in asking a Davis police officer to make a presentation on the Police Dept.’s gang suppression efforts.

Extra copies of the PTA monthly newsletter are available in the school office.

The meeting was adjourned by Nika Pancham-Perkins at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary