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December 7, 2005


Present: Gina Daleiden, Laurie Rollins, Mike Cawley, Marnelle Gleason, Shelley Bronzan, Barb Engel, Kathy Magrino, Amy Schulze, John Lammon, Courtenay Tessler, Doroty Yerza, Joan Anton, Sarah Taheri, Sarah Zhu, Susan Lovenburg

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Laurie Rollins. There were no changes to the agenda as presented.

The corrected minutes of the November 2nd meeting were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – $10,334 has been received in direct donations. Marnelle adjusted the budget to reflect actual expenditures. She has budgeted for a carry forward into next year of $1,000. She paid PTA insurance and money to DHS to cover math and science tutors. Marnelle questioned whether or not these tutors were actually employees of the PTA. It was discussed that the tutors were employed by DJUSD and PTA reimburses the cost of their salary and benefits to the District. Gina Daleiden will no longer have signing authority on PTA accounts.

A motion to pay PTA expenses in the amount of $4,182 passed unanimously.

Discussion of UnFundraiser Goals – Laurie Rollins – Laurie reported that a letter was circulated to DHS staff requesting proposals for PTA funding. A total of $50,537 in requests was received. A subcommittee of Laurie, Marnelle and Mike met to evaluate proposals and sorted them into three categories; those the PTA could fund from its regular budget, those that could be funded from the proceeds of the upcoming UnFundraiser and those that did not meet funding criteria. Laurie proposed making the requests from the Science department for $15,205, to pay for 9 digital cameras and computers for bio sci classes, and from the Ag department for $12,300, for equipment for the Introductory Ag Mechanics I class, the 1st and 2nd priority focus of our UnFundraiser campaign.

A motion was introduced that the PTA make the request from the Science dept for $15,205 to pay for 9 digital cameras and computers for science classes the first priority of our unFundraiser campaign and the request from the Ag dept for $12,300 for equipment for the Introductory Ag Mechanics I class the second priority. The motion passed unanimously.

Laurie will pursue a matching grant for the UnFundraiser. Solicitation letters for the campaign will go home to families in late January.

Gina will be stepping down as Executive Vice President of the DHS PTA to avoid conflict of interest with her new position on the Davis Board of Education. Laurie will schedule an Executive Board meeting in the near future.

Principal’s Report – Mike Cawley – Mike reported that he has received approval for placement of a storage container for PE equipment on school grounds. The District is willing to place the container but will not pay for it and Mike asked whether the PTA could do so. The PTA does not currently have $3,000 to fund the container. Discussion was tabled for a later meeting. Doug Wright has accepted the art position vacated by the death of Arlynne Crandall. He will begin at DHS when a replacement is found for him at Emerson. Mike congratulated Deb Kimokeo on receiving her PhD. A memorial bench recognizing John Blevens will be placed in front of the boys’ lockeroom.

Vice-Principal’s Report – John Lammon – the after school program is going well, but about 20 kids are waitlisted. The course catalog is being updated. Dec. 5 PSAT scores have not yet been received. The Junior Prom is this Saturday. The event is sold out. The school recently underwent a safety inspection by North Bay and was notified of minor issues that needed to be addressed. IDs will be printed onsite at the time of registration next year.

Counselor’s Report – Courtenay Tessler – Courtenay thanked the PTA for breakfast at the staff meeting. The counselors are finishing college letters and now begin working on scholarship letters. Seniors requesting early admission notification from colleges should begin hearing Dec. 10-15. Courtenay asked what was happening with the Survival Guide. Laurie reported that she had no response when she queried Peg Smith. The counselors are visiting 10th grade classes as part of the Choices program. Counselors encourage parents with 11th grade students to attend College Nights to learn about the college application process. Seniors are preparing for senior year activities. There is not sufficient money in the Counseling scholarship fund to cover cost of senior activities for all senior students with reduced-price lunch status. Therefore, partial funding is offered.

Teacher’s Report – Amy Schultze – The Muslim Student Association raised over $21,000 for earthquake victims in Pakistan with their Thanksgiving Eve Benefit Dinner. The government students just competed in the congressional district “We the People” Contest, DSHS is producing the new musical Seussical, the Music Staff invites parents to attend their December concerts, the Art Dept. is asking for ideas and donations for a memorial at the school for Arlynne Crandall, Ag students planted 6 acres of cover crops at Harper Jr. High, the German Club is in charge of the STEAC coat drive this year and will host 25 students and two teachers from Germany next April.

Student’s Report – Sarah Taheri – Senior shirts have been designed and will available for $10, the Bogus Ball will be held March 10 and raises money for the Senior Ball which will take place May 13 at the Sheraton.


A motion to provide $500 to Counselors for snacks for the After School Program passed unanimously.

Forty students still have not passed the California exit exam known as CAHSEE. The C&I committee is discussing whether or not these students can participate in graduation.

Laurie will notify teachers regarding the status of their requests for funding from the PTA.

Parent Information Nights for next year’s 9th graders will be held February 2 and 6. Planners for next year’s 9th graders will be due on Feb. 21.

Deb Kimokeo will present at parent information night at the February PTA meeting. The topic will be brain research with respect to learning.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary