January 4, 2006
Present: Laurie Rollins, Mike Cawley, Marnelle Gleason, Shelley Bronzan, Sheila Smith, Kathy Magrino, Amy Schulte, Linda Parfitt, Tim Taylor, Linda Preciado, Susan Lovenburg, Nika Pancham-Perkins
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by Nika Pancham-Perkins. Nika commented that she was pleased the Junior Prom went well.
The corrected minutes of the December 7 meeting were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – Marnelle reported that she had paid expenses amounting to $5,913.80 in December as detailed in her report. The balance in hand is $14,442.71.
Laurie Rollins reported that she notified all staff who submitted funding proposals to the PTA regarding the status of their request.
Principal’s Report – Mike Cawley – Mike reported that he recently learned of an Intel Foundation Matching Grant Program which encourages Intel employees to volunteer in schools. For every 20 hours an employee volunteers, the school receives $200 in cash. Mike will send information on the program to the DHS PTA Media Listserve so it can be disseminated to parents.
Mike will use his discretionary funds to purchase a PE storage container.
There are still 42 students who have not passed the CAHSEE exit exam. For the most part these are full inclusion and/or English Language Learner students. All have been offered tutorial assistance. The test was last administered in November and the scores from that test will be available on January 10. The Davis School Board will be considering whether to award a Certificate of Achievement to those students who are unable to pass the CAHSEE. Such a certificate will not count as a high school degree, however, and those students’ career choices will be limited.
Mike asked whether parents liked having 2 ½ weeks at Winter Break. For the most part, parents present responded that they did. Mike reported that the Board is also considering whether to make Spring Break two weeks long. One parent noted that a break between semesters would be welcome.
Correspondence – Susan Lovenburg – Susan read thank you notes addressed to the PTA from Michele Larsen, Kelly Wilkerson, the HUB staff, and the DHS counselors.
Counselor’s Report – Linda Preciado – Linda reported that program planning for 9th, 10th and 11th graders is underway. Information nights for parents of next year’s 10th graders will be Feb. 2 and 6.
There will be a College Fair at UCDavis on April 30 and May 1. Information will be in the next newsletter.
Vice-Principal’s Report – Sheila Smith – Staff are completing a progress report for accreditation as required by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The report will be ready soon and Sheila asked that parents review it.
Sheila reminded parents that there is a 10-day cut-off date for approving an absence. If a parent does not contact the school within 10 days after the absence, the absence remains unexcused and cannot be changed. Shelley Bronzan mentioned that she had phoned the school to excuse absences, but had never received a return call. Mike indicated that she should receive a call back.
Sheila also reported that there is a new system in place for parents leaving messages or items for students during the school day. There is a drop-off box in the office and parents should tell their children to check the box if they have forgotten a lunch, homework, text, instrument, etc. Sheila indicated that the volume of these items and messages received daily, precludes the office from interrupting classes to deliver them.
Teacher’s Report – Amy Schulte – Amy reported that the “We the People” contest will be held Feb. 1 and 2. The Model United Nations Club plans to go to a conference at UC Santa Cruz on Jan. 21. There will be a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 31 from 7:30-8:30 for students and parents interested in the AVID program. Academic Decathlon is preparing for a county meet on Feb. 4 in Woodland. Davis FFA will be hosting the Yolo Section Speaking contest on Jan. 31 and will put on the 1st Annual Davis Agriscience Fair that same day. Everyone is invited and the completed greenhouse will be unveiled.
Student’s Report – Tanvir Kapoor – There was no report as Tanvir was absent.
Nominating Committee Report – Kathy Magrino – Kathy reported that the Nominating Committee consisting of three members and two alternates needs to form soon. According to the National PTA bylaws, our slate of nominees for next year’s board needs to be prepared by March. There was discussion about how to recruit parents for the committee and for participation in next year’s PTA. It was decided that Nika should make brief presentations at the Information Night for Parents of Incoming 10th graders and to Holmes, Harper and Emerson PTAs.
Linda Parfitt agreed to participate on the Nominating Committee.
Committee Reports – Laurie reported that there was discussion of Copyright Law at the Curriculum and Instruction meeting and Shelley reported that community building involving PTA hospitality efforts was discussed at the November Leadership meeting.
New Business – Laurie presented information on tobacco retail licensing ordinances and the Yolo County Anti-Tobacco Youth Coalition’s request for a letter of support for establishing such an ordinance in Davis. Members considered a letter drafted by Susan expressing the PTA’s support and suggested a few changes.
A motion to send a letter in support of a Davis Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance was approved unanimously.
Deb Kimokeo will make a parent education presentation on the brain and learning at the February 1 PTA meeting at 7:30 am in the library. Her presentation will be preceded by a short business meeting at 7:00 pm.
The PTA currently has no representative on the School Climate Committee, chaired by Don Winters. Nika will find out what is entailed and will look for a volunteer.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary