February 1, 2006
Present: Laurie Rollins, Mike Cawley, Carol Curinga, Marnelle Gleason, Shelley Bronzan, Kathy Magrino, Dorothy Yerxa, Diane Gubatayao, Lisa Leigh, Susan Lovenburg
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Laurie Rollins.
The corrected minutes of the December 7 meeting were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – Marnelle presented a profit and loss report for Dec. 7, 2005 – Feb. 1, 2006. Expenses totaled $5,914.85 and income was $20.00. Total assets are $14,458.16. Marnelle has been given the extra copies of the student directory and will sell them for $6.00 a copy.
Counselor’s Report – Carol Curinga – Carol thanked the PTA for the food at the staff meeting and also for the white board purchased for the conference room. Carol mentioned the following events that are coming up: program planning for next year, parent information night for parents of next year’s 10th graders, College Night for juniors and their parents and the Senior Bogus Ball. The events are described in detail in the DHS News. Although Bogus Ball is a fundraiser for Senior Ball, it is open to all students. Carol also mentioned that Sac City college courses are available to DHS students. She recommended that parents visit losrios.edu for information on what courses are available.
Principal’s Report – Mike Cawley – Mike reported that the PE storage container is now in place on the school grounds. Only 14 DHS seniors have not passed the CAHSEE. Recently passed legislation exempts this year’s students with IEPs from needing to pass the CAHSEE to graduate. There will be two more opportunities for students to take the Exit Exam this year. On March 21-22 the CAHSEE will be given to all sophomores for the first time. There will be a letter sent home to parents with this information. More information is also available at cde.gov. A District committee is looking at how to handle those students who meet all other graduation criteria but have not passed the CAHSEE.
New Business – Kathy Magrino nominated Linda Parfitt, Shelley Bronzan, Stacy Black and alternates Barb Engle and Amy Seropian to serve on the Nominating Committee charged with putting forward a slate of candidates for the 2006-07 DHS PTA Executive Board. There were no new nominations from the floor.
Membership of the Nominating Committee was unanimously approved.
Old Business – Laurie reported that the Unfundraiser solicitation letter was mailed to all parents. Laurie has a few leads on corporate sponsors and has submitted a grant application to Calgene.
Laurie reported that the PTA still has no representation on the School Climate Committee. Diane Gubatayao agreed to attend meetings and report back to the PTA.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 and was followed by a presentation by Deb Kimokeo on the brain and learning.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary