November 2, 2005
Present: Gina Daleidan, Laurie Rollins, Mike Cawley, Marnelle Gleason, Shelley Bronzan, Barb Engel, Sheila Smith, Kathy Magrino, Amy Schulze, Jean Meyer.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Gina Daleidan filling in for President Nika Pancham-Perkins who was absent due to family illness. Dorothy Yerxa took notes in the absence of secretary Susan Lovenburg.
The corrected minutes of the October 5th meeting were approved unanimously.
Counselor’s Report – Jean Meyer – Jean reported on the Counselling Dept.’s ongoing efforts to assist seniors applying to colleges and supporting all students in achieving success at school.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – Marnelle presented a budget report. Laurie Rollins indicated that there were some expenses for the newcomers welcome at Joan Sallee’s house.
Tsui Chang submitted a request for no more than $100 to cover Internet connection expenses while she’s out of town.
Principal’s Report – Mike Cawley and Sheila Smith
•Grades are due for the 1st quarter next week •November 1st is the day for winter sports season •Davis High School will be in the newly formed Delta Valley League •4 new picnic tables were delivered and installed around the Instructional Performing Arts Building • 80 students need to pass one or both parts of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) • Student study teams, 2-6 students, are being seen on a daily basis, usually for poor attendance which is affecting student performance. Teachers, counselors and teachers conduct the meetings with parents and student.
Teacher’s Report – Amy Schultze – Penny presented a report from Amy Schulze.
Student’s Report – Tanvir Kapoor – Tanvir thanked the PTA for their donation to defer the cost of student planners. Student Government is running the KCRA Kids Can! Food Drive.
New Business
There are 250 hospitality volunteers but a coordinator is still needed.
Mary Northup reported that the directory was sent to the printer and will be mailed to homes by November 14.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.22 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary