May 3, 2006
Present: Linda Parfitt, Kathy Magrino, Barb Engel, Courteney Tessler, Sue Vigano, Sadie Polen, Mike Cawley, Gail Heckemeyer, Brett Stone, Dorothy Yerxa, Amy Schulte, Sheila Smith, Marnelle Gleason, Laurie Rollins, Shelley Bronzan, Tsui Chang, Susan Lovenburg
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Laurie Rollins.
Tom Duffy and Jim Hopp reported on the work of the DJUSD Best Uses of Schools Task Force. In light of declining enrollment in the District and the subsequent decline in state funding, this Task Force is charged with recommending how the District can best use its facilities over the next ten years. Closure of one or two elementary schools may be recommended as may program cuts. In addition, the Task Force is looking at ways to generate revenue to make up the budget shortfall. The Task Force will be making its recommendations to the Board in November 2006 and any changes would take place in the 2007-08 school year.
The corrected minutes of the April 5 meeting were unanimously approved.
Student’s Report - The sophomore class is selling t-shirts for $8-$10. The Senior Ball will be held Saturday, May 13. 500 tickets have been sold. Three graduation speakers have been chosen and will be announced shortly. The incoming student body president reported that student government applications are due Friday. Student planners will be ordered in August. These cost $12,000, of which the PTA reimburses only about $3,000. There was discussion as to how the parent contribution could be increased. Marnelle suggested a stronger statement to parents encouraging a contribution of $5-$10.
Treasurer’s Report - Marnelle Gleason - The Unfundraiser total is $17,726. Sierra Healthcare donated $300. There was discussion as to whether there was $500 extra in the budget to give Sharon Hallberg to spend for the library.
A motion to give Sharon Hallberg $500 for the DHS library was unanimously approved.
Joan Anton requested that the Hospitality budget for the year be increased by $300.
A motion to increase this year’s hospitality budget by $300 was unanimously approved.
Counselor’s Report - Courteney Tessler - Courteney reported that everyone is looking forward to a successful Senior Ball. She also reported that the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education offers a program called the Western Undergraduate Exchange in which students from participating states can attend colleges at a cost of 150% of residential tuition instead of non-residential tuition. More information is available at There was some discussion as to whether more California schools are participating than have done so in the past. Courteney was not sure.
Presentation of the Outstanding Parent Volunteer Award - Laurie Rollins presented the Outstanding Parent Volunteer Award to Gail Heckemeyer for her service on the school listservers, the PTA, and the Site Council, as well as many booster groups and Grad Night. Gail thanked the PTA for the award.
Teacher’s Report - Amy Shulte - Staff thank the PTA for the breakfast; it was much appreciated. Michele Larsen sent thanks for Unfundraiser funds. Amy issued an open invitation to the PTA to attend the FFA Awards Banquet on May 17.
Principal’s/Assistant Principal Report - Sheila Smith and Mike Cawley - The 3 year WASC review has been completed with two recommendations made: all teachers should be CLAD-certified and information from the office should be translated into Spanish before distribution.
Mike reported that the May 2006 issue of Sacramento Magazine lists Davis High School and DaVinci as Super Schools.
In the initial week of STAR testing, DHS did not test 95% of its sophomores and juniors. Chances are good that the school will not qualify for an API score next year. School administrators will be contacting parents urging them to have students that opted out of the testing, test during make-up week so the target may be hit. Apparently, it is students who traditionally score well who are opting out of the testing. There was discussion as to whether parents were opting their students out of STAR testing because of the high number of tests (CAHSEE, SAT, AP) that already take place in the spring. While STAR testing does not affect a students grades or college applications, it does affect the schools rating which colleges use to evaluate high schools. If DHS fails to qualify for an API score two years in a row, the District as a whole is designated for program improvement by the state, which involves state management of District programs.
The CAHSEE test will be administered next week, as will AP tests.
New Business - Laurie Rollins reported that the Curriculum and Instruction Committee is recommending that DHS do away with their Spring Open House because it is poorly attended and teachers spend their time talking to only one or two parents. Mike Cawley indicated that Open House will remain, but there was discussion as to how attendance could be improved. Suggestions were to move it to the beginning of the second semester so that parents have an opportunity to meet new teachers, to schedule it before program planners are due so that parents and students may shop for courses, and to get the kids more involved in delivering the program for the evening.
Laurie asked PTA members to review the draft Student Wellness Policy and several other board policies and submit comments to her by email.
Announcements - The Staff Appreciation luncheon and Custodian dinner will be held on May 10. PTA Officer training for next year will take place in Rancho Cordova on May 24, and the June 7 meeting will be an Old Board/New Board meeting at Laurie Rollins house and will begin at 7:00 pm. There will be no general membership meeting on June 7th.
Sharon Hallberg thanked the PTA for their past support and encouraged them to continue supporting libraries. Continued funding will be needed for Newsbank. Sharon urged parents to support School Library Equitable Access to Digital Education Resources legislation and Prop 81 which will fund public library facilities including a satellite library in Walnut Park.
Laurie thanked Sharon for her service to DHS and the school library, and presented her with a check for $500 to use to purchase library materials.
Laurie then presented an opportunity from the District for DHS clubs to run concessions at DHS venues of the Junior Olympics taking place in Davis from June 28-July 3. Student Nutrition Services will buy all the food, but volunteers are needed to work 2 hour shifts for 12 hours a day over the 5 day period. Gross sales of $40,000-$50,000 are expected. Jazz Choir and Ski Team have expressed an interest. Laurie will attempt to get the word out to more clubs.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm by Laurie Rollins.
Respectfully submitted by
Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary