March 1, 2006
Present: Marnelle Gleason, Kathy Vidmar, Linda Parfitt, Lisa Leigh, Steve Williams, Kathy Magrino, Laurie Rollins, Jennifer Elmore, Barbara Tuchar, Shelia Smith, Suey Wong, Nelson Smith, Amy Shulte, Linda Souza, Stacey Black, Shelley Bronzan, Kim Nixon Tavenier
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Laurie Rollins.
The corrected minutes of the February 1, 2006 meeting were unanimously approved.
Counselor’s Report – Jennifer Elmore – Jennifer reported that program planning is well underway. Counselor’s made 37 presentations in classrooms during the last two weeks. Planners are due the week of March 6 and the following week will be clean-up. Unfortunately, spending so much time in classrooms means that counselors are not available to return calls and deal with student issues in the office.
Community college courses are offered free of charge to DHS students on the Davis and Sacramento campuses of Sac City. Woodland Community College is another option. Students may not take a community college course if the course is also offered at DHS. Some of the classes are college weighted. Some courses may require a pre-assessment of the student’s qualifications. Courses offered at UC Davis Open Campus are not free and students must meet prerequisites.
Steve Williams asked if Jennifer was aware that college credits on a high school transcript count as a year of NCAA eligibility. Jennifer said she did not know that and Sheila Smith commented that it was important to clarify as 60% of DHS students are athletes.
Jennifer Elmore later followed-up on this issue with the NCAA Clearinghouse and reports: “Work done in high school, put on the high school transcript, does not impact eligibility. Work done at community college not put on the transcript also does not impact eligibility. If a student graduates from high school and then takes community college classes this may impact their eligibility. The NCAA representative invited parents to call and ask any more questions at: 1- 877 -262-1492.”
Treasurer’s and Membership Report – Marnelle Gleason – Marnelle reported that she has deposited $9,371 in donations from the Unfundraiser campaign. $8,000 was budgeted. Together with the money in our special projects budget category we have about $12,000 to put toward the purchase of the 9 digital microscope systems. Marnelle reviewed the expenses for Feb. 1 – March 1 which totaled 1,020.25. Income for the same period was $114.00.
Marnelle presented the Audit Report from Dian Baker which stated, “I have examined the financial records of the treasurer of the Davis High School PTA and find them correct.” The report is dated Feb. 20, 2006.
The Auditor’s report was unanimously accepted.
Principal’s/Assistant Principal Report – Sheila Smith – The CAHSEE will be administered to 10th graders on March 21 and 22 (planner dates are incorrect). It is important that all students are in attendance. The test cannot be waived by parents.
Sheila reported that an advisory committee had been formed to look into the negative implications of the adjustment made in the number of classes students enrolled in Regional Occupational Programs (ROP), Work Experience or community college courses must take at DHS. The total is now 5 classes at DHS in addition to their ROP, work or community college course load. This change was required to bring the school back in compliance with the number of instructional minutes required by the state.
Teacher Report – Amy Shulte – Amy provided news from Elizabeth Holoman on the National French Contest, Carla Levin on health classes and Peer Helpers, and Don Winters on the We the People team. She also showed a slide presentation on the DHS Ag Science program.
Student Report – Tanvir Kapoor – Tanvir was not present and no report was given.
Old Business – Laurie reported that the Unfundraiser is $4,000 short of raising the money needed to fund the digital microscope systems for Biology classes. A proposal to Genentech to be our corporate sponsor was turned down. She is researching other corporate options.
Shelley reported that there would be a parent education session on driver safety at the April PTA meeting.
Committee Updates – The Nominating Committee presented a slate of candidates for next year’s DHS PTA Executive Board. They are as follows:
President: Laurie Rollins Executive Vice President: Kathy Magrino 1st Vice President: Eileen Jaffe 2nd Vice President: Susan Lovenburg Treasurer: Shelley McFarland Secretary: Melissa Franke Auditor: Dian Baker
There were no new nominations from the floor.
A motion to accept the slate of candidates was unanimously approved.
In accordance with the bylaws, the slate will now be posted on the website and in the school office. Elections will be held at the April PTA meeting after taking nominations from the floor.
The PTA membership/directory information form was evaluated by Andra and Mary Northup, Linda Souza and Tsui Chang and changes for next year were suggested. Members present agreed that the form was confusing and could be tweaked as suggested.
It was agreed that three student scholarships in the amount of $350 each would be awarded. Student scholarship requests will be evaluated by Kim Taverrier and Kathy Magrino.
Susan Lovenburg reported that the Davis Schools Foundation is seeking volunteers and she has agreed to be the DSF/DHS liaison.
Staff Appreciation Day is May 10 and Joan Anton will coordinate a luncheon for them as well as a dinner for the custodians.
New Business – Laurie Rollins requested that a committee be formed to evaluate nominations for Educator and Volunteer awards. Lisa and Susan volunteered to assist Laurie.
Tsui Chang has been authorized to obtain a domain name for DHS that would be shorter and easier to remember than the URLs we currently use. The registration fee will be about $15/year. The virtual hosting fee of about $13/month will be waived after switching the current website from a shell account to a SimpleSite or Plone site through DCN. After discussion, it was agreed that the meeting time would remain 7:30 pm. It was also agreed that a June general meeting would not be scheduled.
A motion to raise PTA dues from $8 to $10 in the 2006-07 school year was unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 by Laurie Rollins.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Lovenburg, DHS PTA Secretary