October 6, 2004
Present: Peg Smith, Torsten Christian, Corinne Esser, Gina Daleiden, Laurie Rollins, Lynda Yancher, Linda Souza, Carla Lehn, Paula Badham, Sally Ryen, Rachel Jones, Mike Cawley, Guy Michelier, Courtenay Tessler, Kathy Vidmar, Barbara Engel, Heidi Loper, John Lammon
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Peg Smith.
- Welcome and Introductions-Peg Smith -All introduced
- Acceptance of September Minutes--The minutes of September 1, 2004
were accepted unanimously.
- President’s Report--Peg Smith--the newsletter, directory are going
- Treasurer’s Report-Carla Lehn--We are above projections. $30,000 is
in checking account. $614.52 under Special Projects was spent for the
lunch table for DaVinci. $750 was spent on Friendship Days.
- Student Representative Reports--Torsten Christian reported that the
float building is wrapped up and gave thanks to those parents who
helped out. Rachel Jones reported on Red Ribbon Week. There will be red
wrist bands and ribbons. Homeroom will give candy to those who wear.
The school will be decorated with red crepe paper and signs. The “potty
press” in the bathrooms will have information pertaining to health
facts. The dates are October 23--31.
Sally Ryen will be here at 6:15 next month prior to PTA meeting. She has a Suicide Prevention program she’s abbreviated dealing with recovering from depression, and stress and hot lines available in Yolo County along with warning signs.
- Principal’s Report-Mike Cawley
The P Building is open. The Weight Room and Dance are opening Monday. Metal Shop was ready last week. Performing Arts will be ready with a November 18th opening ceremony. There are safety concerns and so they are taping to keep people off the field during half time. Teachers have applications to join PTA in their boxes. We need parent volunteers to work copy machine. 100,000 copies are made per week. In the 4th period classes, respect and dignity was encouraged and students were asked to stay out of trouble. Peg said PTA will do beautification day when construction is done.
- Assistant Principal--John Lammon
He will be the Grand Marshal in the homecoming parade. He’s working on building relationships he considers his strength. His areas of responsibility is for the Sophomore Class, Student Attendance, Technology Committee concerns of departments , activities liason, and climate committee. Heidi Loper’s area of responsibility is curriculum and instruction and the Junior Class.
- Counselor’s Report--Courtenay Tessler --She passed out the School
Profile for 2004-2005. She referred us to the GPA Decile Rankings
indicating that the GPAs are getting higher and higher. Our top 4% is
above a 4.3. 60% has a 3.0. There are an equal number on the bottom as
on the top. How can we better serve the bottom? It’s getting harder to
get into colleges now. Schools that never closed out did. Students
can’t wait until May 1st to decide. 30% are going to 2 year colleges.
Also we are seeing a huge increase in students going to out-of-state
colleges. There has been a real shift in what we have done in the past.
There are 2,000 campuses and only 100 are highly selective--so she
tells kids to do the math. We need to shift the messages we are giving
students. It’s a smart move to go to a 2-year college and save money
for grad school. There are students taking too many A.P. classes. There
must be a balance. Students need to be in activities and have fun. You
are only in high school once. Seniors are getting pressure from peers.
All counselors are meeting to discuss the situation. U.C.s are research
oriented--and are not for everyone. She finds that Chico has an
excellent Science and Engineering program. There are summer programs
that anyone can go to. There are so many more possibilities outside
California. They are talking up community and state schools. Jr. High
needs to be more aware of what’s happening.
- Teacher’s Representative--No Report
- Parent Representative Advisory--Gina reported that C&I
(Curriculum & Instruction) had 1st meeting and the calendar is set.
No one comes close to the number of courses we offer--there are so many
choices. 80--86% get their first choice. The problem is that what they
want in the spring is often different by fall. Summer school classes
effect this. Being first doesn’t mean you get in. Courses are changing
every minute. It’s getting tighter and class sizes are increasing.
Think through the course you want and stick to it.
GATE advisory--per Laurie, 3rd graders are all tested. Qualifying scores may change.
Leadership Team-Mike Cawley -Getting new members--helping direct collaboration times
Site Council--Sally Ryen -Doing bylaw changes. The real action starts in the spring.
- Membership-Guy Michelier--for membership we have a total of 992
(218 individual and 387X2 for family members).
Directory--Guy thanked Barbara for volunteering. October 1st was deadline for changes. They are going through every form and will have to check with downloads. Linda Souza volunteered to help Guy. This all must be done by Thanksgiving.
Ways & Means--Laurie Rollins -Ideas are for calculators for math class, bus stop shelter, and medic subscription for library. Gina mentioned that challenge grants to go with fundraisers would help. A donor to purchase the new sign for the front of the school came forward. Signs for performing arts and corner sign should be complimentary. The cost will be between $4,000-- & $6,000. Next month, we will pin down the cost for the sign.
Hospitality-Lynda Yancher --Looking for people. Creating ads for Listserv. Once a month they will serve breakfast.
Listservs--Dorothy is a new coordinator
- Announcements--Peg Smith will not be here for next month’s meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham
DHS PTA Secretary