May 31, 2005
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Sally Ryen, Dorothy Yerxa, Tsui Chang, Guy Michelier, Mike Cawley, Barbara Engel, Cathy Louie, Andres Uyeda , Heidi Loper
- Meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Peg Smith, President.
A student, Kaitlin Louie, then gave us her presentation about Air Quality Assessment that she conducted at Davis Senior High School. Results included that there are too many cars, not enough bike racks. Inside, there is too much dust. But, overall, air quality is not too bad.
- Treasurer’s Report--Peg Smith handed out Carla Lehn’s report. We
raised $41,655.93. We have $8,278.26 in the account. We have a slush
fund amount of $4,000, so we could spend that now if we choose to. It
was decided, after discussion, to purchase benches for the campus. A
motion was made to use $4,000 for new benches for the campus and was
passed unanimously.
- Principal’s Report--Mike Cawley reported that Heather West got the
C.I.F. award for Female Athlete for the State of California. Also Fan
Yang came in 2nd for her work on dental caries for the Siemens
Westinghouse Science Competition.
- Counselor’s Report--Andres Uyeda --Students who are moving need to
pick up transcripts. Schedule will be out by Fall. Letters will be
going out about the orientation. If students are gone, they can pick up
schedules the first days of school.
- Vice-Principal’s Report--Heidi Loper--Senior Awards Night is a big
night for seniors. It will be on June 1st in the evening. Information
is on the website. Heidi announced she is moving to Palm Springs.
- President’s Report--Peg Smith
A motion was made that we approve the PTA board as it stands and was passed unanimously.
As far as collaboration time, it will probably be a Wednesday morning time. Outstanding teachers awards went to Nancy Coulson and Gwen Bruch. Student awards are coming out soon.
As far as the P.E. shed update, Tahir and Murphy are working on getting that done.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham DHS PTA Secretary